What's the strangest thing in your pocket/purse?

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I used to carry around in my wallet a list that my parents made of reasons I was a terrible son. They were nice enough to print it so they could fit a lot of reasons on only one sheet of paper.
That's.... uh... I'm... I'm stunned.

Mine would probably be a tiny pair of handcuffs, attached to my keychain. They actually work as handcuffs, but they're only big enough to cuff fingers. So they're fingercuffs, I suppose.[/QUOTE]

As a young lad I was depressed and so my behavior reflected that depression. My parents, in their infinite wisdom, decided that the best way to improve my behavior was to tell me everything I was doing wrong, in a written format.

In its own way, I suppose it worked. Instead of hating myself and my life, I ended up hating them for doing that. Then again, I was an angsty teenager so take that as you will.

It was probably the only 'big mistake' my parents made from my perspective. I do think the world of them.
I have a fortune in my wallet that says: If the cookie is in two pieces, the answer is yes. Now, I need to find out what the question was.
Oooo, I have a fortune on my desk from last Friday!

"You will inherit a large sum of money."

I hope so, cookie!
Two keychains; one is a metallic green beetle, the other is an Austrailian spiny spider facing off against a tiny wood scorpion (that also glows in the dark). Both are coated in acrylic, and were gifts from my girlfriend.
A folded, laminated one dollar bill.

My grandfather gave it to me as a child and told me as long as I held on to it, I would never go broke.

I've carried it around in every wallet I've had since.


Well, there's this one ring in my pocket that I found lying around a while ago. I can't really bring myself to get rid of it.


3 dollars and one human soul. I wish I knew where the three dollars came from.
I have my D&D character token in my wallet. I wanted to make sure I wouldn't lose it or forget to bring it to any D&D games should my group find time to play.

Philosopher B.

I only ever keep my phone and my wallet in my pockets. And sometimes tissues. Which I then carefully but firmly apply to my nose, whereupon I violently discharge the contents into said tissues, taking care to dispose of them in a nearby trash receptacle immediately afterwards.

Soliloquy said:
Well, there's this one ring in my pocket that I found lying around a while ago. I can't really bring myself to get rid of it.
That's funny, you know, I've been missing a birthday present that sounds remarkably similar.

Hmmm ...


I always keep this in my wallet

Just incase I need to get into the Avenger's Mansion in an emergency


I only ever keep my phone and my wallet in my pockets. And sometimes tissues. Which I then carefully but firmly apply to my nose, whereupon I violently discharge the contents into said tissues, taking care to dispose of them in a nearby trash receptacle immediately afterwards.

Soliloquy said:
Well, there's this one ring in my pocket that I found lying around a while ago. I can't really bring myself to get rid of it.
That's funny, you know, I've been missing a birthday present that sounds remarkably similar.

Hmmm ...
No, see, the ring is mine. I found it. It came to me!
Strangely enough, I just found a Singaporean one dollar coin in my pocket, after reading this thread. The weird thing is that I haven't been in Singapore for over 10 years.

Someone start a "What's the strangest thing in your bank account" thread next please?
Honestly, I do have a ring in my pocket. It's my wedding ring. I have to take it off when I work on computers, lest it scratch them. The rest of my pocketses goes as follows:
16GB Flash drive
2GB Flash drive
Another keyring
Hair ties
Cell phone
Swiss Army Knife
Change & bills
Folded piece of paper for taking down important stuff
Single Chuck E Cheese token
Comb (fine toothed, hard rubber)
Receipt for chicken sandwich



I have a poker chip and a circular piece of cardboard that I always keep in my front right jeans pocket. The poker chip is my lucky charm, and the more I carry it around the more luck I store into it, to be withdrawn whenever I choose. Of course, if anyone but me so much as touches it, they gain a brief period of very good luck followed by catastrophe after catastrophe. This started as a joke among friends, the powers of the poker chip, but then one of them touched it and broke both of his legs, his bicycle, and his girlfriend broke up with him, all in the same weekend. It has real, true, mysterious abilities, that poker chip...

The piece of cardboard is a lot smaller than it, and it was just something I started carrying when my cat got really sick after I found it while at the vet with her. She got better, and since I've carried it has not relapsed.
I have a fortune in my wallet that says: If the cookie is in two pieces, the answer is yes. Now, I need to find out what the question was.
I once got a fotune in my cookie that said "You like Chinexe food."

I was like, really? I'm at you restaurant so I must, right?

Except I was having chicken and fries.

In my old wallet, I used to carry two hand-made cards: an ace of mushrooms and an ace of frogs. I loved the looks everybody that saw them gave me.
I still have my membership card from our little We-hate-Magic-The-Gathering club in my wallet (it's from 1993 I guess).

It's a third of a Macic-card we ripped apart and but a hole with a BB gun into each part (I'm just sorry it was no Red ryder BB gun).
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