Things I have learned from the Arcade games

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  • Successfully piloting a helicopter has as much to do with luck as it does a fast clicking finger.
  • Elmer Fudd couldn't kill Bugs simply because he didn't have fast enough reflexes.
  • When aliens invade, it will be surprisingly boring
  • When parachuting over water, make sure to land in the boat
  • The Othello computer is evil
  • You can be champion of any game with the appropriate application of boredom
  • If you get a high score in any game, it's only a matter of time (probably minutes) before someone comes along and doubles it.
Whatever man, I put that score on Asteroids on the first day. No one has the boredom fighting reflexes to last long enough to top it, though anyone easily could. Asteroids is piss easy.
The simplest way to cheat would be to right click on the game to freeze it, find the key, then click somewhere else, press the key, and do it all over again until you ran out of time. I doubt that's how he did it though.
Oh. Few things are more frustrating than getting consecutive scores of 138 and 139 on a game where the high score is 140.
I CANNOT get past 155 on Eskiv. It has been driving me nuts. I need to SLOW the hell down if I want my trophy back... and I do...
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