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Deleted the original thread and now posting as myself. Rape kit came back. DNA and physical evidence shows that - while he's innocent until proven guilty - he more than likely committed the act.

Holy shit.



Frankie Williamson

Ugh. Hopefully, she gets the help she needs then.

Him too.




The kid's screwed. Let's hope justice is served, here.

I suggest sending Shego after him.




Does the evidence show signs of sexual assault, or just intercourse?




I'm going to show my ignorance here but what do rape kits look for?



I'm going to show my ignorance here but what do rape kits look for?
That is a good question.

I wonder if rough sex show "false positive" (I am with Emrys. I have no idea what it test)




I'm going to show my ignorance here but what do rape kits look for?
You know, I'm not sure. To Wikipedia!!

As to the rest, I have no more information. I don't think this was even remotely consensual and I'm not about to ascribe any sort of motive to it. I do know that he spent a fair amount of time alone with my daughter and that's kinda frightening.



Frankie Williamson

Fluids, of all sorts, from various parts of the body. Debris, dna and otherwise from under the fingertips. Hairs and fibers from the victim and the victim's clothes.




Although a rape kit's contents may vary by location, it may include:
  • Instructions
  • Bags and sheets for evidence collection
  • Swabs for collecting fluids from the lips, cheeks, thighs, vagina, anus, and buttocks
  • Blood collection devices
  • Comb used to collect hair and fiber from the victim’s body
  • Clear glass slides
  • Envelopes for preserving the victim’s clothes, head hair, pubic hair, and blood samples
  • Nail pick for scraping debris from beneath the nails
  • White sheets to catch physical evidence stripped from the body
  • Documentation forms
  • Labels



Frankie Williamson

Wikipedia wins.




For the record now that there's evidence, I'm totally in the corner of Victim (no longer Accuser). I know I seemed to be reserving judgment before as it wouldn't have been fair to brand either one, but now that we know more Victim deserves all the help and support she can get.

Attacker needs help as well, but if his life is ruined he can't blame anyone else. Victim wasn't given that choice.




Wow. That is messed up.




So, unless he confesses, this might come down to "he said, she said".

I hope this doesn't get as nasty as it looks it might. Good luck to you and your family.




So, unless he confesses, this might come down to "he said, she said".

I hope this doesn't get as nasty as it looks it might. Good luck to you and your family.
No, I don't think so. I think it's going to be, "She said this. He denied it. Now we have proof that something happened." She has been physically and mentally attacked and traumatized. He was acting like nothing was particularly amiss.



Ah. Well, until you get more info (i.e. both side of the stories) it will be hard to say if it is rough sex (I met some people who are into that) or it is rape (which is equally bad)




Actually, I have one question. When did this happen? I thought is took a few days for a DNA test to come back.




Okay, I'm not a law enforcement officer, but based on that Wikipedia list it doesn't necessarily prove it was rape. The rape kit appears to be able to prove intercourse occurred, but how does it show it was non-consensual? For example, the guy's skin cells underneath her fingernails, there are lots of ways they could have ended up there, either during intercourse or simply during horseplay between cousins.




Actually, I have one question. When did this happen? I thought is took a few days for a DNA test to come back.
Edit: Just did my own research. It says it takes 5-10 days for results to come back on a DNA test...and that's at the minimum.




Actually, I have one question. When did this happen? I thought is took a few days for a DNA test to come back.
That's really a good question. The alleged incident took place within the last few days. Not sure exactly when. By the way, know that I'm going completely off information given to me by others so I can't 100% confirm its veracity.




Okay, I'm not a law enforcement officer, but based on that Wikipedia list it doesn't necessarily prove it was rape. The rape kit appears to be able to prove intercourse occurred, but how does it show it was non-consensual? For example, the guy's skin cells underneath her fingernails, there are lots of ways they could have ended up there, either during intercourse or simply during horseplay between cousins.
The rape kit also looks for the, uh, angle of penetration. Apparently is the vagina isn't receptive to sexual activity and it is forced anyway there can be substantial damage done and the angle changes.

That is what a family member with some very unfortunate first hand experience has told me.




I'm apparently missing background/context. Apparently something...very unfortunate...happened to someone known, and was caused by someone else known.



I'm apparently missing background/context. Apparently something...very unfortunate...happened to someone known, and was caused by someone else known.
It is unfortunate event :( all parties need help badly, but if it is anything like Texas Law, the guy's life is F-up for the rest of his life if it goes to trial and convicted.




The rape kit also looks for the, uh, angle of penetration. Apparently is the vagina isn't receptive to sexual activity and it is forced anyway there can be substantial damage done and the angle changes.

That is what a family member with some very unfortunate first hand experience has told me.
I did not know that. Thanks for the info.

Also, sorry for your family member. Wouldn't wish anything like this on anyone.




I did not know that. Thanks for the info.

