Where oh where will Dave vacation?

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Where or where will Dave vacation?

Hawaii is prohibitively expensive, isn't it? I'll look at that.

I'm going to be checking with an agent.

The trip to Chicago is not about the location but the company. I stayed at the Palmer when I went on a business trip and she always expressed regret she wasn't there.

Still, she's never seen the ocean.
Never... this must be rectified. Stat. Go to the Keys. Nice drive down there to the tip. Or go with the go somewhere you need a passport suggestion.
Toss in another vote for the Caribbean.

Turks & Caicos is gorgeous if you can find a good deal. As are the Caymans. Fuck, pretty much any island down there.

I will add that if you do that, make sure the island you end up staying on caters to more than scuba diving, since you say your lady doesn't like it.


Cruises = Deep Water

I think that would freak her out.
that kinda sucks :( I love cruises. It is practically a worry-free vacation. Food, lodging, and entertainment all in one place and one price (minus excursion if you want to get OFF the boat)

Edit: I would say a beach, or possible a cabin in the woods with horse riding.


Staff member
Ireland. Basically any part thereof. Just don't do your own driving, unless you're proficient in left-handed, perilously-narrow-road driving and have a stomach for driving in steep hill country.


Another vote for the Caribbean.

If you and your wife drink enough rum, you wont have to worry about anything. I am willing to bet a bottle of rum on it. :)
I vote cancun. Beaches are beautiful, especially when they are that clear. I couldnt imagine living further than 5 mins away from the beach. Hell I can throw a rock in the water from my house on a good day. 2 throws if my shoulder is playing up. However I have yet to see snow. Hopefully next year I will though. I vote wait save the money , wait till winter and come to australia. Nice warm beaches, And if you are anywhere near me I shall buy you some of our local drink.
Australia is a biiiiit further away than the rest of our suggestions, though. 'bout half the planet further, really.
My wife and I are working out where to go for our honeymoon. Australia is the front-runner at the moment. We could rent a house together for a few days, Dave. :)


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Dave, I'll buy you a beer or 12. I will also go skydiving and scuba diving with you :).
Probably won't happen, Doc. Jumpin' Jesus on a Pogo Stick! I checked the prices and it just doesn't make economic sense to go there. It's TWICE as much as we'd pay going to Cancun!


Staff member
She actually wants to visit Nawlins some day. that is a possibility. If they have any beaches left after the oil spill.


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Ahhh, Louisiana beaches. You like mud and bloated, dead catfish, right? How womantic...

No, but really, I don't visit them much. Last time I visited a Louisiana beach was probably 5 years ago. The city's lots of fun, though. I get to go again in June. :D


Staff member
For the price I would have to pay to go to Hawaii I could fly YOU to Cancun with us and still save money! Sorry, man. I would LOVE to go to Hawaii, but I don't think my check will be high enough to justify it.

MARVEL at the buildings on BOTH SIDES of the street!

BOGGLE at being able to drive through a city in 1 HOUR or LESS!

MEET so many rednecks that you will RUN SCREAMING back to your home state!

There's always the Florida Keys, but that's still in country, and I guess half the point is getting outside the country...
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