Those damn ewoks

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I watched that show as a kid. Loved it...then. I watched a few reruns on scifi 10 some years ago. Gawddamn it's sooo bad. It just didn't age well.

Droids was halfway decent though.
I fucking loved the ewok cartoons when I was a kid...

They had these kick ass white vhs cases for them that were like way more badass than like the shitty disney ones. They were hard plastic and looked like just bad ass. I can't really describe them in any other way than bad ass.

Philosopher B.

I remember those. I watched the Droid and Ewok VHS tapes like all the time, drove my older sister nuts. :D
AshburnerX said:
There is NO WAY that the remnants of the Rebel fleet, which amounted to a handful of ships, managed to destroy the incoming debris from a man made object the size of a MOON. Not only would they need to resupply their fighters and capital ships... not only would they have trouble manning enough forces to take out the literally billions of fragments big enough to not burn up on re-entry... but they would have needed to do it all within a few minutes/hours of the end of the battle.


Ahem: "The explosion of the station's hypermatter core created a minor wormhole at its collapse."

Canon >>>> reality! So there!
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