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The Ultimate In Nerd Security Systems




A piece of live steel, of course!:

Police: College student kills intruder with sword

If the burglar did indeed attack first, then I say this should be self defense. Hopefuly it doesn't end up being some geek using the intruder as an excuse to live out his ninja fantasy.




Good for the kid! He didn't mean to kill the guy, though. So that's gotta be messing with him a bit.




A true nerd would be more likely to cut his own gonads off with a sword, wouldn't you say?

Therefore, the REAL ultimate in nerd security would be a ROBOT that wields that piece of steel. Or even better, a well-trained robot that wields swords. Or hell, a well-trained robot that wields LASER SWORDS.

Ok, the ultimate in nerd security is General Grievous.




Well that guy's screwed. Here comes the waterworks from the family of the burglar, and how the punishment didn't fit the crime and oh he was just a lonely misguided boy, blah blah blah. By the end the kid with the sword will be a malicious fire-breathing monster instead of a scared-witless guy who grabbed something sharp to defend himself from who knows what.

The older I get, the more burglary bothers me. I worked hard for the stuff I have.




I give it a week till they find out he played WoW/Fantasy games and blame it on that. :rolleyes:




I really hope they don't turn this into games/comics are bad or geek goes crazy and murders someone in fit of pent up rage and confusion.




Well, a friend of mine was killed by her own decorative sword when someone broke into her apartment, so I fully support the occupant defending himself.





Guglielmi said the man had been arrested on charges such as burglary several times before, and had been released Saturday from a Baltimore County jail.
Sounds like this guy had it coming to him.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

I just hope the guys gets off lightly, by all real rights he should. He was defending himself and his home. I just hope the insanity that takes place here i the UK when someone defends themselves doesnt happen there.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Whatever. Get back to me when a burglar gets cut down with a bat'leth.




Whatever. Get back to me when a burglar gets shot down with a high powered Tri-Beam laser rifle.
Totally! :uhhuh:-:thumbsup:




He actually cut the hand off? Wow, must have been the real thing. Usually those swords are beyond dull.




Whatever. Get back to me when a burglar gets cut down with a bat'leth.

One has been used in a most dishonorable way, to rob a store.




He actually cut the hand off? Wow, must have been the real thing. Usually those swords are beyond dull.
Yeah, a two-hundred dollar katana replica is often sharp enough to prune limbs from a human body.




Even stainless steel replicas can be sharpened. They won't STAY sharp for more than a couple cuts, and they will break/bend easily, but you can stab and chop somebody really good with one that hasn't chopped or stabbed anything since being sharpened.




With enough force even a dull blade can pierce a body...... :ninja:




I was at a friend's house, and I went into his room to retrieve something. There on the headboard rested a decent replica sword and a Beretta automatic pistol...

When I got back to the living room I asked if he intended to dual wield should an intruder comes a-calling.

He said, damn straight, that sword don't run out of ammo.




With enough force even a dull blade can pierce a body...... :ninja:
Maybe, but it won't cut off a hand. One drunken night me and a few friends tried to use a dull battle ax replica to chop off the head of a plastic cow. Didn't work very well at all.




Dude was a 29-time loser. This was inevitable.




It seems pretty darn clear cut (sorry).

He noticed that garage door open when it shouldn't be, he went to check it out with a weapon which (I think) is legal on private property, he warned the guy off, the guy tried to attack him, so he defended himself.

If he'd done that to someone he caught littering in a park, that would be one thing. But this seems straight up self-defense so far.




It seems pretty darn clear cut (sorry).

He noticed that garage door open when it shouldn't be, he went to check it out with a weapon which (I think) is legal on private property, he warned the guy off, the guy tried to attack him, so he defended himself.

