[Rant] This Work Week

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My new job is going pretty well. I'm done with my hell week and get the next two days off.

My old job? So glad I left.

When I left, the management consisted of Abul, the GM (ok guy for the most part) Branden the AM (total dick) Chris, a shift lead (also a good guy) and me (asshole).

So when I left they started to train up Lauren to be a shift leader, which was honestly a good idea as she was one of the best workers there. Fast forward to now and Abdul is in Pakistan visiting his father who was gotten ill, and Branden tried to fire Lauren mostly just 'cause. After the District manager, Steve, intervenes and reminds him that not only is it Abdul's decision only but the reasons Branden cited for the attempted termination weren't good enough. So apparently today (Saturday, one of the busiest days of the week) Branden "goes for a smoke real quick" and walks off the job. When people went to go look for him they found an unsent email on the computer going on and on about how the staff had created a hostile work environment and how Brandon was going to sue Steve.

So Abdul can't be reached because, you know, Pakistan and Lauren isn't technically a shift leader yet because she hasn't completed her training. It's essentially up to Chris to work open to close until Abdul gets back. The real kicker is though, that Chris doesn't know how to do a lot of the functions that a GM needs to know. Inventory was due today and I don't think he did it. I felt so bad when he told me about all of this that I actually went in and showed him how to place orders and stuff.

And of course Steve, the district manager, isn't actually helping that much at all. He sent over the GM from another store to help for a bit and made the schedule for next week but hasn't told Chris if he's actually going to have to work from open to close or what. All Chris knows is to expect overtime.

And speaking of overtime, that's the majority of Chris' raise. Instead of making more money he'll be allowed to work overtime.

Don't ever work for Dunkin Donuts if you find yourself in a position to have to consider that kind of job.
At least not that franchise. I've had moments like that.
Her: "Why am I scheduled to work Holiday? I don't want to work Holiday."
Me: Explains seniority, holidays, and this thing called the Request Off process.
Her: "Well I don't want to work Holiday."

Holiday rolls around, I'm wrapping up the midnight shift (the regular guy had requested it off), shift change rolls around...an she doesn't show. I end up working a double on Holiday because she has responsibility issues.

Honestly, though, I have a hard time being mad at her about it. A couple months later, her mother hears voices and shoots up the family, killing the dad and wounding her and her brother. That's more than just ordinary karma at work.

Yes, Madonna appears all over, to punish bad children by thrashing them with birch switches or taking them in her coal bucket back to hell.
At least not that franchise. I've had moments like that.
Her: "Why am I scheduled to work Holiday? I don't want to work Holiday."
Me: Explains seniority, holidays, and this thing called the Request Off process.
Her: "Well I don't want to work Holiday."

Holiday rolls around, I'm wrapping up the midnight shift (the regular guy had requested it off), shift change rolls around...an she doesn't show. I end up working a double on Holiday because she has responsibility issues.

Honestly, though, I have a hard time being mad at her about it. A couple months later, her mother hears voices and shoots up the family, killing the dad and wounding her and her brother. That's more than just ordinary karma at work.

Until I got to the shooting the family part, that was a no show, no call, goodbye, you're fired.

We've had a few of those with the 3-11 shift. I would typically end up grabbing a few extra hours to keep the manager from working a mess of full double shifts.

That drama's OT bought me a new computer, new TV, and a new iPhone this year. :D


Go read my reply in the other thread. Focus on the word sexy, then surf by the crush forumite thread page.
What? Whoa man. You're the most stable person on here! I can't believe you of all people got fired. Sorry to hear that.
I just struggle with working in a project-oriented environment. I can't deny it. I did good work but it but it was more a matter of "Look how well I juggled these three balls! Oh, I was supposed to be juggling 5? Whoops."
For the most part, things have worked out better following the ownership/management transition at the consulting firm that I work for than I thought they would, and I haven't yet been let go due to lack of work (emphasis on the word "yet"); but of the four projects I was handed last week, two were things I couldn't do/had no knowledge of processes for, and the other two went from being multi-week, high-hour projects to being single day, low hour projects. And, what with the holiday coming up this week and the Christmas/New Year's Day breaks coming up next month and in January, it looks like it's going to continue to be mind-numbingly slow here.

It's one of the two projects that I could work on that annoys me the most though. It went from being "take these 5 documents and what you know about the forums/can glean from the forums and turn them into a single source of data that's a useful and easy to follow troubleshooting guide" to being "read through these guides and the forums, find anything we've missed, and hodgepodge them in to the existing docs." So something that had originally looked like it was going to take about a week to research and at least a day to reformat and rewrite, wound up taking a couple of days to gather data and 45 minutes to write up. I'm sure the person who gave me the project is going to be very happy with the results, but it could have been much better had she not put some of the constraints on it that she did.


Staff member
Pretty sure that I--that is, unless you don't have to lay restraints down on ghetto, emotionally disabled kids--have some of you retail kids beat. The cop, maybe not. But everybody else, I'll bet. Two more full days, and then freedom! But these kids are going to be guh until after January.


Staff member
I dislike thanksgiving week. In broadcasting, it only means we have to cram 7 days of work into 3 days instead of 5. I'd rather we just didn't get the time off, to be honest.
Given the choice of sitting at home trying to find something to do and having several gaming options, and sitting at work trying to find something to do with no gaming options, I'd prefer being at home - but I hear ya Gas - sometimes the time off just doesn't seem worth it, and if I'm lucky enough to have stuff to do at work, I'd much rather be doing that than sitting at home doing nothing.


Staff member
Given the choice of sitting at home trying to find something to do and having several gaming options, and sitting at work trying to find something to do with no gaming options, I'd prefer being at home - but I hear ya Gas - sometimes the time off just doesn't seem worth it, and if I'm lucky enough to have stuff to do at work, I'd much rather be doing that than sitting at home doing nothing.
With my job, the time off never seems worth it. Thanksgiving, Christmas, whatever. It's always just 9 times more work before and after the absence, along with interspersed phone calls from work and VNC sessions during the absence.
Agreed Gas. I'm going to be off from Thu-Sun. However I will be working extra hours Today-Wed to make up for the loss. It's just ridiculous.
I'll probably be up to my ears in elbows on Fri. Really, the single thing I am looking forward to most is the extra day of pay.



Staff member
Having a feast for the kiddies tomorrow. On the plus side, there will be food. On the minus side, all the kids are going to damn well make sure to get to school tomorrow for all of the food.
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