Washington Post Top 22 Webcomics of Decade

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No Achewood = No Legitimacy
xkcd = No Legitimacy[/QUOTE]

I wasn't gonna say it. My hatred of XKCD is pretty well-known

---------- Post added at 03:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 PM ----------

I voted Hark! A Vagrant!
Me too. Although it was close between that and Perry Bible Fellowship.[/QUOTE]

xkcd is for scientists and engineers not for intraweb movie snobs.
Least I Could Do is way in the lead. So obviously, the readers of this here Washington Post have terrible, terrible taste.


Staff member
I thought xkcd was for loner internetizens that both want a girlfriend and for math to be hip.

>: D


Staff member
I thought xkcd was for people who liked funny jokes, and Achewood was for people who liked novels with no punchline.



I thought xkcd was for people who liked funny jokes, and Achewood was for people who liked novels with no punchline.


This too.

Btw...this sparked me to read some pvp to see what Kurt has been up to. I gotta admit. The Thanksgiving arc with the turkey is friggin hilarious (the credit goes all to the way he drew the turkey)
Hey I remember this conversation.

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------



Staff member
Saying "It's not for you" is the laziest argument for why it's okay for something to suck.
Isn't that like asking "Are you still beating your wife?" I mean, you're assuming "suck" is true in the asking. Since when did aiming at a demographic become bad? If you don't know what a Fourier transform is--or better yet, if you don't work with them every single day--you're just plain not going to get why Fourier transforming a cat is hilarious. Don't expect me to laugh at an IRS joke.
Even ignoring whether or not xkcd is funny, back when I enjoyed it, it was extremely hit or miss.It's prone to having these large slumps of not funny. If something is extremely inconsistent, why should it be considered among the best?

As for Achewood having no punchline, that's not a criticism. That's the point. It's a very dry style of comedy.
Sho 'nuff. Different strokes for different etc. We've certainly had this conversation before.

I happen to like comics with characters in them.


Staff member
I actually don't think Achewood sucks. I don't think it's very funny, dry or otherwise, and I certainly think the artwork is terrible (which in no way implies a comparison to xkcd's obviously bad art). But then I'm only joking around about comparing the two. I really don't care what people like.
Saying "It's not for you" is the laziest argument for why it's okay for something to suck.
Isn't that like asking "Are you still beating your wife?" I mean, you're assuming "suck" is true in the asking. Since when did aiming at a demographic become bad? If you don't know what a Fourier transform is--or better yet, if you don't work with them every single day--you're just plain not going to get why Fourier transforming a cat is hilarious. Don't expect me to laugh at an IRS joke.[/QUOTE]

I phrased that wrong. laziest argument for why it doesn't matter if I don't like it.
I do not feel that this argument is for me. Rest assured, if it was, I would tear into it so fast... but alas, it's not.
Top 10 is for pussies! They gave you double that, and then took pity on you and gave you two more.

That or the guy who made the poll just happened to have 22 on his bookmarks.
Now is the time for Kurtz to strike. He needs to go to his message board, so he can rally the support of his fans to vote his webcomic the most popular of the bunch. And end up getting new readers from that dying relic of a past age.

Oh wait, yeah...


Staff member
I thought xkcd was for people who liked funny jokes, and Achewood was for people who liked novels with no punchline.


---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 PM ----------

But yeah, if anyone is honesty up at arms about this...well...bully, sir. It's like getting pissed at your niece for liking Chowder.


Staff member
I thought xkcd was for people who liked funny jokes, and Achewood was for people who liked novels with no punchline.


---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 PM ----------

But yeah, if anyone is honesty up at arms about this...well...bully, sir. It's like getting pissed at your niece for liking Chowder.[/QUOTE]

Egg, were you the little fat boy?
LOL, just looked at PA's site:

By Gabe:

I would like to win this
Tuesday, January 26 2010 - 10:06 AM
by: Gabe
with a link to the pole.

And they surged ahead to the top of the pack.
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