What have you done today to improve the world?

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Today, instead of tossing out potential recyclables, we saved them up for the girl/boy scouts who typically come around collecting them for fundraisers.
I bagged and covered computers and loads of binders full of data (from before the days of digital storage) from years of oceanographic research , to protect knowledge from the potential wrath of Igor.



Staff member
Nothin today... well... I supported a local business, I suppose. :awesome:

But Monday-Friday, I'm a teacher. I count that.
Well, if it's today, then this isn't really part of the actual world.

Hmm. I may just be a bit drunk.


Staff member
I don't litter, garbage belongs in the bin. Hate seeing people's trash on the road or in the bush.

I helped a puppy get backs to it's mother, all the way across town.

When I walk past the schools, every so often, I'll see bullies harassing a lone boy or girl. So I give said bullies my scariest look and they stop. Nowadays when I walk by, nobody is insulted or harassed.

I don't hold the doors for people often, by I make exceptions for elders, pregnant woman, and anyone with a disability.

People usually ask me for advice and to mediate, or negotiate on their behalf.

My best friend's mother usually asks me for help lifting heavy objects, cleaning, or whatever task she requires assistance with at the moment. It's well within my rights to ask for compensation, but I do these things for free.

My neighbor - who also happens to be my great aunt - got me to cut her grass and to do other yardwork for her. I gave her a huge discount since she's doesn't have alot of money. Took me six hours to complete everything, since I sprained my leg in the process.
You are now Toki Wartooth in my mind. I read your entire post in his voice after that one.


Staff member
I put on some pants.

Oh, and also cheered up my girlfriend. She's going through a final push in her studies, and is pretty stressed out. So I decided to give her a little show... with cookies.

"My name is Inigo Oreo. You ate my father. Prepare to die..."

Not a single chocolate chip survived the massacre. We had to destroy the whole clan, lest another come after us.
I don'ts litters, garbage belongs in the bins. Hates seeings people's trash on the road or ins the bush.

I helped a puppy gets backs to it's mother, aaaaaalls the way across town.

Whens I walk past the schools, every sos oftens, I'll sees the bullies harassings a lone boy or girl. Sos I give saids bullies my scariest look and they stops. Nowadays when I walk by, nobody is insulted or harassed.

I don't holds the doors for peoples often, but I make exceptions for elders, pregnant womans, and anyone with a disabilitys.

People usuallys asks me for advice and to mediate, or negotiates on theirs behalf.

My best friend's mother usuallys asks me for helps lifting heavy objects, cleanings, or whatevers tasks she requires assistance with at the moment. It's well within my rights to ask for compensations, buts I do these things for free.

My neighbor - who also happens to bes my great aunt - got me to cut her grass ands to do other yardwork for her. I gaves her a huuuuuuuge discounts since she's doesn'ts have a lot of money. Took me six hours to completes everything, since I sprained my leg in the process.
You are now Toki Wartooth in my mind. I read your entire post in his voice after that one.[/QUOTE]

There, now everyone can read it like Toki (or Skwisgaar!).
I gave a homeless guy a dollar. The next day I'm at Jack in the Box and order two tacos for a dollar. They gave me four tacos. Two extra for free. Karma is kind.
Instead of wasting fuel driving over hells half acre giving presentations, I gathered up a group of managers and put them in one room for a group presentation. It was 2.5 hours of me talking but no one fell asleep so I must have done something right.


Staff member
I talked a good friend down from insanity and dangerous stress levels after Student teaching cohort meeting #2. Very small thing in the big scheme of things, but doing it made me happy and seemed to be helpful.
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