If he'd done that to someone he caught littering in a park, that would be one thing. But this seems straight up self-defense so far.
It's going to depend on whether or not the state he lives in has Castle Law on the books. Simple put, with Castle Law, you have the right to defend yourself and your property if you feel you are in legitimate danger. This means you can shoot a burglar (you don't even need to give them warning, but it's generally a good idea in case your burglar turns out to be a cop serving a no-knock warrant), but you can't open fire on a bunch of kids egging your house.

This guy was a repeat offender who had literally been out of Jail less than a week. He knew what the risks were.



He actually cut the hand off? Wow, must have been the real thing. Usually those swords are beyond dull.
Even more surprising when you see the weapon used in this photo that was just released to the press depicting the defender before he struck.




With enough force even a dull blade can pierce a body...... :ninja:
The only swords I have are Olympic-style epees (with the square, flat tip), but I could do some serious damage to someone in street clothes with one of them.




I have a shinken made in Japan and have been training in Iaido with it for almost 10 years. Having almost cut my chest open, I can attest to the sharpness of it. So can the patches on my gi. Even my iaito are sharp enough to hurt someone, and with enough force I'm nearly certain that lopping off a hand wouldn't require too much effort.




I have a tai chi sword, but that's not the big danger in my house.

I have about a half-dozen fighting knives stashed around the house in various cubby holes. I'm a firm believer in the 21 foot rule, and anyone breaking into my house will find that out the hard way.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

The only "weapon" I have at home is a little tourist.souvenir digeridoo... It's not especially practical, but it can be used as a club if needed.




Whatever. Get back to me when a burglar gets cut down with a bat'leth.

One has been used in a most dishonorable way, to rob a store.[/QUOTE]

I love that story. Best part is this, though:

Both clerks described the weapon as a Star Trek Klingon-type sword, called a \"bat'leth.\"




The only "weapon" I have at home is a little tourist.souvenir digeridoo... It's not especially practical, but it can be used as a club if needed.




I have a shinken made in Japan and have been training in Iaido with it for almost 10 years. Having almost cut my chest open, I can attest to the sharpness of it. So can the patches on my gi. Even my iaito are sharp enough to hurt someone, and with enough force I'm nearly certain that lopping off a hand wouldn't require too much effort.




Shinken, not Shuriken




Shinken, not Shuriken
I didn't feel proper correcting the old fella ;)




Damn it! I don't have a funny picture for that!


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

The only "weapon" I have at home is a little tourist.souvenir digeridoo... It's not especially practical, but it can be used as a club if needed.

Right on!




I know I could inflict some pretty ugly damage with my two-handed broadsword, dull as it is (for practice purposes). I probably wouldn't spill any blood, but even with my feeble upper body strength a "windmill blow" to the base of an opponent's neck is certain to cause some pretty ugly internal damage.

I call her "Violet".




I just have the one baseball bat, 's all I need.




I have an Asp and a diving knife. No guns...which is odd with a cop in the house. I'm not morally opposed to them, though. They're just extremely expensive unless you're buying some illegal Saturday night special. Never understood how so many rednecks could afford them. The Asp is fairly lethal, though...if you get close enough to use it.




I have an Asp and a diving knife. No guns...which is odd with a cop in the house. I'm not morally opposed to them, though. They're just extremely expensive unless you're buying some illegal Saturday night special. Never understood how so many rednecks could afford them. The Asp is fairly lethal, though...if you get close enough to use it.
Most rednecks I know either get their guns at Wal Mart or yeah, illegally. And yes, I do know a lot of rednecks.



I have an Asp and a diving knife. No guns...which is odd with a cop in the house. I'm not morally opposed to them, though. They're just extremely expensive unless you're buying some illegal Saturday night special. Never understood how so many rednecks could afford them. The Asp is fairly lethal, though...if you get close enough to use it.
A tangent, I know, but what exactly is it that makes Asps so nasty? For such an innocuous weapon, they're pretty feared.



I'm a gun person, I have one in about 50% of the rooms in the house.




A tangent, I know, but what exactly is it that makes Asps so nasty? For such an innocuous weapon, they're pretty feared.
Ask Cleopatra.




