[Webcomic] Webcomic Appreciation Jamboree


Staff member
YES! Someone got "champing at the bit" correct! Third time is the charm! (Greg Dean and Garnett Lee were the previous offenders who said "chomping" in the past month.)
YES! Someone got "champing at the bit" correct! Third time is the charm! (Greg Dean and Garnett Lee were the previous offenders who said "chomping" in the past month.)
In keeping with the webcomics theme, Brad Guigar once spent like 5 minutes correcting Scott Kurtz and Dave Kellett on that particular error in an old episode of Webcomics Weekly.

Also I'd like to point out that Dinosaur Comics has been exceptional in 2011 so far.
Not exactly a comic update, but I had a dumb grin on my face for all of today's episode of PATV.

The PA crew is on vacation, leaving Scott and Kris in the office to their own devices. It's like Blamimations meet the Daily Affirmation meet Penny Arcade.
Why the hell did she ever except that tooth from Coyote? I mean... it was clearly a trap and yet I'm betting it was a better gift than ANY of the others in the forest had ever received from him.
I don't think Coyote gave the Tooth to her to get her in his debt or as another sort of trap. It is shown he liked Surma when she was still a medium and it seems he likes Antimony as well. However, it does show a bit of favoritism that he undoubtedly does not want the forest creatures to know about, hence the armband.

Alternatively, it might be some kind of test.
I dunno that Coyote is the type who would give a shit what the other forest dwellers think of his favouritism.
It's pretty clear that he keeps all kinds of stuff from the rest of them. Ysengrim didn't know R was trapped in the court for one. It's also pretty clear that most of Coyote's gifts come at a cost, if Ysengrim's wooden body is any indication. We haven't seen Antimony suffer any consequences for the Tooth aside from the armband, so it seems to me that Coyote DOES have the ability to give gifts without cost... and if Ysengrim found out, he would be VERY pissed.
True enough. I guess it would be more accurate to say that Coyote does shit on a whim and doesn't [immediately] care who it affects.