The Straub Effect

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I have to be honest with you, I'm a little conflicted when it comes to Straub. I mean, I like his work, most of it is if not brilliant then dang good at least. It's his association with Kurt that bugs me somewhat. It's like seeing a delicious cake on the table next to a pile of fresh shit. They don't touch or anything, they may even be under glass covers, but when you plan to take a bite out of that delicious, moist cake you can't help but think it was just a couple of inches away from that pile of shit.

Just my personal opinion.
and the cake is chocolate ladyfingers
I am amazed by the ability to hold a grudge against Kurtz around here. You'd think he had knocked up your sister or something.

(If one of you is Angela's brother, feel free to disregard the previous comment, and I apologize for the emotional anguish that the resultant mental image inflicted.)


Staff member
Well, in my defence I'd like to say it's not so much a grudge as disappointment. The fun-to-not-fun ratio in his comics has, in my perception, been dropping like a proverbial cow's tail.
I have to be honest with you, I'm a little conflicted when it comes to Straub. I mean, I like his work, most of it is if not brilliant then dang good at least. It's his association with Kurt that bugs me somewhat. It's like seeing a delicious cake on the table next to a pile of fresh shit. They don't touch or anything, they may even be under glass covers, but when you plan to take a bite out of that delicious, moist cake you can't help but think it was just a couple of inches away from that pile of shit.

Just my personal opinion.
Have you ever been to a McDonald's?
Well, in my defence I'd like to say it's not so much a grudge as disappointment. The fun-to-not-fun ratio in his comics has, in my perception, been dropping like a proverbial cow's tail.
You compared the man to a piece of shit because his free-to-read comic sometimes isn't funny?

My new goal in life is to be this well known someday. :biggrin:


Staff member
Well, in my defence I'd like to say it's not so much a grudge as disappointment. The fun-to-not-fun ratio in his comics has, in my perception, been dropping like a proverbial cow's tail.
You compared the man to a piece of shit because his free-to-read comic sometimes isn't funny?

My new goal in life is to be this well known someday. :biggrin:[/QUOTE]

Jaysus, it was just a metaphor.

Also, I said his comic has gotten less funny. Don't put words in my mouth. Not unless they are written on chocolate chip cookies.
I am amazed by the ability to hold a grudge against Kurtz around here. You'd think he had knocked up your sister or something.

(If one of you is Angela's brother, feel free to disregard the previous comment, and I apologize for the emotional anguish that the resultant mental image inflicted.)
This is irrelevant, as Kurtz has made no secret of his sterility. :uhhuh:
You compared the man to a piece of shit because his free-to-read comic sometimes isn't funny?

My new goal in life is to be this well known someday. :biggrin:
He's compared to a piece of shit because that's exactly what he acts like. Nothing doing with his comic strip's amusement or lack thereof.
I think it will be fine. By all accounts, Khoo runs a tight ship, and I can't imagine a pro like him letting Scott muck around in things he's not supposed to.

On the flipside, there is clearly a lot Scott could learn from the PA guys in terms of how to run his business, and as long as Scott isn't actually setting up office in their bathroom, I think this will be good for him.
I have to be honest with you, I'm a little conflicted when it comes to Straub. I mean, I like his work, most of it is if not brilliant then dang good at least. It's his association with Kurt that bugs me somewhat. It's like seeing a delicious cake on the table next to a pile of fresh shit. They don't touch or anything, they may even be under glass covers, but when you plan to take a bite out of that delicious, moist cake you can't help but think it was just a couple of inches away from that pile of shit.

Just my personal opinion.
They're friends man. I hope that even if you don't like a friend's work (and who's to say he doesn't, I don't mind Kurtz's stuff generally myself) you wouldn't fucking Peter the apostle him.


Staff member
I have to be honest with you, I'm a little conflicted when it comes to Straub. I mean, I like his work, most of it is if not brilliant then dang good at least. It's his association with Kurt that bugs me somewhat. It's like seeing a delicious cake on the table next to a pile of fresh shit. They don't touch or anything, they may even be under glass covers, but when you plan to take a bite out of that delicious, moist cake you can't help but think it was just a couple of inches away from that pile of shit.

