The Video Game Kickstarter Thread of the Future of Passing the Risk to the Consumer



Stretch goals announced:

$1,100,000 - Naval units and Water Planets
We are happy to announce that our first stretch goal is a set of naval units and extended support for water planets. One of the most popular questions we receive is whether or not naval warfare is going to be supported. We like naval warfare and want to have it in the game, but it’s going to be quite a bit of additional work. We want to not only support naval units but to do a great job at it. Likewise we want great support for water in the engine and the ability to create amazing planets that are largely water. First class support for naval means you will be able to have a combination of water and land planets as well as ice asteroids. Huge water only planets to play out all kinds of naval only scenarios will also be supported. Asteroid tsunamis FTW! Some of the water units we can expect include subs, amphibious units, floating buildings and of course battleships!
$1,300,000 - Gas Giants and Enhanced Orbital units
Many of you are excited about the idea of more planet types and more gameplay to take specific advantage of those planets. This stretch goal is to add gas giant planets (similar to saturn or jupiter) to the game and an expanded set of orbital units with unique gameplay. Gas giants have no land in the real world but we may allow some buildable areas on “high mountains” on these planets. Imagine massive fusion reactors sucking helium-3 right out of the atmosphere and giant orbital defense lasers. A more expanded set of orbital recon units, space platforms and other types of orbital units based on your ideas will be added as well.
Keep throwing money, everybody.
You know what game I just remembered that I desperately wish someone would kickstarter a sequel/update to?


It wasn't a great technical game, but it was such a blast to play, and I feel like after decades of simulationist play getting more and more refined, a modern version on Steam or iOS or something would be awesome.
I'm starting to wonder how this Kickstarter craze is going to affect marketing. Gamers are consistently proving that there ARE markets for games and genres that most studios had written off, so it would seem that the marketing research that the companies have been doing is completely flawed at it's core. Are they going to change tactics? If so, how?
Nah, as long as the triple A titles are still sold at $60 a pop in Wal-Marts/Gamestops at high numbers to the idiot mass public there will be no change.

Kickstarter is still majorly unknown to the -Here Comes Honey Boo Boo- public and they'll still shell out top dollar for the newest Mario etc.
Most studios don't care about producing a top quality game that may sell well but not SUPER well. They seem to be hellbent on diluting gaming to the idiot masses so they can sell staggering volumes of crap and reap the profits. As long as they can continue to do so... nothing will change.

I'm glad kickstarter provides an avenue for these types of games now. Hell, I haven't bought a big title game since the abomination of ME3 let me down so hard... but I've sponsored 5 games on kickstarter.
So, Obsidian had been counting down to this for a few days, and it had the logo with the number 4 in it. Everyone was afraid it was going to be a Dungeon Siege 4.

On the positive side, it wasn't!
So, the Obsidian KS just ended. Got the email reminding me how much I pledged.

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I shouldn't do that anymore.
I just picked up Chivalry: Medieval combat on steam--yet another kickstarter funded game. I saw some good things about it so I'll give it a shot tonight. Hopefully my internet connection doesnt totally throttle me.
Looks nice but is it just mindless hack and slash dm with some side objectives?
I went ahead and played it for a good 5 hours last night.

The melee combat is a bit more involved. Blocks have to be timed (and aimed well). Melee strikes are varied. You have three basic swings--slash, overhead (more damage), and thrust (more range). You can combo your melee strike by attacking again during your swing. You trick enemies into blocking early by canceling your attack in mid-swing, and then smashing their face before they're ready. You can also kick or, if you're using a buckler/kite shield/tower shield. shield bash breaking their block and leaving them open, or knocking them, off a wall or into spikes. The game also utilizes a stamina system.

Classes are also quite distinct between Archer/Man at arms/Vanguard/Knight. I like the variety of weapons you can choose. All classes use different weapons. For example, I was playing at the Archer for quite a bit last night. For a primary weapon, I could choose between a bow, a crossbow, or a javelin ( which can also double as a melee weapon). For a secondary weapon I could choose a Dagger or short sword, and depending on my primary weapon, I could choose a special weapon. Each class has it's on perk as well. Archers can more damage for hitting in the back. Man at arms can do a quick doge by double tapping A/S/D/W, Vanguards can do a running charge and Knights soak up a ridiculous amount of damage. I unlocked the maul on the knight last night and I could almost feel the weight.

As far as matches go, I've played a couple matches and the objectives go in phases. There is usually a defending team and an attacking team. For example on one map, the attacking team has to attack a village and kill 40 peasants (burning down their house apparently counts as 2 peasants). Then you need to move a battering ram to the castle door (which is moved much like you move the bomb in TF2). Then you have to man the ram into order to bust down the door to win. Each phase has a certain time limit to complete.

All in all, I had a really good time playing it, though Id have to play it again over the next few days to make sure the fun sticks, so to speak. But I'll tell you what, there's nothing like seeing a vanguard with a poleaxe charging your ass while you frantically try to reload your crossbow only to see your head fly off. Because that surely didn't happen to me multiple times.
Looks a lot like Castle Story but maybe a bit more advanced. I've been playing the prototype for Castle Story and it's super interesting but, understandably, buggy as hell. This looks to be running better, however, so did Castle Story in it's preview vids.
Also, the controls for Castle Story right now are fucking abysmal. They aren't too bad once you get the hang of it but having to hold space+wasd or left click drag to move the camera, hold space+right click drag to rotate seems unnecesary. The UI looks better in timber and stone so far as well.
Also, the controls for Castle Story right now are fucking abysmal. They aren't too bad once you get the hang of it but having to hold space+wasd or left click drag to move the camera, hold space+right click drag to rotate seems unnecesary. The UI looks better in timber and stone so far as well.

I've also been playing the castle story prototype. I hope that the devs will listen to all of the feedback they're getting from this, and adjust the controls accordingly.