I don't have a webcam...Tin: post a webcam pic of your 'o' face.
Morphine: dare.

I tried to make a 'fake' o-face pic, but it looked pretty ridiculous

Then it was probably pretty authentic--you just aren't used to seeing it

I don't have a webcam...Tin: post a webcam pic of your 'o' face.
Morphine: dare.
I'm going out drinking tonight... this will undoubtedly be 5x funnier after I get home, so keep an eye out for this later.[/quote]HowDroll: Make a short comic strip with snapshots of yourself. Extra points for props. Any theme.
It's your turn to be truth or dared, right?HowDroll: Make a short comic strip with snapshots of yourself. Extra points for props. Any theme.
Ooooooooookay. Sorry this took so long. I wanted this done this morning but I had a bunch of stuff to do. The second update, with some answers to questions! Apparently Chad Sexington, the blogger, is a sexist. Surprising, I know. Anyways, I hope it's to your liking, Phil, as you dared me, and to yours, LB and makare, as you're our lovely contributors.
It's your turn to be truth or dared, right?HowDroll: Make a short comic strip with snapshots of yourself. Extra points for props. Any theme.
Whatchu talkin' bout willis?Philatio! We require a dare from you!
Ooooooooookay. Sorry this took so long. I wanted this done this morning but I had a bunch of stuff to do. The second update, with some answers to questions! Apparently Chad Sexington, the blogger, is a sexist. Surprising, I know. Anyways, I hope it's to your liking, Phil, as you dared me, and to yours, LB and makare, as you're our lovely contributors.
It's your turn to be truth or dared, right?[strike]HowDroll: Make a short comic strip with snapshots of yourself. Extra points for props. Any theme.
It's your turn to be truth or dared, right?HowDroll: Make a short comic strip with snapshots of yourself. Extra points for props. Any theme.
Actually nectar was also one we came up with. But sex nectar is way cooler, and much more specific. Chad cracks me up. Ill try to come up with more questions in the future but with cornier names.Some "behind the scenes" info on writing that:I didn't know some of those slang words for men's business, so I have googled an unusual number of requests for slang. You're right, there's pretty much no slang for the female, but there are several discussions dedicated to it. Most of those are edited versions or completely stolen from forum conversations on the topic. My search history is weeeeeird now. Sex nectar is all me though. I couldn't think of a good reason why there aren't more slang terms, so now Chad has a failed autobiography wherein he apparently expresses his feelings that women are too inhibited to discuss their sexuality.
I tweeted the blog, so hopefully one of my friends will write in!Awesome. Well I am actually having too much fun with that so if I'm getting questions, I'll definitely try to update it when they come in.
whaaa??I dare you to type out a short, but loving letter to the person of your choice using your nose. Post the results.
Tell us about the first time you discovered the wonders of masturbation.
Aw not even dinner... poor hand got the shaft.