Just my personal opinion.
They're friends man. I hope that even if you don't like a friend's work (and who's to say he doesn't, I don't mind Kurtz's stuff generally myself) you wouldn't fucking Peter the apostle him.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, I've never heard of using apostles as verbs. How do you Peter the apostle someone? :)
You compared the man to a piece of shit because his free-to-read comic sometimes isn't funny?

My new goal in life is to be this well known someday. :biggrin:
He's compared to a piece of shit because that's exactly what he acts like. Nothing doing with his comic strip's amusement or lack thereof.[/QUOTE]

Easy cowgirl, I was simply referring to his particular reason. I know you guys enjoy holding on to the hatred for the Kurtz for your own, personal reasons. Whatever trips your trigger.


Staff member
The Kurtz hate is strong with this one. Yessssss! YEEEEESSSSSSSS! Let the hate flow through you!

(I still like Kurt.)
Honestly, I don't care about Kurtz personally one way or another. Sometimes his comic makes me laugh - other times not so much. Really, I just hate to see anyone expending energy into maintaining a hatred that really doesn't accomplish anything. It's not like Scott is out there right now thinking about us, the good times we had, the discussions of his work each day, the way he used to hold after making love.


I...I may have said too much that time.


Staff member
Fun Size,

Just sit back and watch the overreacting. That's what the internet is all about!

It's about


some passion

Yeah, I know. I'd just rather see people apply their passion to important things, like human suffering or pie.


Staff member
but yes this thread has all the vibes of the crazy ex-lover that will just NOT let it fucking go. All becoming fans of "YOU SHOULDVE JUST NOT LIED, JACKASS" and "THE MORE MEN I DATE THE MORE I LOVE MY DOG" on Facebook before proclaiming they're going to "Singles Awareness Day".
I met Kurtz once in person. He seemed alright, if a little aloof and a little arrogant. Otherwise, he was nice enough, and even offered us a free skull doll for my boy.

Online, that "little" aloofness and arrogance gets blown way out of proportion, oftentimes into total douchbaggery. I get the impression that he actively cultivates this image, so, meh, whatever.


Staff member
I just think he's one of those people who come across differently than they intended online. I knew a girl who was the sweetest and nicest person you could ever meet but customers HATED her on the phone because they thought she was a total bitch.

I think Scott is the same way on the net. He's misunderstood a lot and that gets blown way out of proportion, then he compounds it by getting defensive and trying to explain himself. He doesn't LIKE looking like the bad guy so he tries to change minds and we all know how easy that can be.


Staff member
Also, I hardly think people are devoting huge amounts of seething hatred. I think people exaggerate emotion to make up for the lack of inflection in text. Hate = irritated once mildly, etc.
Also, I hardly think people are devoting huge amounts of seething hatred. I think people exaggerate emotion to make up for the lack of inflection in text. Hate = irritated once mildly, etc.
Mostly this.

Personally I don't think too highly of kurt just because he comes across as... well it's hard to find the right word. He doesn't seem like the kind of man you can could disagree with, especially when it comes to webcomics, just because he wouldn't let it go.

He often reminds me of a toned down Bobby Crosby, in a way.
Also, I hardly think people are devoting huge amounts of seething hatred. I think people exaggerate emotion to make up for the lack of inflection in text. Hate = irritated once mildly, etc.
Mostly this.

Personally I don't think too highly of kurt just because he comes across as... well it's hard to find the right word.[/QUOTE]

Pioneer? Tastemaker?

Philosopher B.

It's easy for you all to just dismiss Kurtz' actions. Kurtz peed in my cheerios, mang. I was looking forward to those cheerios! Like, what the fuck else was I supposed to consume?

I thought this thread was about Kris Straub. If it were about Kris Straub and his recent move to Seattle I'd say I'm looking forward to future collaborations between him and the PA guys. And if Scott moves up there (or when) I think there will be some fantastic material produced. Regarding Scott, I find in his video and audio streams a very likable individual. He and Straub together are comic gold.


Staff member
I thought this thread was about Kris Straub. If it were about Kris Straub and his recent move to Seattle I'd say I'm looking forward to future collaborations between him and the PA guys. And if Scott moves up there (or when) I think there will be some fantastic material produced. Regarding Scott, I find in his video and audio streams a very likable individual. He and Straub together are comic gold.
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