This American Life - Harper High School

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No, what we need to ask is:

Is a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years for any level of possesion of a "hard drug" a remotely acceptable sentence? This policy (and versions of it) accounts for a MASSIVE amount of our inmate population. What rehabilitative purpose does that even serve?
Fuck no. This is not something I should admit, but when I was a small town constable, I threw away enough evidence for the people I arrested for public drunkenness in the form of drugs that would net them ridiculous sentences when all they needed was some fucking help.
Fuck no. This is not something I should admit, but when I was a small town constable, I threw away enough evidence for the people I arrested for public drunkenness in the form of drugs that would net them ridiculous sentences when all they needed was some fucking help.
Sounds like you don't play by anyones rules but your own buddy.


Staff member
And then remember Harper High School and find a way to help change education in America for the better (pretty please)
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