A tangent, I know, but what exactly is it that makes Asps so nasty? For such an innocuous weapon, they're pretty feared.
Ask Cleopatra.

And because they hurt like a mother.




It's a very heavy mass concentrated into a thin rod. It's like having the whole baseball bat shrunk down into a tiny package. They do hurt quite a bit when used sparingly, and could easily break bones with greater force, and be lethal when applied to the skull (and probably elsewhere).




Well that guy's screwed. Here comes the waterworks from the family of the burglar, and how the punishment didn't fit the crime and oh he was just a lonely misguided boy, blah blah blah. By the end the kid with the sword will be a malicious fire-breathing monster instead of a scared-witless guy who grabbed something sharp to defend himself from who knows what.

The older I get, the more burglary bothers me. I worked hard for the stuff I have.
Home defense



It's a very heavy mass concentrated into a thin rod. It's like having the whole baseball bat shrunk down into a tiny package. They do hurt quite a bit when used sparingly, and could easily break bones with greater force, and be lethal when applied to the skull (and probably elsewhere).
Ah, I see. Wasn't aware they were quite that dense. Telescopic stuff tends to be light and hollow in my experience, you see.




I have a machete leaning against my desk. It is within arm's reach RIGHT NOW. I'm ready for intruders/zombies.



Oh, sorry... I don't know what came over me there.



I have all four Absolute volumes of Neil Gaiman's Sandman.

Any one of them will kill a burglar in one hit.

And then I can tell the police: "I killed him with dreams."




Most of the martial arts schools I went to insisted on weapons training of some kind, so, in my room, I have:

-Two pairs of nunchaku (one rubber, for practice; the other wood). I do know how to use them, but wouldn't really be my first choice if somebody broke into my house (except maybe as a scare tactic, since I could replicate Bruce Lee)
-One replica sword (which would do dick-all; was just a $50 knockoff that twisted the handle 90 degrees upon unsheathing it the first time)
-One six-foot staff
-Several knives, including one hunting/survival knife.

But yeah; seems like the robber got what was coming to him. I HATE that excuse of, "He was my baby, he was just poor and misguided!", and it's becoming far too common. Two guys walked up to somebody at the Fruitvale BART station near here early this year (or late last year, I forget how long ago it was), and one threatened him with a knife. The guy somehow managed to get the knife and stabbed the other guy (who was giving verbal threats) in a scuffle, the stabee got home and bled out, and the parents were screaming for the guy's head.

Appropriate force is appropriate force. If you threaten to kill somebody, and look like you're gonna do it, then they got every right to kill you back if they think you're gonna hurt 'em. You can debate semantics later.

(read the last paragraph in Mal's voice)



Don't fuck with people who own swords!


CNN) -- A Johns Hopkins University student killed an apparent burglar with a samurai sword after discovering the man in his garage, police said Tuesday.

Baltimore, Maryland, police received a phone call shortly before 1:30 a.m. Tuesday about a suspicious person, and an off-duty officer arrived at the scene with campus security, city police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.

When authorities arrived, they heard calls for help and for police, he said. They discovered a suspected burglar with a severed left hand and severe lacerations to his upper body, Guglielmi said.

The suspect died at the scene, he said.

The man had entered a home where several Johns Hopkins students lived, Guglielmi said. Four students, one armed with a samurai sword, had confronted the suspect in the garage.

The man \"lunged\" at the students, and the student with the sword defended himself, severing the man's left hand and cutting his upper body, Guglielmi said.

Police did not release the name of the suspect, who Guglielmi said had a long criminal history, or that of the student.

Police questioned the three witnesses, Guglielmi said, and released them. It was not immediately clear whether all four students lived at the house, he said.

Authorities are determining whether the student will face criminal charges, Guglielmi said.

Burglars had taken two laptops and a Sony PlayStation from the students' home Monday, Guglielmi said.