Also, sorry for your family member. Wouldn't wish anything like this on anyone.
I didn't find out about it know about it until a few years ago when her daughter faked being raped. It really was a shock.

The bigger shock came to me when Dad informed me that her daughter..well..she is the daughter of the result of the incident. I really wish I didn't know these facts.



I didn't find out about it know about it until a few years ago when her daughter faked being raped. It really was a shock.

The bigger shock came to me when Dad informed me that her daughter..well..she is the daughter of the result of the incident. I really wish I didn't know these facts.
There are times I wish there was a "flashy thing" from MIB that could erase some memory.




I didn't find out about it know about it until a few years ago when her daughter faked being raped. It really was a shock.

The bigger shock came to me when Dad informed me that her daughter..well..she is the daughter of the result of the incident. I really wish I didn't know these facts.
Since she told someone and went to the hospital quickly she was able to be given Plan B as well as what they called the "Rape Cocktail" which is a variety of medicines to protect against various and several STDs.

And I found out there is no DNA but there is a lot of physical evidence and nobody else had access.

For those not in the "know", 16 year old nephew raped 15 year old niece (different parents - they were cousins, not siblings).



Since she told someone and went to the hospital quickly she was able to be given Plan B as well as what they called the "Rape Cocktail" which is a variety of medicines to protect against various and several STDs.

And I found out there is no DNA but there is a lot of physical evidence and nobody else had access.

For those not in the "know", 16 year old nephew raped 15 year old niece (different parents - they were cousins, not siblings).
2nd cousins since the 1st cousin was the parents.




2nd cousins since the 1st cousin was the parents.
They are direct cousins. Her mom is his dad's sister.




That's...not good. On many different levels.



They are direct cousins. Her mom is his dad's sister.
Oh. I got confuse then cause initially I thought it was your wife's cousin's daughter and another cousin's son.

I'm so confuse.



Oh. I got confuse then cause initially I thought it was your wife's cousin's daughter and another cousin's son.

I'm so confuse.
that's what I got too.




So if there was evidence of physical violence/forceful entry then yeah, he'll get what's coming to him.

If there there's only dna evidence that sex happened? I wouldn't buy it. It would have made sence he would have wanted to lie about it because of the direct relation.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

I missed something




Yikes. Sorry to hear that man. Hope they both get the help they need.
Added at: 14:32
I missed something
Look 4 posts above yours.



So if there was evidence of physical violence/forceful entry then yeah, he'll get what's coming to him.

If there there's only dna evidence that sex happened? I wouldn't buy it. It would have made sence he would have wanted to lie about it because of the direct relation.
Well, I feel sorry for the guy in more ways than one. In most states, stuff like this the guy is pretty much screwed (I double check some places you get on the list even when you are NOT convicted)




Thank you for clarification. And, yes... the young man is done. If found guilty, he could be charged as an adult (Down here, 17 and up goes to big boy jail, I believe AL charges 16 as adults), as well as being required to register as a sex offender upon release. Needless to say, this is not going to help his chances for future employment.

I hope your niece can get all the help she needs from this...

What's the boy's story? Flat-out denial, or is he stating it was consensual? (If I may? If not, then disregard.)




What's the boy's story? Flat-out denial, or is he stating it was consensual? (If I may? If not, then disregard.)
At this time it's unknown to me.




D: Cripes.



Thank you for clarification. And, yes... the young man is done. If found guilty, he could be charged as an adult (Down here, 17 and up goes to big boy jail, I believe AL charges 16 as adults), as well as being required to register as a sex offender upon release. Needless to say, this is not going to help his chances for future employment.

I hope your niece can get all the help she needs from this...

What's the boy's story? Flat-out denial, or is he stating it was consensual? (If I may? If not, then disregard.)
Employment? heck, in the internet age, he would have a hard time finding a place to live (at least with minimal harassment)

My neighborhood would be off limits to him since I am like 5 minutes from elementary, 10 minute (all walking distance) from Jr. High and community college. The plus side there is a police station 15 minutes walk from my place :)




I had a neighbor that recently moved out that wa a sex offender she was 29 and the kid was 15. We live within walking distance of an elementary and a middle school so I dunno if she was suppose to be able to live there or not now. Her house was a dump too




New info. The attack happened Friday or Saturday. DNA has come back. It's him. There is also physical damage done to Victim. It is not an act of coercion, but instead one of force.




Throw the book at him! And then put him in prison




That...now that really is terrible.







Frankie Williamson

Well, that's hell.



Well, from a legal stand point that'll make the case easier. Terrible ordeal for everyone involved though.








If I ever become a father, this is the sort of situation I'd be terrified to encounter. Not just in what I could have done differently, but in how I'd react. My immediate thought involves a baseball bat.




This sums up my reaction quite nicely.




