There are a few programs that we need to use in the library on a consistent, sometimes near constant basis.
One of these is the Active Directory program, that allows us to reset student passwords.
Another is the AS400, which Lisa and I can use to reset RAVEN passwords, apply library holds to students, check enrollment status, etc.
Is there some reason these functions are now missing from the library user accounts?
Also missing is the Library folder under the Offices network drive (O

, where we have stored quite a few documents, forms, and spreadsheets that, again, we use frequently. Has that been moved somewhere?
If these are planned changes, it would have been nice to know ahead of time. As it is, I am unable, due to these technical issues, to reset student network passwords or Raven passwords, among other tasks.
Perhaps these are problems only on some of the library accounts/images. All I know is that on both terminals in the library this morning (Saturday, 9/6/2014, 2:34PM according to the computer but actually 9:34AM) these functions are missing.
I have logged out and logged back in repeatedly hoping to get an "image" where things are actually working right. This did not occur.
When I logged in with the wccclibrary username and password, it had a number of options showing: adjuncts, lab 215, student serv, etc, though I chose Library2Pool.
If that is not the correct account, which one is?