The Random Crap Thread

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Philosopher B.

From Dio's website:

Here is an update from Wendy Dio on Ronnie's battle with stomach cancer:

Well, it has been a very exhausting month – after all the neverending tests in Los Angeles, we flew to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, and as soon as we arrived, we got a call from the MD Anderson Hospital that they had an appointment for us with the doctor we originally wanted, so we then flew to Houston to the clinic, and of course MORE tests, but Ronnie finished receiving his first chemo treatment on Wednesday, and all is going very well.

I would like to thank Tony Martell from the T.J. Martell Foundation, Dr. Stuart Aaronson from Mount Sinai, Lindsay Brown and Mike Carden from Eagle Records, and our very own Dr. Sandeep Kapoor, for all your help in getting us into MD Anderson, and also our friends Geezer and Gloria Butler, who flew to Houston to be with Ronnie while he had his chemo.

Ronnie and I are totally overwhelmed by the amount of well wishes that we have received from friends and fans - we are reading them all. Some make us laugh, some make us cry, but all of them are so filled with love that it gives us so much support and makes Ronnie even more determined to fight this battle and win. Thank you all for the positive energy and prayers.

--Wendy Dio

Rock on Dio. We need you to make albums for years to come

I have Grave of the Fireflies (which I have never seen) and Princess Mononoke (which I haven't seen in years) waiting to be watched. I fear to watch GotFF because I have been told over and over how emotionally devastating it is (though it is also supposed to be an amazing movie).

Kitty Sinatra

On a brighter note, I seem to have lost the little jiggle my tummy does when I descend stairs. I don't know how I lost it, as I've done nothing different than before, and because we're finally getting snow (and thus ice) I haven't been out for a run since before Christmas. Did stuffing my face full of turkey and chocolate make me fitter? Happier, certainly. I'm not more productive, though comfortable, but I do still drink too much.
I have Grave of the Fireflies (which I have never seen) and Princess Mononoke (which I haven't seen in years) waiting to be watched. I fear to watch GotFF because I have been told over and over how emotionally devastating it is (though it is also supposed to be an amazing movie).
Grave of the Fireflies is on my watch list but I'm afraid to as well. It's been compared to Schindler's List which I refuse to watch. I do real bad with war movies and (non-comedic/horror movie) death and GotFF sounds exactly as you said.. Emotionally devastating.[/QUOTE]

Just watched it. It's a great movie, but yeah, very very sad. Worth the watch without a doubt.
Dunno about that. I a friend who was there made it. I really want to do the same for other parties now.

You can tell when midnight happened because we are all around the TV in the far room.

favorite screen shot!


Staff member
Is cracker a more obscure band than I think of them as? I have trouble finding tabs. (And that's cracker, not uncle cracker, or any other type of hard thin biscuit).
I think my brain is trying to tell me that I'm lonely. A week ago I had a dream about meeting a prostitute and going out for coffee, which lead to a long in-dream conversation about intimacy. Last night I had a dream about my high school graduation prom date (a bit of an old flame) and I making out on the bouncy castle they had set up for safe-grad.

I think my brain is trying to tell me that I'm lonely. A week ago I had a dream about meeting a prostitute and going out for coffee, which lead to a long in-dream conversation about intimacy. Last night I had a dream about my high school graduation prom date (a bit of an old flame) and I making out on the bouncy castle they had set up for safe-grad.

LOL@ - Buying prostitute just to have a conversation with.
Although, that IS an interesting idea. What would they have to say? Rob, you must make this documentary NAO!
I think my brain is trying to tell me that I'm lonely. A week ago I had a dream about meeting a prostitute and going out for coffee, which lead to a long in-dream conversation about intimacy. Last night I had a dream about my high school graduation prom date (a bit of an old flame) and I making out on the bouncy castle they had set up for safe-grad.

LOL@ - Buying prostitute just to have a conversation with.
Although, that IS an interesting idea. What would they have to say? Rob, you must make this documentary NAO![/QUOTE]

I actually spent a lot of time thinking about that the very next day after the dream. I'm sure someone has done it before.
There's a Woody Allen short story titled "The bitch from Mensa" (or something similar, I'm translating from the spanish title here) wich follows a similar idea. In a humurous way, of course.
There is the scene from The World According to Garp, where Glen Close's character does that. Then when she is finished with the conversation she hires her again to sleep with her son (Robin Williams). Who was in the cafe eavesdropping on the conversation.

Occasional Poster

Is it wishful thinking or just a regular monday morning when I look at the list of course literature and read 'Funniest Political Theory' instead of 'Feminist Political Theory'?

No offense to feminist political theory.


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Last night when "The Hangover" won for best comedy at the Golden Globes my wife yelled, "NO WAY!!" At that, the cat puffed up huge out of a dead sleep, jumped off of the couch and startled the dog who woke up growling and barking. This set off our other cat who hissed and attacked the dog, thinking he was attacking the first fluffy kitty. The dog then retaliated and the cat decided it wasn't worth his hide to fight so he yowled and took off, knocking shit over in the process. The dog - seeing a cat running away from him - gave chase, further knocking shit to and fro and knocking over all my Rock Band plastic instrumentation.

In closing, "The Hangover" winning best comedy at the Golden Globes is why I now suck at Rock Band.


Staff member
You should sue, Dave :p

Anyhoo... there's a huge hubbub going on here in Finland about a romantic musical (first one for a good while here), mainly because there's a lot of Finnish A-list actors in it. The biggest hamburger chain here, Hesburger, of course has a sponsorship agreement, and they are celebrating the film with a special burger: the mega-garlic burger.

The. Mega. Garlic. Burger.

Somehow I can't see how garlic and romance fit together.

Except in Twilight. Bella should scarf down a mega-garlic burger and then liplock with whatshisname. Humanity would cheer.
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