7? It's not that over the top, but I will warn they don't pull punches.So give me a number on the gore scale here? 1-10?
My wife likes some scary and gory stuff but nothing too extreme.
The gore is about the top limit they can get away with on AMC.Probably to much for her... damn. At least I will enjoy it![]()
It was as subtle as a brick going through your window with a note attached saying "This is a brick that has just gone through your window." and then the brick explodes in slow motion Bay-style pyrotechnics.Even though I'll be "legally obtaining" the episodes as they come out, I'll still be buying, possibly pre-ordering, the eventual Blu-Ray.
As for why they didn't wait until the end to show the wife? It was much more subtle. They showed his ex-partner macking it up with some woman and her kid, so we think "Aw, he found someone." Then we switch to Rick's car, with a picture of his wife and kid hanging and you're all like "SON OF A...!"
Come on that's a TV show and Zombie movie classic set-up. If they were awesome and incredible at the beginning of the series there would be nowhere to really go from there. For episodic shows it can work IE: Burn Notice. But for shows with overarching plot lines it's probably best for the bad ass abilities to grow naturally.Yes the zombies were great, but does the hero HAVE to be more lucky than smart?
It's the end of the world and all it would take is a scratch for them to die. I would quite frankly think my girl the paragon of chastity if she waited a week.Also if my family and friends think I'm dead in the beginning of it all, can my best friend and wife wait more than a month before hooking up?!?
comic book spoiler, so this will mess up the show if you haven't read the comicsOne thing the comic does really well is the cliched cliffhanger.
comic book spoiler, so this will mess up the show if you haven't read the comicsOne thing the comic does really well is the cliched cliffhanger.
Depends on the sort of story you're trying to tell. I think for this, you need the slow zombies - it allows for more slow development of characters. If zombies were fast, we would have trouble buying any of the moments where there is "downtime" where people are just talking things over.Something just occurred to me:
They did slow moving zombies amazingly well, especially near the end, when Rick turned the corner and there were THOUSANDS of them. Then he turned another corner and ANOTHER thousand or so. Totally surrounded by sheer numbers. Just like the father said earlier in the show, one doesn't matter, but it's in the groups when they get dangerous.
I don't want to start another fast vs. slow argument, but I think this is a very strong argument in favour of slow.![]()
To be perfectly honest that's a scene I wouldn't mind a re-write on. That whole trade was where I started to think the comic had jumped the shark a bit.I loved the first episode. From watching the previews, I can see that Kirkman has given it his full approval.
What I really want to see is how Tyreese dies. He gets it raw and it's one of the most powerful moments in the book when the Governor hacks off his head.
That is directly from the comic book. They're definitely taking the best parts of the comic and making them better.I thought the show was great. The pacing was slow but it fit with the overall theme. I can't believe they made me feel sympathy for zombies (specifically the one crawling in the park). It was almost like a wounded animal. Looking forward to the season. Was a little surprised at the amount of blood/gore in the episode.
I was reading back the series back from issue 1 and I have to agree, the magic hatchet better make an appearance.I don't think Rick gets his hatchet! I hope he does at some point.
Considering 90% of the viewing population has probably never read the comics, that's kinda moot. And the fact we're watching despite already knowing the 'twists and turns' shows just how good the show is. That said, it's more likely that they don't want to kill off 'popular characters' for $$$ reasons, not story reasons...For those of you looking forward to seeing certain things from the comic in the series... I wouldn't hold my breath, they might not happen. Kirkman is treating the series as a sort of "reboot", an Ultimate Walking Dead if you will... there will be new characters, new situations and things that happen in the comic might happen but in a different way or not happen at all. He says we shouldn't even expect to know who lives and who dies in the series even if you follow the comic... he wants to keep the feeling of "no one is safe" that the comic has.
One of the quick sources: 'The Walking Dead': Comic book series creator Robert Kirkman answers our questions about last night's shocking pilot | EW.com
The slight-spoiler thing I'm not sure I like:
Shane is not gonna die... at least not anytime soon. Kirkman wants to explore the Rick-Lori-Shane triangle further in the series :/
I'll definitely be tuning in next week. I wanna find out who was talking to Rick over the radio when he was in the tank.
There are some other characters in these episodes that aren't part of the comic, so I'm betting they'll use one of those instead.It's cool that we can talk about the comic and it's not really a spoiler for the show, cause it'll be different anyway.
IMO most of the time when they change stuff it also means that they change the feel and tone of the work too... mostly by missing the point... hopefully with the creator on-board that won't happen.I know I'm early but, Jesus F. Christ, I really hope this thread won't turn into a whinefest that X and Y wasn't exactly from the book/novel/comic/toilet paper.
Well, it's still spoiling the comic that I might read since the show is so goodAs far as comic spoilers go, from what I have heard they are changing things dramatically in order to keep the "anyone can die" feeling the comic here in the show. So any spoiler you might know from the comic isn't certain.
Well, it's still spoiling the comic that I might read since the show is so goodAs far as comic spoilers go, from what I have heard they are changing things dramatically in order to keep the "anyone can die" feeling the comic here in the show. So any spoiler you might know from the comic isn't certain.
It's good enough to be cancelled after it's first season!
I'm still waiting for charly boner fierce to tell us we're all a bunch of dumb nerds for enjoy something that sucked.
That's pretty clearly a production photo and not a still from the show. The show's in a 16:9 Widescreen ratio. That, obviously isn't.Here's a still from Episode 2. Anybody notice something that seems a bit out of place?
Yeah, that wasn't who I would have picked. My call:I agree, it was better than 97% of Zombie movies. I was actually really disappointed with the casting of the guy playing Rick. He didn't strike me as similar to the character from the comic, not that thats a huge deal, but I had hoped he would look more like him. All in all he was fine, I think he had to spend most of this episode looking shocked so I expect to see him stretched soon.
