Ukulele Lady

Hey, Kev, did you ever beatbox for your dare?!
Either my mic has been co-opted, or there have been family around to judge me. :(

I will most likely be able to do it tomorrow, but I have no idea how it's gonna translate to audio file, seeing as how much I hate the sound of my own voice, especially recorded.

Steven Soderburgin

Look, I know Gusto already made this joke in the thread, but legit can we change the thread title to "Ukulady"


Staff member
Well I specifically named it that because of the song of the same name... so nope! I only take song requests, not thread-naming ones! :humph:

I'd love to see a rendition of "It's not easy being green". I think the music and voice would work out well for that. :)

My request.

I tried to figure it out on my accordion today. I worked out the chorus, but the verses are in some sort of minor key, which is a place that my accordion can't go.


Staff member
Still processing, but here you are: "More than you know." I'm still a bit froggy from a sinus infection, so excuse any huskiness.

Do you know The Tallest Man on Earth?
He's a swedish folk singer/songwriter that I LOOOVE.

"Where do my bluebirds fly" or "I won't be found" are my favorite ones, if you ever feel like pleasing me (ha ha) you should do one of those =)


Staff member
Noted. :) I try to do as many requests as I can. Never heard of the guy, but they sound like charming songs. And I love folk!
The Pearl Jam request was for "Soon Forget". appears to be the chords/lyrics.

This thread is good. I started my music thread in hopes of doing a song a weekend, but I've just not had the motivation to do it...well the lack of responses too. I'm glad to see you're still playing, recording, and putting yourself out there. It's really hard to do, as most musicians have too thin of a skin (myself included).


Staff member

Sorry if this one's not quite up to scratch. I really wanted to get it done even though I wasn't feeling great this morning. Man I am forever doomed to cut myself off in my videos. Oh well. I know just what I wanna play next.


Hey I really like pretty much everything I've seen here. Great job!

I'd also like to throw in my request. I'd love it if you could do really any song by The Decemberists, but if you haven't heard of them then I might make a few suggestions

The Engine Driver:

O' Valencia:

The Crane Wife pt. 3:

Seems like the chords for any of their songs can be found here:

Don't listen to her... she'll say things like "ooh, that sounds good, I'll definitely do it!" and then never say anything about it again for MONTHS AND MONTHS!
Yeah, what the fuck Seej? It's almost like you have a life outside of recording yourself playing the uke and posting the recordings on the internet! That's the one thing I just can't accept.


Staff member
:( My computer is old and bad and it's hard to record. Don't be mad, Fernando. :waah: think I was rehearsing "I'm looking through you" this morning... :eek:rly:


Staff member
Oh man *scribbles notes*. I'm actually working on a huge epic halforums song full of in-jokes and I'd almost forgotten that one. It's not going so well, but it's a fun diversion trying to rhyme so many things...
You know what song would be GREAT in the ukulele?

I'm Looking Through You.

You know what OTHER song would be great in the ukulele?

I hadn't heard this song for over a year and now that I heard it again I instantly thought of you. It's all good-vibey like you n_n



Staff member
Maybe now Mr. Calleja will shut the hell up! ;) ....not entirely pleased with this one, but this was like the 5th take. So I just posted it anyway.

So, now I know... if I want to upload I can't be at the apartment. The fucking university wireless is better than my apartment. Uploaded in 3 minutes. Lesson learned. So, more to come in much quicker fashion!


Staff member
I would, dear Fernando, but think of all the ladies I'd be depriving of your sexual prowess. :p I simply couldn't live with myself.