The Random Crap Thread

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Fun Size said:
For some reason, this struck me as really creepy.

Skip to 4:17 ish and there's the some reason. :rofl:

eta: ugh gosh darn it I never get the youtube right!!!!

Philosopher B.

What is it you want, Allen? What do you want? You want the moon?

Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon, Allen.

Then you can swallow it, and it'll all dissolve, see ... and the moonbeams would shoot out of your fingers and your toes and the ends of your hair ... am I talking too much?


Staff member
To me, taking pride in a job that seems small is better than not trying at all because you think it doesn't matter.


Staff member
Man, oh, man. I love catching up with my oldest friend, but it always makes me remember what a safe environment I've grown up in. She's not really an edgy person; she's just more used to dysfunction than I am. She talks casually about her crackhead coworkers and the ones who got off for manslaughter because they couldn't find the gun.... there are less extreme examples but those two leap to mind.

I am always surprised when she mentions someone like that--not shocked, but "Wow, I didn't know you could do that much crack and still function for work..."

She's a really cool person. I envy her for going out on her own early in life. Granted, that's partly because her mom told her to get out at 18 because she was getting tired of her children :)(). She's the kind of person who shrugs off that kind of hurt. On one hand, I'm glad I'm not as nonchalant as her about some things. On the other hand, I hate telling her my stupid problems when she's been through so much more than I have. It's not as if she minds. She's as sweet as she can be, and will listen to anyone happily. I guess this is just another, "God could I be more white bread" entry of Leslie's Halforum Journal

Ah well, whatever. She's the coolest person ever, and we're having dinner for her bday thursday night! And then we're going to listen to my brother play. Good times, catching up with friends. ^_^ We were born 3 weeks apart, and our parents were friends, so I've known her as long as I can remember. It's nice knowing I know someone non-family, non-boyfriend who will always always accept and love me and know that I'll do the same.
for seej:


Staff member had an article about how the SciFi Channel set up a Cafe Diem (from Eureka) a few blocks from the convention center for the San Diego Comic Con. The article seemed rather pointless, but I bust out laughing for several minutes at one of the comments:

Do they have WyFy?



Damn, wish I'd known about that Café Diem. Wish even more it was like the one in the show.
Greazt game; though the level titles do give away most solutions. One had me puzzled for a bit, I admit, but even so, only seconds :)

In this last week I've lost both my MST3K night and my DnD group due to shifting work schedules. I went from a weekend of hanging out with friends and having fun, to sitting at home playing video games and watching tv. :(
All right now, here we go ...
Now we're gonna tell you a little story
About the way we like to party - take ya on a trip!
That's right
I'm goin' way down south where the big blue agave grow,
Takin' a weekend trip down to Baja, Mexico!
Where you can drink the water, but don't ya eat the ice,
Take your vitamin "T" with salt 'n lemon slice ...
I say,
One shot...Hey! Mas Tequila-
Two shots...Hey! Hey! que veneno-
Three shots...Hey! Arriba! Hey! Hey! Hey! Mas Tequila!
She did a mean macarena to the funky cold medina
Behind a body shot and three margaritas.
She'll drink it straight from the bottle, terra cotta jug,
From a boda bag coppin' a major buzz.
I say,
One shot...Hey! Mas Tequila-
Two shots...Hey! Hey! que veneno-
Three shots...
Uno mas, more...mas tequila!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Yo can drink the water, but don't ya eat the ice;
Take your vitamin "T" with salt 'n lemon slice!
I say,
One shot...Hey! Mas Tequila-
Two shots...Hey!hey! Que veneno
Three shots...Hey!Arriba! Hey! Hey! Hey! Mas Tequila!
One shot...Hey! more tequila!
Two shots...Hey! Hey! que veneno!
Three shots... Hey! Ay yi yi yi yi ...
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Mas Tequila!
No mas, no mas ....[/blink:2mp8am6l]


Philosopher B.

Love Derrick Comedy. :D

Also, I'm about to eat a chocolate cream-filled donut. Yay me!
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