I think it is more than that.Denbrought said:Yes, and it irks me. But eh, that's like you not liking a type of food, personal preferences 'n all.
It is human nature to do good or at least have idols/leaders. We (the human race) always want to strive to be a better person. Now of course the definition of a "better person" differ in each culture.
Most of the civilize culture believe of helping others regardless of race, creed, religious belief etc etc and do the best as you can (Mother Theresa, Ghandi is a good example)
and some believe that killing other people in the name of their god by blowing yourself up and get 40 virgins after your dead is a good deed which majority of the society doesn't believe in.
BUT, I think it is boils down what you believe. I presume that you don't have any heroes who are dead? if you do, you do give them a "memorial" indirect way, by respecting them for what they did and try to strive similar deeds or you honor them enough to be one of your "ideal" person to become.
If you don't have any dead heroes, then I can totally understand