Definitely the weakest episode of the series.
I REALLY didn't care for the dead sister at all. And the fact she's standing there like a fucken moron while the zombie is slowly making her way to eat her absolutely asinine. I wanted that character to die as well as she is a whiny bitch. Here’s to hoping she gets her due soon!
As far as the show went, I felt there was easily enough room for another episode between 3, 4 and 5. Some characters needed development and quite frankly, I didn’t give a damn for any who died except Ed, who got some dev time and made me happy when he died.
For example, his "wife"? She look like 50... is she a cancer survivor?
As far as the show goes, hopefully the finale goes out with a bang and next season they work on some of the shortcoming of the series and make it even better.
Also, is the volume on the show terribly low? I know I have to triple my volume from 15 to 45 to hear properly. Is that why they can’t hear the zombies coming?
And the gratuitous violence from the Boondocks Saints guy is my favorite part of the show. PS: That would be me if this was the apocalypse.