Same. It's so rare I actually watch a drama series.This marks the first show in over 10yrs that I watched on premiere day as well as the only show that I will actually watch when it airs.
I want this show to succeed so hard. I think my television had a minor heartattack that I used it for anything but X-Box use.
House.... of the Dead!Shows just need more zombies in general. I know that I would start watching Grey's Anatomy of the Dead.
House.... of the Dead!Shows just need more zombies in general. I know that I would start watching Grey's Anatomy of the Dead.
Two and a half men isn't worth watching no matter how many zombies you add.You wouldn't watch Two and a Half Men and Zombies?
I sure as hell would.
See now, THAT'S a good premise for a TV show.The zombies wouldn't mess with sheen. He'd be sitting drunk in a pile of his own excrement masturbating furiously while yelling at the hooker locked in the bathroom.
See now, THAT'S a good premise for a TV show.[/QUOTE]The zombies wouldn't mess with sheen. He'd be sitting drunk in a pile of his own excrement masturbating furiously while yelling at the hooker locked in the bathroom.
I remember thinking that he had obviously never played Resident Evil, coz you don't shoot zombies that you can't run around.That scene where Rick escapes the tank, running and flawlessy shooting walkers... AWESOME.
He wasted the first bullet, though, that walker he got was behind shit and wouldn't have been able to get to him anyway.
I remember thinking that he had obviously never played Resident Evil, coz you don't shoot zombies that you can't run around.[/QUOTE]That scene where Rick escapes the tank, running and flawlessy shooting walkers... AWESOME.
He wasted the first bullet, though, that walker he got was behind shit and wouldn't have been able to get to him anyway.
I like how they completely did a 180 on Lori's personality. In the first two episodes it seems like she jumped on the nearest pogo stick after she found out her husband was dead. This episode reveals that Shane is quite a manipulative bastard; it seems he left Rick in the hospital to die because he's always harbored feelings for Lori.Man, I gotta hand it to those guys, that was a great episode. Love that they're building up the tension more between Lori and Shane. It's going to make the inevitable ending all the worse.
Huh. I just realized something: Rick doesn't have his cowboy hat in the show. That's a shame, since I've always loved the image of his son wearing it.
Silly Finn! Didn't you hear? Everybody poops.Do zombies poop?
He has it. After he meets up with the son and father in episode 1 (issue 1), once they stop at the police station for them to stock up on weapons and cars, he gets his hat. He's even wearing it as he rides into Atlanta on the horse. I don't recall seeing it in this episode, he didn't appear to be wearing it when they got back to base camp.Huh. I just realized something: Rick doesn't have his cowboy hat in the show. That's a shame, since I've always loved the image of his son wearing it.
They only ordered 6 episodes. It's understandable. They couldn't be sure that a zombie-themed show would work, much less be so popular. The next season is for a full 13 episodes.Did I hear right when watching the previews? Only three episodes left? Where the hell did the season go? Was this just a 7 episode season? It's going to suck that it ends in a couple of weeks and then we have to wait almost a year for season 2. Argh!
GRENADE!Does rick still have a grenade?
Man.... getting eaten alive by zombies vs.I can't believe I actually felt sorry for the racist hick. Maybe it was the script, or maybe it was his good acting, but I didn't think he deserved what happened.
To be fair, they ARE quite a ways outside of Atlanta, up a mountain/hill, and far enough away that they had no reason to expect more than a few stragglers. That being said, they were stupid to not have moved camp the moment the first walker showed up, or at least after Glenn drove up in that fucking alarming sports car.Great episode.
I knew this was coming though.. the camp survivors were being extremely dumb about their own survival.
It's midichloreans. Duh!I don't like this turn with the CDC, and not because it's not in the comic. One of the big mysteries of the comic is just WHAT is causing people to come back from the dead. In fact, most of the cast really aren't too concerned with why the dead are walking, instead choosing to just deal with the reality of the situation. By explicitly making it a virus/bacteria, they are kinda cheapening the whole thing.
Nice. Yeah, a friend of mine is in the same place as you, very excited for Game of Thrones. I still can't believe HBO is doing this series!My wife asked last night if anything special happens in the CDC place. My response? "I don't know. They are already doing things not in the comic."
But then I saw the previews for "A Game of Thrones" on HBO (while turning over to Boardwalk Empire) and forgot everything else except my nerdgasm.
Well, I think they're trying to do a mild season "wrap up" since the whole thing was produced before even getting a season 2 commitment.I thought this episode was fairly weak. Not because of the CDC (though I can see your point). Although, I don't really need this show to become "Lost - with zombies" - ie, it doesn't really need to focus on the "mystery" behind it all.
I just didn't care enough about the "guy who got bitten" subplot, and the "sister who can't let go" subplot. For the first, the guy was a fairly minor character who's biggest claim to fame is getting tied up because he wanted to dig some holes. (which I thought was also a weak point - just let the idiot dig). As for the sisters, I think it would be borderline cruel to let your sister come back as a zombie. All I could think of was, "what if enough of her sister is in their to be suddenly tormented by this virus, so really your just putting her through agony before shooting her in the head". Also wasn't interested in Rick's long radio check-in at the beginning, which pretty much just felt like a series synopsis for a show that's only had, what, 4 episodes?
Well, I think they're trying to do a mild season "wrap up" since the whole thing was produced before even getting a season 2 commitment.I thought this episode was fairly weak. Not because of the CDC (though I can see your point). Although, I don't really need this show to become "Lost - with zombies" - ie, it doesn't really need to focus on the "mystery" behind it all.
I just didn't care enough about the "guy who got bitten" subplot, and the "sister who can't let go" subplot. For the first, the guy was a fairly minor character who's biggest claim to fame is getting tied up because he wanted to dig some holes. (which I thought was also a weak point - just let the idiot dig). As for the sisters, I think it would be borderline cruel to let your sister come back as a zombie. All I could think of was, "what if enough of her sister is in their to be suddenly tormented by this virus, so really your just putting her through agony before shooting her in the head". Also wasn't interested in Rick's long radio check-in at the beginning, which pretty much just felt like a series synopsis for a show that's only had, what, 4 episodes?
