I think the only thing that really makes Rusty better than his father is the simple fact that he's actually learned from his experiences. Jonas didn't really seem to be bothered by any of his failures (Like leaving all those kids in sub-tunnels without even going back in to clean out the bodies) and would simply move on from a failed project, including his son. But Rusty... he learned ALL too well.
- He made clones of his sons because he KNEW the kind of lives they were going to have to live because of their heritage. Sure, he eventually realized that it probably wasn't the healthiest thing to have around, but it's clear he DID care enough about them to not want to lose them. It's no surprise that one of the few sciences Rusty actually excelled in was the Genetics he would use to protect his sons.
- He hardened them to the things that ruined his childhood. To Rusty, shooting guys in the head and nearly getting killed were the tragedies that ruined his life. To his sons, they are simply a fact of life and something that, while it may bother them, is something they've accepted.
- He made DAMN SURE that they knew the rules of the Guild of Calamitous Intent, if not by letter than at least the jist of it. Considering many of the rules came about specifically BECAUSE of Rusty (like Rusty's Law) , this isn't surprising.
Rusty may be a deranged asshole, but at least he knows how to plan. Even if he doesn't know what a Rusty Venture is...
Also, Trianna is dating a Twilight Douchebag? Ugh...