The burglary suspect had been released from prison Saturday, Guglielmi said.
DAMN! I'm going show this to my wife, who constantly complains about my 300 dollar Glamdring purchase.



Bah, I made a late thread to this. Anyway. My house contains Glamdring: The Burglar Hammer.









Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Most of the martial arts schools I went to insisted on weapons training of some kind, so, in my room, I have:
man, all I have is a steel fan.




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

http://www.halforums.com/forum/member.php?u=47Chazwozel you have failed now you must commit seppuku




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

A handy diagram, to help the process along.




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

A handy diagram, to help the process along.
Actually, I have seen this as a t-shirt once!




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

Psssst, that's because it's from the t-shirt design. :slywink:




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

Psssst, that's because it's from the t-shirt design. :slywink:
Say not, my dear! I almost didn't think of that!


---------- Post added at 05:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------

And by the way, Chaz... I think the thread title is highly offending... Doest that mean that I should restrain from intercourse from now on? And you too? And every other swordbearing being on this planet?


(Edit: Have I just adressed Shego with "my dear"???)




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

(Edit: Have I just adressed Shego with "my dear"???)




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

A handy diagram, to help the process along.

It would be hilarious to see someone get that tattooed on there stomach




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

A handy diagram, to help the process along.

It would be hilarious to see someone get that tattooed on there stomach[/QUOTE]

Maybe like, let's say, a mentally challenged samurai?

---------- Post added at 05:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:37 PM ----------

(Edit: Have I just adressed Shego with "my dear"???)

Now you made me go...




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

No need to cry. Here, a picture of a clown!




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

No need to cry. Here, a picture of a clown!

I see that and all I can think of is this:



Don't fuck with people who own swords!

if it was a tshirt, shouldn't the lettering be inverted?




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

I see that and all I can think of is this:

Comes to mind immediately after....




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

Psssst, that's because it's from the t-shirt design. :slywink:
Say not, my dear! I almost didn't think of that!


---------- Post added at 05:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------

And by the way, Chaz... I think the thread title is highly offending... Doest that mean that I should restrain from intercourse from now on? And you too? And every other swordbearing being on this planet?


(Edit: Have I just adressed Shego with "my dear"???)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was wondering too. "Don't fuck people with swords", "I own a sword", "I'm going to show this to my wife", sends a pretty clear message. Sure JCM wasn't right about your wife after all? :paranoid:;)




I have

Comment Edited for Self-Incrimination Purposes

and that's just in the bedroom.




Sword picture
Jingwei? Izzat you?




I have

Comment Edited for Self-Incrimination Purposes

and that's just in the bedroom.

An eroscillator?




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

student may face criminal charges? (they haven't decided yet) dang. No castle law in Baltimore?

In Texas, it is self defense.




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

In Texas, it is self defense.
I love living in Texas! :twisted:



Don't fuck with people who own swords!

student may face criminal charges? (they haven't decided yet) dang. No castle law in Baltimore?

In Texas, it is self defense.
bah. They should give him an award.



Don't fuck with people who own swords!

student may face criminal charges? (they haven't decided yet) dang. No castle law in Baltimore?

In Texas, it is self defense.
bah. They should give him an award.[/QUOTE]

yea. Consider the burglar has a history AND stolen item on him.




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

I guess the geek learned his lessons from Star Wars well. When faced by an assailant, cut off his hand.

i.e. go all Ben Kenobi on his ass...




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

i.e. go all Ben Kenobi on his ass...
You mean stand there and let him kill you in front of your protoge? :bush:



Don't fuck with people who own swords!

I guess the geek learned his lessons from Star Wars well. When faced by an assailant, cut off his hand.

i.e. go all Ben Kenobi on his ass...
well... cutting hands make sense. I mean the guy might live, but it seems the assailant keep charging and thus the chest cuts (I'm assuming) at least that is what I would have done.

well.. personally, if the guy was charging at me, I would have just stab the guy.