Yeah, I wish they ordered 12 episodes instead of 6. I really hope that the cliffhanger in this last episode won't be too huge.Is anyone else pissed that the season was so damned short? Like we get a few episodes and then WAIT FOR MONTHS!!!
D:The Walking Dead Full-Season Marathon This Sunday - The Walking Dead - AMC
Well I'm crapping blood in anticipation for this Sunday's full season marathon.
I heard Romero saying that he absolutely hated that in retrospect. Although he also made the fairly good point that it's only presented as wild speculation from the news anchor.No, it's because a NASA space probe crashed on its way back from Venus.
I heard Romero saying that he absolutely hated that in retrospect. Although he also made the fairly good point that it's only presented as wild speculation from the news anchor.No, it's because a NASA space probe crashed on its way back from Venus.
Considering the kinds of military snafus the previous administration made in their war against what boiled down to being lightly trained people armed with Soviet-era hand-me-downs, it seems highly likely that the idea of our military being slow to change tactics makes perfect sense. We went through how many generals during that? 3? 4? Also, training is hard to over come... it's one of the big issues with soldiers attempting to return to civilian life. Civilians have no such issues and thus it makes more sense for them to switch to the most effective tactic or to experiment with new ones.Also, the weak point of any zombie story is the defeat of the regular army, considering that the ragtag band of survivors is nearly always using the same, but rougher tactics that the regular army would. I really thought WWZ had the stupidest attempt at an explanation for this.
Can't say I blame him. The script diverges from the comic in odd places and goes in strange directions (like the CDC and Gangers) and we have characters who still haven't received much characterization (the entire Latino family seems like they were added just to leave. Did they even have names?). The new writing team needs to make their scripts a bit tighter and with more focus.Apparently Darabont sacked the whole writing staff. Hmm.
Source?[/QUOTE]Apparently Darabont sacked the whole writing staff. Hmm.
Can't say I blame him. The script diverges from the comic in odd places and goes in strange directions (like the CDC and Gangers) and we have characters who still haven't received much characterization (the entire Latino family seems like they were added just to leave. Did they even have names?). The new writing team needs to make their scripts a bit tighter and with more focus.Apparently Darabont sacked the whole writing staff. Hmm.
I couldn't agree more. In fact, I don't ever think a zombie infection could infect the whole world as it's always portrayed in the movies. It was plausible in the 28 days later scenario, since you had a nearly instant infection rate, and fast zombies. But, slow zombies where the infected don't change until the next day, etc, doesn't really make sense.No I still disagree on the army. At the general army level, maybe tactics would be slow to change. But the army would have the same in-unit communication, and much better cross-unit communication, not to mention training and tactics for communication. At the Lt. or Cpt. level, the word to head-shot would get out really fast. Plus, I thought it the WWZ "problems" the army had broke the rules, because body center-mass shots and massive trauma certainly serve to at least drop or slow down zombies when it's the hero shooting. Not to mention hand-to-hand combat skills, the fact that a bite isn't an immediate defeat of a soldier, etc. And also, the biggest problem of all is that "shoot it dead" is what the survivors do, and that's what the army is trained to do. There aren't really too many new skills needed, except perhaps to shift from center-mass to head. They don't need the stealth aspect that the survivors do (or the unfortunate soldiers in the recent wars the US has engaged in). In fact, it'd probably be better TO attract the zombies. The have no survival instincts.
I really find it a weak link. Not that it really matters to the story. I just find it noticeable.
The only regular army defeat I bought was 28 days later because of the rapidity and ease of infection.
Well if we really want to get into semantics, the whole traditional view on how zombies work is biologically impossible. 100% completely impossible in this universe. The bottom line being that zombies completely take the second law of thermodynamics, bend it over, and have their way with it.Ehhh, I don't know. If you add in the idea that anyone dead comes back to life, THEN you've got a potential problem. Funerals, morgues, etc. There'd be a lot of dead popping up pretty frequently. Then, you've got people who drowned crawling out of different water ways. And of course, heavily populated areas, panicked people, etc. I think a zombie outbreak would be pretty likely. Maybe not to the point of ending the world, but certainly thinning out our numbers considerably. Like WWZ, we'd likely eventually figure out a way to properly fight back.
Also, Fade, keep in mind that the original Night was in a small, rural area. Cities are basically screwed due to crowded areas and who knows where there are dead people there. Hospitals would be the first place that'd be the most dangerous.
But yeah, it's all fun theory to talk about. Zombie movies are awesome, no matter what.![]()
But, in most zombie lore a bite is required to spread the infection. I guess if it was airborne, or spread by an insect/small animal you'd have your issues. It's just funny because you always see these hordes of zombies tearing people apart. But, if you tear someone apart, you aren't left with a host who is infected and able to become in ambulating zombie. It's not a game of zombie tag, where they bite your arm once and move on.Ehhh, I don't know. If you add in the idea that anyone dead comes back to life, THEN you've got a potential problem. Funerals, morgues, etc. There'd be a lot of dead popping up pretty frequently. Then, you've got people who drowned crawling out of different water ways. And of course, heavily populated areas, panicked people, etc. I think a zombie outbreak would be pretty likely. Maybe not to the point of ending the world, but certainly thinning out our numbers considerably. Like WWZ, we'd likely eventually figure out a way to properly fight back.
Also, Fade, keep in mind that the original Night was in a small, rural area. Cities are basically screwed due to crowded areas and who knows where there are dead people there. Hospitals would be the first place that'd be the most dangerous.
