Fair enough, I guess. It just bugged me how he went from "self preservingly depressed" to "suicidally optimistic" this week, having gone from "Ahab-like thirst for vengeance" to "appreciative of his companions" in the last episode.
I agree, but I think what each episode is going to be about is Lion-O feeling certain negative emotions, and then through his adventures coming to terms with each of them. Episode 3 was anger and obsessiveness, Episode 4 was depression and loss of hope. Where I think they are going wrong is that they are going TO FAST with these. He shouldn't learn a lesson in the span of a single episode, and thus each of his lessons feels quick and erratic. In the old Thundercats it took a few episodes for Lion-O to get over most of his childishness, and yet this new one he went from childish curiosity to revenge fueled to almost scared and hopeless.
Really, I sometimes feel that Tygra also suffers from erratic personality, and I am STILL waiting for the Thunderkittens to actually be useful. Last episode the most useful thing they did was throw fruit at a lizardman, but during the actual "attack" we see them run in, then run away. They didn't even get a "beat up all these lizardmen" scene like the adults.
P.S Anyone notice that Tygra, at the beginning, used his classic whip, but now that the show is underway he uses a pistol like some marksman? It's hilarious, because he never stops using that gun now.