I sure am using being sick at home well.
Annihilation Conquest: Starlord was solid. Maybe I just had a problem with how he wrote Nova or with how the first half of the main Annihilation event seemed to just jump into its own thing and not give a damn about the minis I liked, but with Starlord as the main character and the team of misfits, it all was put together really well.
That said, I'm onto Annihilation Conquest: Wraith and
I cannot stop rolling my eyes. Did a 12-year-old come up with this character? "He's so badass, riding the universe on his space-motorcycle, and then he's super stoic and when the Phalanx attack him, he's just like 'I don't care' and they're so afraid of him that they completely shut down. And he's the only one who can stop them, but when the Resistance asks for his help, he's just like 'I don't care, I'm just here for the one man I want to kill,' and even when they beg, he's just like 'I don't care.' And then he's captured and tortured, but he just smiles because he's so badass. And he has the origins of both Batman AND Superman."

For fucking real?
This feels like a character Lobo would be a parody of, except Lobo pre-dates Wraith by a long while.