But yeah, it's all fun theory to talk about. Zombie movies are awesome, no matter what.![]()
Interesting. So, in the comic, it sounds like pretty much everyone gets infected through some means, and it's just a latent illness that doesn't come out until the body dies. So, maybe the body is fighting the infection constantly, but once they die, the infection can gain control. I sort of like that.Well, the rules for Walking Dead (in the comic, maybe not the show just yet) include anyone that dies, period. We've seen people getting shot, not in the head, and come back. Going by that rule, along with spreading via bitten infection, it could turn into a pretty nasty situation.
Plus, the zombies in 28 Days Later and Zombieland were more "infected" than undead, especially 28 Days (which I also love because it's still a fun zombie-esque movie). Someone else mentioned elsewhere that the zombies I'm talking about (the dead, not infected) would be considered "ghouls".
Decent finale. In the future though, can we keep the "hold back the hillbilly" scenes to one per episode?
Decent finale. In the future though, can we keep the "hold back the hillbilly" scenes to one per episode?
Decent finale. In the future though, can we keep the "hold back the hillbilly" scenes to one per episode?
I found the whole test subject 19 brain scan bit both awesomely creepy and scientifically annoying. Ignoring physics for a moment, that means that the walkers are technically alive. That means damage to their major organs should kill them, just the same as anyone else. They shouldn't rot, and if they did, it should kill them. I know--it's almost identical to Romero's explanation in Day, but I had the same problem there.
But those brain cells couldn't function if they weren't, for example, receiving oxygen through blood, making the lungs and heart still lethal shots.Also, I don't know much about science, but I don't think the brain stem cell activity would mean organ damage would kill them.
But those brain cells couldn't function if they weren't, for example, receiving oxygen through blood, making the lungs and heart still lethal shots.[/QUOTE]Also, I don't know much about science, but I don't think the brain stem cell activity would mean organ damage would kill them.
Or maybe they are more sluggish during day-time because they are soakin' up the sun? I mean, that might also explain why every zombie looks like hell. It's not rotting, it's advanced melanoma and/or tissue changing to better soak up sunlightPhotosynthesis would mean they would be more sluggish at night, wouldn't it? I think they established ghouls get more...lively...at night.
Maybe whatever is firing those synapses is all that they need to function. It doesn't need to be explained. We're talking about non-existant ghouls, mind you.Don't stop discussing it on my behalf, though. It's fun.
But those brain cells couldn't function if they weren't, for example, receiving oxygen through blood, making the lungs and heart still lethal shots.[/QUOTE]Also, I don't know much about science, but I don't think the brain stem cell activity would mean organ damage would kill them.
13 episode second season has already been ordered.can we just get a full season, instead of this 6 episodes biznezz? Show was hot, it should get a full run.
The leaving Atlanta bit is straight out of the comics, though it made more sense in them: They weren't leaving to find a cure for Jim, they were leaving because they were attacked by the zombies and it was no longer safe to stay there. They ended up leaving to try and find a more secure location to call home, as far from the city as they could get, even if it meant it might be harder to get supplies.There were plenty of stories they could have told with the original Atlanta setting. Instead they just randomly left, introduced a whole new plot thread and then abandoned that plot thread. The worst part was that the "tense, dramatic music finale" had nothing to do with zombies, it just had to do with this random building we hadn't heard of before this episode.
If your ending was going to be "drive off into the sunset," they should have postponed the departure from Atlanta for an episode, come up with a zombie-related climax, and then ended with them departing for the CDC but making it far enough away that reaching it required another 6 episodes of road trip.
On top of that, even faced with the prospect of NO. HOPE., each of them still decided to move on and not just take the easy way out and die with the CDC (granted, one needed help to make that decision). They've made a choice to go on fighting this crazy, horrible world, for better or for worse.The CDC was actually a great idea by the writers and I will tell you why (especially to those who think it served no purpose): The CDC episode served to do one thing, and quite well: It took away any possible hope. They enter the second season with NO. HOPE. Nothing. It has, as they so aptly said, all gone away.
I think it was a brilliant way to show it.
I think it also helped make you feel that there really was not going to be much relief ever again. They found what was essentially a panacea; a locked down compound with food, wine, electricity. And then in one foul swoop, it was torn right out from under them. Them leaving the CDC actually felt like the end of every Incredible Hulk episode with David Banner standing on the side of the road - just pure unadulterated despair.
I think it also helped make you feel that there really was not going to be much relief ever again. They found what was essentially a panacea; a locked down compound with food, wine, electricity. And then in one foul swoop, it was torn right out from under them. Them leaving the CDC actually felt like the end of every Incredible Hulk episode with David Banner standing on the side of the road - just pure unadulterated despair.
It has nothing to do with not enough zombies. It has to do with the climax of the season having nothing to do with zombies.I keep seeing complaints about not enough zombies.
I'm not sure if this is a random shot at the masculinity of Vampire Diaries or if you know a lot about True Blood to hate it.or Vampire Fairies on the fucken tube.
I'm not sure if this is a random shot at the masculinity of Vampire Diaries or if you know a lot about True Blood to hate it.[/QUOTE]or Vampire Fairies on the fucken tube.
I'm not sure if this is a random shot at the masculinity of Vampire Diaries or if you know a lot about True Blood to hate it.[/QUOTE]or Vampire Fairies on the fucken tube.
That's pretty much how I feel about some of my favourite shows, like Dexter or Doctor Who. Even a bad episode is still a damn good piece 'o television.I will note that when compared to a random episode of an average quality show, the episode was still good. Just nowhere near as great as the previous five.
I'm betting they meet up with the Hispanic family again because I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be Allen, Donna, and the twins. Then they'll find Wilshire Estates. After that attack, they'll meet up with Herschel, Otis, Billy, Maggie, and the rest of the farm people. THEN they reach the prison.
I read the latest issue too. I wonder how they'll get away with showing THAT on AMC.
