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Video games are being blame for high rate of divorce?



seriously??? seriously?? YESSH!! It is an addiction like anything else. Drugs, Alcohol, sex, porn, what have you.



General Specific

General Specific

Might be easier to list the things video games are not being blamed for.

1. World Peace
2. .....uh....hmmmm......




Some people will blame anything they can for any failing they have, rather than take an ounce of responsibility for themselves or their actions. It's sad, but it's true.



I post this on my facebook.

If your spouse wants to play more than spending time with YOU, then there might be some underlying issue going on. My wife and I play games. Sometimes we play days on end, and sometimes we play together. We do set aside some "alone time" since we work together (same office) we carpool, we eat together and of course live in the same house.

We communicate with each other a lot (it is about 30-40min commute to work together each way) so we don't let video games "split" our marriage.




I guess it is easier for the husband to go play Bioshock than to listen to the wife's nagging. So it is the Game's Fault.




I guess it is easier for the husband to go play Bioshock than to listen to the wife's nagging. So it is the Game's Fault.
...says the nagging wife. ;)




I post this on my facebook.
Speaking of which, I thought that Facebook was the reason for the high divorce rate.

Well, that and:
televisions in the bedroom
teh Takei
Hollywood and Madison Ave promoting unrealistic standards of beauty
no fault divorces
internet _____ (porn, dating sites, forums, etc.)




I blame the institution of marriage itself for the high rate of divorce. Marriage is an unnatural, archaid, artificial social construct.




I blame the institution of marriage itself for the high rate of divorce. Marriage is an unnatural, archaid, artificial social construct.



Frankie Williamson

Why blame video games? Why not go after the true culprit, WORLD OF WAAAAAAARCRAFT.

Not really, but I do know a couple that divorced because SHE would not stop playing, lost her job, etc.

Edit: I obviously did not click the link before posting this. I see now that they are laying the blame squarely in Blizzard's lap.




Actually, marriage is the direct result of people who are too afraid to be alone, along with the ingrained cultural brainwashing that monogamy is the only acceptable form of serious relationship.




Actually, marriage is the direct result of people who are too afraid to be alone, along with the ingrained cultural brainwashing that monogamy is the only acceptable form of serious relationship.







Well, in Jay's defense you do sound like a bitter old curmudgeon. Then again, I'm pretty sure you are a bitter old curmudgeon.




Well, in Jay's defense you do sound like a bitter old curmudgeon. Then again, I'm pretty sure you are a bitter old curmudgeon.
Not that I'm NOT a bitter old curmudgeon, but I don't think this particular argument is one that bitter old curmudgeons are prone to make. If I was going for curmudgeonly, I would have probably blamed "the MTV" or "the kids and their music these days" or parenting or some such. The culture cheapening what used to be an ironclad lifetime commitment or whatever.

But that's not what I believe. I believe that marriage is an archaic social construct from a period in which women were no more than property and monogamy was perpetuated by unworthy males fearful of alphas monopolizing all the breeding. Really, if I had to criticize my own position, I'd be more apt to say it sounds something some smelly Berkeley hippy feminazi might espouse.




Interesting, tell us more.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Jay, he's not saying to be a loner, he's saying guys would be happier screwing multiple women.




Just like large amounts of any chemical can cause death, even water, too much of an activity can cause the death of a relationship. My own experiences are proof of that enough, and they revolved around WoW as well. It's not rocket science, and i don't blame Blizzard for it, but humanity in general is becoming stupider and sometimes needs to be reminded of this obviousness.



Not really...video games must never bear the burden of the high rate of divorce happening everywhere. Why don't we blame the couples themselves who fail to live up to the challenges of a married life. Marriage is not for the coward and the unprepared. Marriage is a serious matter to get into.




Not really...video games must never bear the burden of the high rate of divorce happening everywhere. Why don't we blame the couples themselves who fail to live up to the challenges of a married life. Marriage is not for the coward and the unprepared. Marriage is a serious matter to get into.
Why do you write like you're answering a question on an SAT exam?




The story is from the daily fail... 'nuff said.






I blame the institution of marriage itself for the high rate of divorce. Marriage is an unnatural, archaid, artificial social construct.
Marriage is a compression wrap?




Marriage is a compression wrap?
Sorry, I misspelled ARACHNID





Not really...video games must never bear the burden of the high rate of divorce happening everywhere. Why don't we blame the couples themselves who fail to live up to the challenges of a married life. Marriage is not for the coward and the unprepared. Marriage is a serious matter to get into.
Spoken like a true unmarried person. Marriage isn't some kind of magic lasso that binds two people together. It requires a lot of work, a lot of time and a lot of conscious effort to succeed at. But that's no different than any other relationship, whether it's boss -> employee or parent -> child. Marriage has always been for the unprepared, and it's only through the tempering of that relationship through time and hardship that familial steel is produced.

Divorce rates have actually been dropping to their lowest level since 1970. And 40 years ago, if George smacked Sally for not having dinner ready when he got home from work, no one would bat an eye. Would you say that Sally was "failing to live up to the challenge of a married life"?


Wasabi Poptart

Marriage isn't some kind of magic lasso that binds two people together.

Worked for me!




Hmm... All divorced people breathe oxygen.

The course is clear. We must ban breathing.




I always wondered why the "Defense of Mawwage Act" did not ban Divorce...