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

I doubt it was that thought-out, Chibi.

In my mind, I imagine the crook bum-rushed the guy, the guy made a series of hacks out of reflex. The crook probably lost his hand raising his arms reflexively in defense (see http://www.enotes.com/forensic-science/defensive-wounds).



Don't fuck with people who own swords!

I doubt it was that thought-out, Chibi.

In my mind, I imagine the crook bum-rushed the guy, the guy made a series of hacks out of reflex. The crook probably lost his hand raising his arms reflexively in defense (see http://www.enotes.com/forensic-science/defensive-wounds).
Yea... either way, the guy broke into a home and got cut up for it (and later died from bleeding I assume)

I still think that kid shouldn't be press for criminal charges. I mean the kid didn't SEEK out the burglar to break into the kid's home. Like I said, In Texas, the kid wouldn't be charge (unless I am missing something in the article) the guy was still in the kid's garage right?

now if it was the front yard.... the law gets a little muddy there. Inside the home (and I would assume garage) is fairgame.




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

I doubt it was that thought-out, Chibi.

In my mind, I imagine the crook bum-rushed the guy, the guy made a series of hacks out of reflex. The crook probably lost his hand raising his arms reflexively in defense (see http://www.enotes.com/forensic-science/defensive-wounds).
Yeah, that'd be my interpretation of the injury as well.




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

i.e. go all Ben Kenobi on his ass...
You mean stand there and let him kill you in front of your protoge? :bush:[/QUOTE]

Come on, you know that 'Old Ben' was a mean drunk. Each time he has alcohol... Some one loses a hand.




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

I still think that kid shouldn't be press for criminal charges. I mean the kid didn't SEEK out the burglar to break into the kid's home. Like I said, In Texas, the kid wouldn't be charge (unless I am missing something in the article) the guy was still in the kid's garage right?

now if it was the front yard.... the law gets a little muddy there. Inside the home (and I would assume garage) is fairgame.
I totally agree with you there.

But then again, I'm from Texas. When we talk about burglars, we tend to agree that if you *have* to kill someone on your front porch, make sure you drag him inside before the cops show up.



Don't fuck with people who own swords!

I still think that kid shouldn't be press for criminal charges. I mean the kid didn't SEEK out the burglar to break into the kid's home. Like I said, In Texas, the kid wouldn't be charge (unless I am missing something in the article) the guy was still in the kid's garage right?

now if it was the front yard.... the law gets a little muddy there. Inside the home (and I would assume garage) is fairgame.
I totally agree with you there.

But then again, I'm from Texas. When we talk about burglars, we tend to agree that if you *have* to kill someone on your front porch, make sure you drag him inside before the cops show up.[/QUOTE]

That is what I have been told too :)




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

But then again, I'm from Texas. When we talk about burglars, we tend to agree that if you *have* to kill someone on your front porch, make sure you drag him inside before the cops show up.
I saw on the news one time that a convenience store clerk shot a perp that was over 100' away, through the back glass of his pick up truck, while driving away. The Sheriff said that the clerk was afraid that he was going to turn back around and kill him.

No charges pressed.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I have

Comment Edited for Self-Incrimination Purposes

and that's just in the bedroom.

An eroscillator?


The sexyest way to fight back an intruder!




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

yeah, in texas, you're allowed to use deadly force if you're afraid for your life.


(b) A person is justified in using both force and deadly force against another when and to the degree he reasonably believes the force or deadly force is immediately necessary to preserve the other's life in an emergency.
If I was attacked by someone, and they ran to their car, I'd probably shoot under much the same justification: I didn't know if he was going to try to ram me, or get a gun from the car, or what.




Threads merged by popular request.



Don't fuck with people who own swords!

yeah, in texas, you're allowed to use deadly force if you're afraid for your life.