It's not official, but probably. His loss really... the show is a big hit and the next director is definitely going to be getting some triple A scripts.So, I guess Frank Darabont is dropping out?
Yes.Am I the only one who couldn't care less about the show anymore after the absolutely atrocious last few episodes?
You really need to read ALL of The Walking Dead to really get enjoyment out of it. It's not a series you can really just jump into at any point... you need to know what happened to get that far, ether by getting the trades or reading the reports they put out a few months back. It's my only real complaint about the series.Going to watch them all again 1-2 weeks before the premier.... so that I can remember everything, every name, every detail.
Read a few of the comics this summer, was pretty meh by it. The show is far better IMO.
I'd say the comic picks up once they finally leave Atlanta. I think that would have been at about the point you stopped reading.I read 1 to 10. By #8 I was fighting to keep myself interested. Sadly the comic isn't for me but the show truly is.
Yes, the dad is terrible. And I hardly noticed because the whole bit was awesome.Wow, the acting in these is particularly bad. Especially the dad. YEESH, the kids are doing better than he is. Nonetheless: yeeeeeeeeeesssss.
Zombie movies used to be pretty low budget. I'd be curious to see where they're spending their money.I think they're trying to make up for the issues with the budget cuts. Sadly, due to this, I will not be watching them as they air, and instead getting them in full HD and interruption free an hour after showing.
Pretty much. Matthew Weiner is a fucking asshole, and I wish AMC had told him to go suck a bag of dicks.On Mad Men.
Jay said:Ripping one's hand on a car door like a fucken noob and I mean ripping the flesh from top to bottom.
It thought something different would happen too, but I had also seen previews for the second episode so I suspect that particular event will happen further into the season. By the way, it looks like Rick finally has the ubiquitous hatchet.Actually, as someone who's read the comic, I thought something entirely different was going to happen when it was just Rick, Carl, and Shane... but yeah, once the deer showed up it was obvious what would happen.
As for Sophia... she's not really all that developed in the comic ether. She kinda seems like someone who occasionally plays with Carl and that's it. But then again, considering all that's happened that may make sense.
Carl didn't have a gun but I thought at one point he would have - which definitely had different expectations. That said, what happened to him is from the comics.Actually, as someone who's read the comic, I thought something entirely different was going to happen when it was just Rick, Carl, and Shane... but yeah, once the deer showed up it was obvious what would happen.
As for Sophia... she's not really all that developed in the comic ether. She kinda seems like someone who occasionally plays with Carl and that's it. But then again, considering all that's happened that may make sense.
In the comics he uses an old Peacemaker, but that little Saturday Night Special on the show makes a bit more sense: It's cheap, easy to use, and nothing to worry about if it gets lost.I could see Carl getting the smaller gun that Daryl found. It's in his mom's possession right now, too.
So what you're saying is:I agree, I'm not overly fond of her character. I don't think it's fair though as I'm not fond of any character with no survival skills and do stupid shit... like "try to put a gun back together for the first time" while a zombie is on the other side of the plastic door.
My favorite character by far is the redneck from Boondock Saints. He seemed a lot more... subdued this past episode but he's still entertaining to say the least. And I want me one of those x-bows.
x2?My current favorite character? Daryl of course. That's exactly what your ass needs to be like in this apocalypse.
I think they are downplaying him ATM so they can focus on the Shane-Lori-Rick situation. I was legitimately surprised when he helped T-Dog, considering T-Dog is the reason why his brother lost his arm to begin with. It would have been the perfect situation to let him die... and considering he doesn't exactly bring much to the plot or group, I'm not sure why their keeping him on as a character, except maybe to die at the hands of Merle when he eventually comes back.I liked him better when he was being a total douche-bag though... brought some nice conflict and tension to the group....
That would be a toss up, considering the fan speculation that's he's going to be the TV version of The Governor.For all we know, the next time we see his brother, it'll be as a zombie. THAT could be interesting.
Cause he's black.I'm not sure why their keeping him on as a character, except maybe to die at the hands of Merle when he eventually comes back.
They are going to have another black character soon enough, as they already said they planned to add Michonne to the cast sooner than she'd appeared in the story, as she's a fan favorite.Cause he's black.
Black Female? Hell yes, it's Rochelle time!They are going to have another black character soon enough, as they already said they planned to add Michonne to the cast sooner than she'd appeared in the story, as she's a fan favorite.
Yes, she's exactly like Rochelle... if she wasn't annoying and used a Katana.Black Female? Hell yes, it's Rochelle time!
My Rochelle > Other survivors. Recognize!Yes, she's exactly like Rochelle... if she wasn't annoying and used a Katana.
Honestly, the TV show only has the most vague resemblances to the comic. Some of the characters are the same, some of the events are the same, but the TV series is definitely doing it's own thing. As for things I've mentioned... it's all stuff that's been mentioned in interviews about the show.HEY HEY HEY NOW.
Watch your goddamned spoilers people. If it's not being shown in the damned AMC series use the fucken spoiler tags, they are there for a reason. I'd like to discuss the AMC Series as per the title of this thread [TV] The Walking Dead.
Thank you.
He never really was an asshole if you think about. He was pissed cause they left his brother (the real dickhead) on a roof to die.I think the only reason Daryl seems awesome is because he's stopped being an asshole. Say what you will about his skills, but people that can't get along with others generally don't last long in groups and going solo is almost suicide if you can be attacked at any time. So he ether let go or wised up enough to stop rocking the boat.
I still think he's going to ditch everyone once he hears from his brother, if not sooner. They never found the body, so he's almost assuredly alive still.
In regard to the situation they're in. Daryl is probably the most resourceful and practical. The rest of the group is overly emotional. Think about what made him a douche.I liked him better when he was being a total douche-bag though... brought some nice conflict and tension to the group....