I always wondered why the "Defense of Mawwage Act" did not ban Divorce...
Surprisingly, the areas of the country where divorce rates are lowest are the blue states, which include any state leaning towards the Democratic ticket, while red states, which lean towards the Republican ticket, have the highest divorce rate. For example, Kentucky, Mississippi and Arkansas, voted overwhelmingly for constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage, but those three states had the highest divorce rates in 2003, based on figures from the Census Bureau and the National Center for Health Statistics. In one of the reports from the same group, a survey of 7,043 people stated that residents of the Northeast and West are commonly noted for their more liberal leanings in politics and lifestyle. However, the region of the nation in which divorce was least likely was the Northeast. The state with the lowest divorce rate was Massachusetts. In 2003 the rate in Massachusetts was 5.7 divorces per 1,000 married people compared with 10.8 in Kentucky, 11.1 in Mississippi and 12.7 in Arkansas.



Spoken like a true unmarried person. Marriage isn't some kind of magic lasso that binds two people together. It requires a lot of work, a lot of time and a lot of conscious effort to succeed at. But that's no different than any other relationship, whether it's boss -> employee or parent -> child. Marriage has always been for the unprepared, and it's only through the tempering of that relationship through time and hardship that familial steel is produced.

Divorce rates have actually been dropping to their lowest level since 1970. And 40 years ago, if George smacked Sally for not having dinner ready when he got home from work, no one would bat an eye. Would you say that Sally was "failing to live up to the challenge of a married life"?
Are you a psychic then? I have been married for 5 years already with 3 kids -- 2 girls and 1 boy. Your viewpoint of marriage and divorce might be a little different from the way we view it here in my country. I am not based in USA. When we don't own responsibility, that's when society will get upside down. Being responsible does not mean living your life with guilt, it just means that you are willing to correct mistakes and if not possible then accept that you are also a human being definitely not perfect.




Are you a psychic then? I have been married for 5 years already with 3 kids -- 2 girls and 1 boy. Your viewpoint of marriage and divorce might be a little different from the way we view it here in my country. I am not based in USA. When we don't own responsibility, that's when society will get upside down. Being responsible does not mean living your life with guilt, it just means that you are willing to correct mistakes and if not possible then accept that you are also a human being definitely not perfect.
Do you live in whatever country we outsource fortune cookie writing and hallmark cards to?



Do you live in whatever country we outsource fortune cookie writing and hallmark cards to?
What about you? Do you live in a country already cursed by nature because it is so ungrateful for all the blessings it received thru the centuries? A country whose people are not really happy with all the abundance it got?

Be thankful that you live in a prosperous country and don't mind people who are not of the skin color as you have.




Fantastic post.




What the hell is going on in here?

Oh well.





Fantastic post.
I agree, it's delicious.

What about you? Do you live in a country already cursed by nature because it is so ungrateful for all the blessings it received thru the centuries? A country whose people are not really happy with all the abundance it got?

Be thankful that you live in a prosperous country and don't mind people who are not of the skin color as you have.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over all the imperialism and oppression I'm creating.

'Merica! Fuck yeah!




Okay guys, settle down before I'll go all UN on you and send you a strongly-worded letter.

Hell, I'll send BOTH OF YOU a strongly-worded letter!




Okay guys, settle down before I'll go all UN on you and send you a strongly-worded letter.

Hell, I'll send BOTH OF YOU a strongly-worded letter!
You've already formed a committee created to draft and edit a strongly worded letter, haven't you?

You monster, you're drunk with power!



Video games? Seriously?? People will say anything to keep from taking responsibility.
I could find alot of things to blame...... the internet, the internet, the internet, and........ hmmmmm.... seems to be a trend here.

ppfffftttt I just didn't want to be married anymore. 'nuff said.




GasBandit is actually correct according to the science. If anthropology qualifies as a science. The general consensus is that humans are naturally selected for "serial monogamy", which means we're designed to couple off for 4 years or so before moving on to new partners. 4 years is about what it takes for a child to grow out of the helpless stage. It supposedly explains the divorce and long-term break-up timing. I remember one of the article names even. It was "The Four Year Itch", meaning that 7 was a bit optimistic.

At least that was the theory when I did my anthro major like 12 years ago now.




I've read the same thing, Fade.




I play video games all the time, and am a total WarCraft fanatic. Still together with my wife, been together for ten years.

Also, I have no inclination to wander to other women. Is something wrong with me here?



I play video games all the time, and am a total WarCraft fanatic. Still together with my wife, been together for ten years.

Also, I have no inclination to wander to other women. Is something wrong with me here?
I dunno. I'm in the same boat. We both play video games (some together but mostly apart) and we are married for almost 6 years now and been together 11 (living together)




We both play video games, have been married for 4 and together for 10 and she had an affair two years ago. Woo. I counter your anecdotal evidence with my own!



We both play video games, have been married for 4 and together for 10 and she had an affair two years ago. Woo. I counter your anecdotal evidence with my own!
you win. I got nothing :)




A lot of marriage problems I witness in my own life come from people who expect their SO's to change. A friend of mine had a girlfriend who wanted to marry him... oh, except that she found his video game hobby disgusting. Never mind that he was in college and worked hard at his job... playing video games made him childish and irresponsible. Any time someone deludes him/herself into believing that someone will abandon their favorite pastimes and/or values for you, it's going to come to an end... either that or a couple of people who are empty and bitter inside. I see that just as often as breakups.