(b) A person is justified in using both force and deadly force against another when and to the degree he reasonably believes the force or deadly force is immediately necessary to preserve the other's life in an emergency.
If I was attacked by someone, and they ran to their car, I'd probably shoot under much the same justification: I didn't know if he was going to try to ram me, or get a gun from the car, or what.
Yup. If i saw anyone in my house then i would not hesitate in a moment to protect myself and my family. I really really hope this kid doesnt get in trouble because of some waste of life.




12 gauge, and my pride and joy, M1 Garand (used by a paratrooper through the European campaign)

The shotgun is my go to gun. It'll clear a room. The Garand is for the inevitable zombie invasion.

I really just like shooting for fun; target practice, not fuzzy creatures.




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

yeah, in texas, you're allowed to use deadly force if you're afraid for your life.


(b) A person is justified in using both force and deadly force against another when and to the degree he reasonably believes the force or deadly force is immediately necessary to preserve the other's life in an emergency.
If I was attacked by someone, and they ran to their car, I'd probably shoot under much the same justification: I didn't know if he was going to try to ram me, or get a gun from the car, or what.
You also forget that in Texas you can use deadly force while in fresh persuit of a crime if you have a reasonable beliefe that the items stolen will not be recovered by any other means :)

edit: The whole drag him into the house thing is bad bad juju that's tampering with a crime scene, what's more reasonable is that the burglar kicked in your front door, you drew down on the BG and pulled the trigger as the BG went to turn and run away. I forgot how it was explained to me in my CHL class but there are many police cases where the suspect was shot in the back because he turned to run as the police pulled the trigger. Deff DO NOT pull him into your house. Castle doctrine protects your property ALL of it including the outside.



I use a Kommando brand nugget
This nugget of awesome is a combination sniper rifle/grenade launcher! The extended clipazine holds plenty of specialized rounds, while the hopper on top holds small grenades that can blow anything up! The 2 scopes improve accuracy. This weapon, invented by Mack of Future Weapons, combines the firepower of a grenade launcher with the accuracy of a sniper rifle. However, it is bolt-action, which means it is slow to reload.



pff, only two scopes?




I use a Kommando brand nugget
This nugget of awesome is a combination sniper rifle/grenade launcher! The extended clipazine holds plenty of specialized rounds, while the hopper on top holds small grenades that can blow anything up! The 2 scopes improve accuracy. This weapon, invented by Mack of Future Weapons, combines the firepower of a grenade launcher with the accuracy of a sniper rifle. However, it is bolt-action, which means it is slow to reload.
Is that an electric shaver mounted on the rifle?????


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I use a Kommando brand nugget
This nugget of awesome is a combination sniper rifle/grenade launcher! The extended clipazine holds plenty of specialized rounds, while the hopper on top holds small grenades that can blow anything up! The 2 scopes improve accuracy. This weapon, invented by Mack of Future Weapons, combines the firepower of a grenade launcher with the accuracy of a sniper rifle. However, it is bolt-action, which means it is slow to reload.
Is that an electric shaver mounted on the rifle?????[/QUOTE]

It's like a swiss army knife but in gun version. If you open up some pieces and bend it in the middle, it makes you breakfast. If you pull up that little black thing, an electric toothbrush appears...

It's the gun you want to use in the morning!




That rifle looks really, really, ugly.




Don't fuck with people who own swords!

You also forget that in Texas you can use deadly force while in fresh persuit of a crime if you have a reasonable beliefe that the items stolen will not be recovered by any other means :)
Yeah...we have a strong belief in the value of personal property.

edit: The whole drag him into the house thing is bad bad juju that's tampering with a crime scene,
I don't know anyone who says that seriously. It's always said in jest. But it does give a good indication of the Texas mindset on how to deal with burglars. In some states, the rule of thumb is "try to escape first, and if you can't, then defend yourself." Which to me is ass-backwards. Why should a homeowner flee his own house for safety? Why should the life of the burglar be that sacrosanct, such that a home owner (whose life may be in danger) has to flee rather than acting to protect his life and his property? Just retarded.
