Trail by Fire - A case against the death penalty


Staff member
The point people are making, DA, is that Texans who didn't vote Perry are no more culpable for his sins than you are for (insert bad thing about WV here). It's silly to say that they, or you, "aren't doing enough."

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Even if you don't adhere to the 'killing is wrong' mindset, it's quite difficult to determine just when "100% certainty" happens. All of the people involved with the man in the original article were 100% certain he was an arsonist and a baby killer.

Also, maybe @DarkAudit should consider taking a break from this thread.
DA- I'm on your side. We both hate the death penalty. I'm on your side in the WV thing too. I only said the above directly quoting your posts to me and changing the words.