The hardest part of the whole thing is I still like him. He did a deplorable and unforgivable thing, yet I know he's just a scared kid. No, I'm not being apologist. I don't know how to feel about it, to tell the truth.
He did it. It was terrible. She's damaged probably for the rest of her life. But I still can't bring myself to hate him. Were they complete strangers and I heard about it I would be talking like all of you calling him scum and stuff like that...but I can't. Maybe I'm in some sort of shocked denial, but until this I liked him a lot and felt sorry for his lot in life.
Of course, I feel more sorry for Victim, Victim's mom and Abuser's dad. Abuser's dad is a very, very kind man and this is killing him. He's always been the guy that helps out, never says anything bad about anyone and always wanted to do his best for Abuser even as Abuser's mom took Abuser away and moved to a new city. Abuser's dad followed so he could get a job in the new city and stay close to his son as much as he could.
Just a messed up situation all around.