We've been able to discuss both book and show in the Game of Thrones thread pretty well. I don't see a reason the same can't be done here.Truly don't care about the interviews of the show, interviews concerning the actors of the show, the directors or the producers of the show.... nor even the comic book in the slightest sense of the word. I just want to watch the series and discuss it here without having people constantly mentioning some random piece they got from the comic book series such as "blah blah blah some comic book person is probably going to be added in a few episodes"... "blah blah blah that was probably gobbity gook who shot the kid"…. “blah blah blah fuck you and your interest in watching the show without spoilers, the black woman dies in the church”.
I seriously think this show needs 2 separate threads and mods to keep an eye on the TV thread and put people in line. One thread to discuss uniquely the show on AMC and the other to discuss whatever else as people have been obviously unable to use spoilers on a constant basis and think only for themselves.
I’m not mad, I’m just fed up of people being unable to appreciate the gravity of the situation.
This post in [TV] - The Walking Dead was brought to you by A FED UP CANADIAN.
Didn't Daryl make some racist comments too? Or was that just Merle?He never really was an asshole if you think about. He was pissed cause they left his brother (the real dickhead) on a roof to die.
Added at: 18:08
In regard to the situation they're in. Daryl is probably the most resourceful and practical. The rest of the group is overly emotional. Think about what made him a douche.
He was pissed off that his brother was left on the roof
He wanted to burn the bodies of the groups fallen dead.
He wanted to put down Jim before he turned.
He was pissed off at Jenner for locking them in the CDC building.
Hmm, seems I should have used "douche-bag" instead of douche-bag. My bad.In regard to the situation they're in. Daryl is probably the most resourceful and practical. The rest of the group is overly emotional. Think about what made him a douche.
He was pissed off that his brother was left on the roof
He wanted to burn the bodies of the groups fallen dead.
He wanted to put down Jim before he turned.
He was pissed off at Jenner for locking them in the CDC building.
I disagree. I stopped reading that thread for a long time because I got one of two things: spoiled information about the books I planned on reading, or huge stretches of posts with nothing but a spoiler tag. For someone who hadn't read the book and didn't want spoilers it became pointless.We've been able to discuss both book and show in the Game of Thrones thread pretty well. I don't see a reason the same can't be done here.
Yes he did. He's toned it down since then; all he did was call Glenn "Short Round" in the episode last Sunday.Didn't Daryl make some racist comments too? Or was that just Merle?
Already mentioned I wasn't a fan of the Walking Dead comics after reading 7-8 of them. (I was actually bored).He really should. It's an Eisner winner for Best On-Going series, as well as the winner of several other, less prestigious awards. It's hands down the best on-going comic out there and they've really gone out of their way to make it easy for people to get into, what with the re-released weeklys and the trade compendiums.
I agree and hopefully people will try better or at least mind to put a spoiler tag and if they fail.... admins take out their hammers and start... hammering.We've been able to discuss both book and show in the Game of Thrones thread pretty well. I don't see a reason the same can't be done here.
Its also $20 a volume here. I've only read up to volume 4, myself.He really should. It's an Eisner winner for Best On-Going series, as well as the winner of several other, less prestigious awards. It's hands down the best on-going comic out there and they've really gone out of their way to make it easy for people to get into, what with the re-released weeklys and the trade compendiums.
I am wondering what we're supposed to really be feeling about that. I mean she's been missing for...3 days? There's no way she's alive. Maybe she'll just be missing forever at this point.I wish they'd find Sophia already...
I think Sofia and her mom are kind of the opposite side of the Carl/his mom coin. One family is strong and able to handle things relativity well, while the other is dependent on the rest of the group to survive. I think they have a purpose and a place in the group, though admittedly it's mostly just to get in the way of the alphas.Maybe the director realized that Sophia's only plot use is as a distressed damsel and they're getting it out of the way early on? Because honestly, how deeply would the story be affected without Sophia or her Mom?
Regardless, we'll know if she's alive or not soon. You can only string people along so long before they stop caring if she's alive or dead.
I agree. I'm hoping this just sets things up for a good episode next week, because this one didn't do much for me. Just resolve the stupid Sofia storyline, it's a just a waste. Feels way more like a soap opera than anything else.The stuff with the doctor and his family was kind of nice, I guess, but I was mostly disappointed by this episode. It was slow, not much happened, and the characters were pretty much no better or worse off in the end than they were in the beginning. Hopefully next week we can get some resolution to Sofia and maybe even Carl so the group can move on.
Man I love Daryl now. He has turned into the cool head of the group. He stepped up as a leader when Rick was gone and made good decisions across the board. Love when he pulled out Merle's stash.Just when you think Daryl couldn't get more badass. "Shut up!" *crossbow shot to the head, while being non-chaulant*
Actually, considering the situtation... they are likely going to be at that farm house for the better part of the season. Carl is about to have some major surgery... they aren't going to be able to move him for two weeks, minimum.
If he lives
I don't know if you've read the comics Ashburner, but that logic doesn't fly there - at all. Ever.It's too early for a main cast member to die... it would also destroy Rick's motivation as a character and he's the focal character most of the time. No, Carl's going to live a long time.
I don't know if you've read the comics Ashburner, but that logic doesn't fly there - at all. Ever.
Also I agree Gryfter, Carl's predicament has been handled for better here.
Nope, you were not alone. I saw that in Merle's stash.I'm sorry, but was I the only one that saw the Blue Sky reference? Maks me wonder if Walt's out there being a badass.
Ha! You know whats funny, I'm so used to seeing meth look like that on Breaking Bad I didn't think of it as anything other than "normal".Nope, you were not alone. I saw that in Merle's stash.
Or they'll kill off a few of the actors. This is one show I would be worried about being too aggressive with renegotiation.I honestly see this making it to 5 seasons, then it gets dropped because AMC doesn't want to pay the actors more.
That is another problem.At the pace they're going, they'll need 26 seasons to get to the end of the prison.