If I ever become a father, this is the sort of situation I'd be terrified to encounter. Not just in what I could have done differently, but in how I'd react. My immediate thought involves a baseball bat.
Gotta agree with you there. I don't generally talk about what kinds of violent things I'd do to people who have wronged others, but when it comes to loved ones, there's no question. Stuff like that can make you crazy.

I hope that she gets through this okay. What a nightmare.




Well... shit.



I hope she does get the help she needs cause it can be pretty traumatizing. I hope she learn from the experience and make herself stronger and better and not shelter herself. This of course depends on the parents involved. The guy is pretty much f-up at this point. Since the law was brought into the scene, his life is pretty much mess up from the collective social point of view.

Family cohesion is really mess up and I feel sorry for Dave for having to deal with both side at this point. It is a rough spot buddy and I pray everyone will come out better after some time has pass.

The only advice I can give is that please make sure to help the girl and don't let her close off. Don't let her "enclose" herself from this event. Yea, I know that society can be cruel on rape victim (especially with the history you gave us Dave), but let her know she is being supported and don't let this event rule her life. It is a lesson in life, it is a major change of event on her life, but don't let it rule her life. If she let it, it is going to be rough on her cause she will become mistrustful (if that is a word) toward others. She may wall up her emotional and physical from the rest of the world.




Okay, I'm not a law enforcement officer, but based on that Wikipedia list it doesn't necessarily prove it was rape. The rape kit appears to be able to prove intercourse occurred, but how does it show it was non-consensual? For example, the guy's skin cells underneath her fingernails, there are lots of ways they could have ended up there, either during intercourse or simply during horseplay between cousins.
I haven't checked if this has been answered, but here's how I've heard it goes (based on some TV crime show I saw once): vaginal tearing. If it's consensual, the tearing is lesser and located in a different part of the vagina than in non-consensual sex.




Also, after having read the entire thread...

I remain in my opinion that rapists are among the lowest forms of life, somewhere between single-cell organisms and lawyers. This boy (I refuse to call him a man since no real man would ever do something like that to a woman), albeit kin, needs to be correctioned the hell out of.

Dave, my best regards to your family and the victim and his family. I'm no praying man, but I'll hope all the best for her, and hope she gets all the help she needs.




The hardest part of the whole thing is I still like him. He did a deplorable and unforgivable thing, yet I know he's just a scared kid. No, I'm not being apologist. I don't know how to feel about it, to tell the truth.

He did it. It was terrible. She's damaged probably for the rest of her life. But I still can't bring myself to hate him. Were they complete strangers and I heard about it I would be talking like all of you calling him scum and stuff like that...but I can't. Maybe I'm in some sort of shocked denial, but until this I liked him a lot and felt sorry for his lot in life.

Of course, I feel more sorry for Victim, Victim's mom and Abuser's dad. Abuser's dad is a very, very kind man and this is killing him. He's always been the guy that helps out, never says anything bad about anyone and always wanted to do his best for Abuser even as Abuser's mom took Abuser away and moved to a new city. Abuser's dad followed so he could get a job in the new city and stay close to his son as much as he could.

Just a messed up situation all around.




Well, even rapists have friends and family. They just don't...stop being people.



The hardest part of the whole thing is I still like him. He did a deplorable and unforgivable thing, yet I know he's just a scared kid. No, I'm not being apologist. I don't know how to feel about it, to tell the truth.

He did it. It was terrible. She's damaged probably for the rest of her life. But I still can't bring myself to hate him. Were they complete strangers and I heard about it I would be talking like all of you calling him scum and stuff like that...but I can't. Maybe I'm in some sort of shocked denial, but until this I liked him a lot and felt sorry for his lot in life.

Of course, I feel more sorry for Victim, Victim's mom and Abuser's dad. Abuser's dad is a very, very kind man and this is killing him. He's always been the guy that helps out, never says anything bad about anyone and always wanted to do his best for Abuser even as Abuser's mom took Abuser away and moved to a new city. Abuser's dad followed so he could get a job in the new city and stay close to his son as much as he could.

Just a messed up situation all around.
I guess the hard part to understand is why he did it? why? The dad seems like a really cool guy so why the boy did it? He needs some serious help, but sadly I think from this point on, the family will be his only true friends after his name is added to sex offender's list (will it? if it is, the boy's life is screwed)

The victim's life would be just as hard, but unlike being on the list, the victim can eventually move on from the ordeal and hopefully live a normal life with proper help.
Added at: 15:40
Well, even rapists have friends and family. They just don't...stop being people.
true. but for a moment, that boy did stop being a person and became an animal for an instant :(




I don't think it's weird to feel the way you feel Dave. This is so true:
Well, even rapists have friends and family. They just don't...stop being people.




Edit: I'm a dumbass that can't read a full thread.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

Dave's 16 year old nephew raped Dave's 15 year old niece. They are cousins.
