The Straub Effect

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So is it official that Straub divorced himself from Kurtz professionally?
They just put up their first Webcomics Weekly in around 9 months, so no, not completely.

You could call it a trial seperation though.


Kris is in Seattle right now, Scott will be there as soon as he can be, I think. They're both gonna work out of the PA offices.


The four of them get along really well, I think they're all pretty close and based off of webcasts and twitter, I think they all talk on the phone fairly often.
Fair enough, and they can all be buddies and whatnot.

But I'm sure you have friends who you wouldn't want to move into an apartment with you. :eek:hwell:


yeah.. I somehow envision Kurtz ruining the whole thing with a bad joke and him being forced out. You know he's gonna cross a line eventually by accident and piss people off.
yeah.. I somehow envision Kurtz ruining the whole thing with a bad joke and him being forced out. You know he's gonna cross a line eventually by accident and piss people off.
I'm trying really hard not to be biased against Kurtz but I'm a big enough fan of the PA guys and Straub that I'm afraid he'll act as a virus to them and their business. I'm sure the PA guys will stop it from getting that far but that'll just make Kurtz more butthurt again.

The whole idea just seems like a nightmare.


Staff member
yeah.. I somehow envision Kurtz ruining the whole thing with a bad joke and him being forced out. You know he's gonna cross a line eventually by accident and piss people off.
I'm trying really hard not to be biased against Kurtz but I'm a big enough fan of the PA guys and Straub that I'm afraid he'll act as a virus to them and their business. I'm sure the PA guys will stop it from getting that far but that'll just make Kurtz more butthurt again.

The whole idea just seems like a nightmare.[/QUOTE]

Aw you're still mad that he said he would never have your babies.


yeah.. I somehow envision Kurtz ruining the whole thing with a bad joke and him being forced out. You know he's gonna cross a line eventually by accident and piss people off.
I'm trying really hard not to be biased against Kurtz but I'm a big enough fan of the PA guys and Straub that I'm afraid he'll act as a virus to them and their business. I'm sure the PA guys will stop it from getting that far but that'll just make Kurtz more butthurt again.

The whole idea just seems like a nightmare.[/QUOTE]

Well, I think most of Kurtz' problems stem from his inability to finish ideas or follow through on them. At the very least, I doubt he will make other people lazy. If anything having Robert Khoo around will be help him.


Staff member
I think that they are going to be fine. Scott (and Kris) could REALLY use some of the information Khoo has to offer for the business side of things. I mean, Scott has done wonderfully for himself but he did so much better when all he did was the comic and had others to handle the business side of things.

But give them a break! If you were Scott wouldn't you do this? I would do it now and I have no talents they could use! Four friends working and creating together! Why does it have to be bad?

Go Scott! Have a blast and make us all laugh.


Staff member
The dialogue seemed awkward to me. I just don't get Straub's reply in the second panel, it seems unconnected to the conversation up to that point.
Scott really is not a bad guy when you meet him. I know this place loves to hate him after the whole halfpixel fiasco, but I still always think back to when I had dinner with him. He was just a really nice guy, he made some mistakes, I think we all do sometimes, and I hope Mike and Jerry can help him prevent those mistakes in the future.
I think a lot of people here like or are indifferent to Kurtz here Scythe, but those who dislike him are a vocal minority. I don't hate him, I treat him like any other artist, he does some good and some bad, so I feel comfortable praising him when he does the good and criticizing when he does not.
I see both Kurtz and Straub as admirable, but with faults. Straub's faults seem to be more self-directed (tragic), Kurtz's are more directed at those around him (catty). All other things being equal, the populace loves a good tragedy but hates a whiner, so Kurtz tends to get bubbled off from the rest more often (either on his own or by others). If the PA guys are taking time to make fun of Straub, they must genuinely be impressed.



Staff member
I have to be honest with you, I'm a little conflicted when it comes to Straub. I mean, I like his work, most of it is if not brilliant then dang good at least. It's his association with Kurt that bugs me somewhat. It's like seeing a delicious cake on the table next to a pile of fresh shit. They don't touch or anything, they may even be under glass covers, but when you plan to take a bite out of that delicious, moist cake you can't help but think it was just a couple of inches away from that pile of shit.

Just my personal opinion.
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