Eh, I'm not so sure. As I said before, the first season was essentially the first book. Going by comic chrononlogy, we're already halfway into the second book (skipping one rest stop entirely). I could see them using each season in a setting. Maybe Hershel's farm will be the majority of the second season, the third being...
The prison. Which, to be honest, I found the pacing of the book really dragged for awhile.
There are long sections of the comic where zombies aren't really that important. In those sections, it's usually the inter-group drama that drives the plot... but it's still good because it's the drama is what is always pulling the plot. When you live in a world where a single member of the group could ruin life for everyone else, the tension is always there.Is anyone besides me or my wife thinking the season is really dragging?
Not very many zombies in this show about zombies....
It's not a show about zombies. It's a show about how people struggle to survive after society collapses, and there just happens to be some zombies around as well.Is anyone besides me or my wife thinking the season is really dragging?
Not very many zombies in this show about zombies....
Exactly. In the letters at the back of the single issues he'll sometimes address this. If it were issue after issue (or in this case episode after episode) of just non stop zombie mayhem it would get old pretty quick. Next episode is going to be zombie heavy with Shane and Otis escaping the high school with the medical supplies, but then they'll probably take another episode or two break from high intensity zombie action.There are long sections of the comic where zombies aren't really that important. In those sections, it's usually the inter-group drama that drives the plot... but it's still good because it's the drama is what is always pulling the plot. When you live in a world where a single member of the group could ruin life for everyone else, the tension is always there.
Taking out the whole "Kick the Dog" trope; in the sense that it's all about survival, probably a smart move.
Looked to me that he is going to get something to do.... well, someone.I also wish Glenn had something to doother than randomly get religion.
I'm still loving every minute, so not everyone is complaining.I really don't get all the complaints of it being too slow and not having enough zombies. Seriously, I do not understand that sentiment at all.
I never understood why he didn't just climb up, cut it down, and get the arrow back. It's not like he snapped the arrow in half or anything.Favorite line of the most recent episode?
"Waste of an arrow"
I think we actually agree on something for once. She annoys the hell out of me. Like we're supposed to feel bad for her because she went through the same damned experience everyone else in the cast did.Should have made the whiny bitch shoot it for a change, to learn how to kill, learn to survive...be godamned useful instead of whining every time I see her and her scrunchy face.
At least the other woman can clean their clothes.
Didn't they do that scene in the show last season, too?I remember in the comic they had a scene where the women were cleaning clothes and one of them mentioned it was kinda demeaning to be stuck back in camp doing it. The rest sort of looked at her like she was insane and said that it was easy work and it certainly beat the life endangering work the men were doing. It really showed how priorities shift once the world ends.
They did. I had forgotten about her husband. That kind of explains her uselessness a bit. I forgot she had been abused for so long and is just now starting to have to live on her own.I think we actually agree on something for once. She annoys the hell out of me. Like we're supposed to feel bad for her because she went through the same damned experience everyone else in the cast did.
Didn't they do that scene in the show last season, too?
Halloween weekend saw ratings for AMC's "The Walking Dead" edge down again.
The zombie hit delivered 6.1 million viewers for its 9 p.m. airing, off 9 percent from last week (which was down 8 percent from the show's second season premiere). Together with its repeat, "TWD" tallied 8.3 million.
We're still in normal post-premiere ratings dip territory for the show, which was renewed for a third season last week. Some fans have been getting annoyed with all the angst and speeches, but the ending of Sunday's episode ... that must have woke you up, huh? What do you think of "TWD" so far?
Basically this. Some people came in expecting this to be 28 Days Later or the Dawn of the Dead remake. These people don't normally watch AMC and thus had no idea what to expect. Besides, it's still pulling in a huge share for it's time slot...That's nothing. Ratings would be down no matter what. Some people just tuned into the premiere because they heard other people talking about it, and now those people have gone back to doing whatever it was they watched before.
Not just the time slot, but also the timeslot for AMC. They've got to be through the roof with these numbers.Basically this. Some people came in expecting this to be 28 Days Later or the Dawn of the Dead remake. These people don't normally watch AMC and thus had no idea what to expect. Besides, it's still pulling in a huge share for it's time slot...
1.) Lights might be on to attract Sophia. When yours is the only lit building for miles, it does attract all sorts of things. Besides, it's already been established that Zombies can't see well... they mainly use sound and smell to identify each other. If they could see well, the zombie camouflage in Season 1 would have never worked. So lights probably aren't an issue unless the zombies are up close. Still a waste of gas though.They keep all the lights on at night... why? Where is the power coming from? Don't zombies see this? They sit and/or wander around outside with no weapons... heck they aren't even trying to watch out for zombies at all. Also why did the old man tell Rick they don't allow guns on the property yet Otis seemed went hunting around the property with a weapon? Why do they have bloated corpses in their wells? None of it makes any sense to me.
Furthermore, there's no dogs on this farm? This would be a first for me. Or did Otis accidentally shoot them all as well?
It's only been a few weeks since it started, tops. Rick wouldn't have survived long without water while he was in the hospital and Lori would known something was up with her long before now.Is anybody else wondering how Otis managed to stay fat in a zombie apocalypse?
From the outsider layperson's viewpoint, I'll just say - "The show's called Walking Dead. Not Love in the Land of Zombies. What if you tuned into the new Battlestar Galactica for the first time in the middle of the second season and saw it was about unicorns and submarines? Is the desperate flight from destruction at the hands of the Cylons just a backdrop?"Latest episode was a bit slow, but I'm still not really getting the complaints I'm hearing in here.
I see complaining about there not being enough Zombies in this show akin to complaining that The Good the Bad and the Ugly doesn't focus enough on the Civil War. Its the setting, its not the subject matter.
If you tuned in to BSG in the middle of the second or third season I feel comfortable saying you would probably never watch it again. Same with most shows that follow a tight narrative like MAd Men or Breaking Bad or the Wire. Judging a show like this on a mid-season episode 2 seasons in a mistake.This was the first episode I've caught of this show.
