And like I said it's dumb.
And you have the right to your opinion dave.
the rest of us have the same right, even though chaz thinks we shouldn't.
I am ok with whatever punishment elected officials choose to instate for things that are illegal. These people don't just walk into a gavernment building and make laws, they were chosen by the citizens. If the people don't like it, they can elect somebody else the next time they get the chance.
My opinion on underage drinking is based personal experience. I'm currently watching my brother throw his life away for alchohol. He started drinking at the time chaz says everyone does it (btw, I didn't do any drinking until 21. because that is the legal drinking age.). He is now 27, got a less then honorable discharge from the air force after less than 2 years. Wrecked numerous cars, including rear-ending his own parked jeep with his wife's car last week. Cheated on his wife repeatedly and generally made life at home hell for his 2 small girls. But hey, at least he got to drink when he was a teenager![/QUOTE]
My brother and his wife died to a drunk driver, and I still think people are smart enough to make up their own damn minds when it comes to drugs and alcohol. It's not my fault your brother's an idiot as much as that mine died to one.