I was disappoint.
I'll tell you this much - I didn't check out Babylon 5 for the first time until the middle of season 3, and then I was goddamn hooked instantly.If you tuned in to BSG in the middle of the second or third season I feel comfortable saying you would probably never watch it again. Same with most shows that follow a tight narrative like MAd Men or Breaking Bad or the Wire. Judging a show like this on a mid-season episode 2 seasons in a mistake.
That's probably it. I just had slightly higher hopes based on the title and the internet buzz.The exception is not the rule.
But it could just be that a show like The Walking Dead is not for you.
If you are interested I would start at the beginning and give the show a fair chance. The first episode is... fantastic.That's probably it. I just had slightly higher hopes based on the title and the internet buzz.
I don't think they will be at the farm much past next episode if the series follows the comic (which it mostly has been in relation to the farm). Whether or not they find Sofia remains to be seen.I don't know, it just seems they're stalling and waiting for the episodes run out until some big gigantic twist finale! They shouldn't devote an entire season to that farm.
So does Sofia!I don't think they will be at the farm much past next episode if the series follows the comic (which it mostly has been in relation to the farm). Whether or not they find Sofia remains to be seen.
We've been repeating the same prom night joke for 4 years; and we're succesful.I thought Heroes' mistake was repeating the almost exact same story structure for three seasons?
No, Heroes' mistake was that we never got satisfying endings and they refused to show what a REAL super vs super battle was like until the final episode.I thought Heroes' mistake was repeating the almost exact same story structure for three seasons?
Not at being funny.We've been repeating the same prom night joke for 4 years; and we're succesful.
The Walking Dead also refers to the main characters, as well as the zombies. Many have lost either their will to live or their reason's for living, many have lost their faith, some have turned to violence and lost their humanity, and all of them are essentially just waiting to die. Its not a hard metaphor to figure out. Its even lazier than George Romero's Dawn of the Dead consumerism metaphor.From the outsider layperson's viewpoint, I'll just say - "The show's called Walking Dead. Not Love in the Land of Zombies.
This is honestly how she was for awhile in the comic. I assure you, you will hate her less in the future. This is clearly the big wake-up call she needs.Holy fuck, is there a character I hate more than Andrea at this point? She's absolutely useless in group's dynamics. Emo, spiteful and doesn't want to listen/obey others. If their goal is to get me to hate a person with a passion, they accomplished it. When people are screaming to not shoot, you don't. I hope Darryl chops her down with a machete at some point next episode.
At least Shane is conflicted about the way he is and he's doing what he thinks he must to survive. Andrea just reminds me of a child. Literally a CHILD.
It's actually one of the reasons they lost/got rid of the previous director: The budget was severally slashed and they moved production (and losy the tax breaks in the process), but the director kept being adamant about needing more money for production. AMC said no, so he's gone now (can't remember if he left or was fired). The current theory for the budget slash is that guys at Mad Men wanted more money and AMC didn't want to loose it's art house series, so they caved.Man the budget must be really tight, spending it mostly, ON A FARM.
One, you called it about Merle, noob.Again, this is still more or less the next story from the comic (with Herschal's farm and such). It's just...it shouldn't have taken five episodes to get to where we are. If they had resolved the Sofia plot sooner, we could have still had the character development and introduced what's inside the barn sooner.
Then again, the Sofia plot has brought up an interesting split between Rick and Shane regarding priorities. Again, that's the sorta stuff that I love about the zombie genre: not fighting deadheads but the different viewpoints opposing characters have. Plus, we have at least some reasoning from Rick in his line about looking in that little girl's eyes. Then again, they could have just as easily resolved part the Sofia subplot by saying they're not moving out until Carl is ready.
I'm also starting to get on the Andrea hate bandwagon. It pains me to say that, though, because she's one of my favourite characters in the comic. In the comic, she's essentially the role that Daryl has now as the sharpshooting badass of the group. That said, even though her reasoning for shooting at Daryl was piss-poor, you gotta admit that it was a pretty decent shot for having little gun training and all that sun glare.
But yeah, this season has still been much weaker than last season. The pacing in this episode was better, at least, I have to say. It may have helped that one of the fan-favourite characters, Daryl, was in the spotlight. Oh, and totally called it about Darrel.![]()
I know this is going a bit "far" but honestly? Had he fallen over dead with a bullethole in his forehead? I'd have shut off the episode and been done with the series.PLUS THAT CUNTWHORE ALMOST KILLED DARRYL.
Honestly, I think Rick is just trying to keep this from getting violent, mainly because Herschel did save his son's life. It's also Herschel's land, so it's his rules unless someone wants to put a bullet in his brain... but then again he's the closest thing to a doctor they've seen since the CDC lab. You really gonna put down the only guy who could save your life?I'm starting to see Herschel as a douchebag, and I'm pissed at Rick for sucking up to him like he's somesort of zombie crisis guru.
The show is still pretty damn good to me.
Basically. It's got enough drama and romance to attract women, with just enough gore and action to keep the men satisfied. It hits that sweet spot that a lot of shows can't hit.The non-geek crew in my office seems to love the show to bits. It's just opening up zombie horror beyond the relatively small current audience.
Why does a metaphor have to be hard to figure out?The Walking Dead also refers to the main characters, as well as the zombies. Many have lost either their will to live or their reason's for living, many have lost their faith, some have turned to violence and lost their humanity, and all of them are essentially just waiting to die. Its not a hard metaphor to figure out. Its even lazier than George Romero's Dawn of the Dead consumerism metaphor.
Agreed. Even my wife said that Daryl is the only smart, capable person on the show.It's just not good writing on the "animosity" for Andrea, but also the "love" for Darryl.
For all the whining about "omg they're on a farm forever and this little girl storyline suuuuucks" this is still a fantastic show (writing/character wise).