Oh great, she's turned into a vampire. Now we'll have an army of flying blood-sucking bat-weasels to contend with.Blah, I say. Blah.
Oh great, she's turned into a vampire. Now we'll have an army of flying blood-sucking bat-weasels to contend with.Blah, I say. Blah.
Mwahahahahahahaha!Oh great, she's turned into a vampire. Now we'll have an army of flying blood-sucking bat-weasels to contend with.
Awww, don't be afraid. That raccoon on your back porch isn't a minion in my dark army.
One of the dangers of binge-reading threads is confusion. I thought this might've been in reply to the wiener-warmer image from the funny pictures thread.I feel like I should have one of these for frame of reference when describing the size of things.
Probably smaller. :/Is the weiner-warmer bigger or smaller than a bread box?
Is the weiner-warmer bigger or smaller than a bread box?
Depends on the wiener.Probably smaller. :/
Check your inboxI'm afraid I'm going to need to see samples before I can make a final judgement.
I do this only in the interest of science.
Set your Calendar one day ahead.Set your clocks 12 hours ahead.
Found this while cleaning my room. Hi to you too, Mikko.[emoji22]
I think I'm on Ceej's chest, but I'm not sure, and here I am sitting at work staring intently at an attractive woman's chest, and my coworkers are giving me odd looks.I'm on Ceej's chest. Giggity.
Coworkers: Why are you staring at that woman's boobs?I think I'm on Ceej's chest, but I'm not sure, and here I am sitting at work staring intently at an attractive woman's chest, and my coworkers are giving me odd looks.
I see JCM on Ceej's chest.I'm on Ceej's chest. Giggity.
This part reminds me of that "mirror pants" pickup line.bhamv3: I think I can see myself in them
So Christmas Eve would have been my grandfather's 83rd birthday. The family got together again as we always have; we were all still reeling from burying him the day before, but we didn't want to break tradition. Hard day. But there have been a few strange occurrences.
The night prior, my grandmother had turned off her window candles - flipped the switches - but one was on when she got up in the middle of the night.
During the Christmas Eve party, my brother went on the computer to look a few things up. (Google settles every argument.) I felt that someone was looking over my shoulder. I turned quickly, but nobody was behind me. My peripheral vision did catch the faint image of someone wearing brown. No one at the party wore brown. My grandfather was buried in a brown suit. I know I saw something.
My sister had a dream about our grandfather right after he died, and he was laughing, he was happy. She didn't know why, but he was laughing.
I'm...actually in a much better place because of these things. I really think he visited the party, and that I caught a glimpse of him. He loved his birthday, and he loved the Christmas party like a kid loves those things. He would have hated to miss the party, since we always had it for him... He's free, and he's okay now. I really believe that. He's the man he was before the cancer and the dementia. He knew exactly where he wanted to visit then, and he didn't even remember when his birthday was before he died.
I guess what I'm saying is that I'm doing okay, all things considered. I miss him terribly, but I feel better knowing that he's okay, that he remembers us, and that, in some way, he's still around. Right after he passed, I wasn't even sure I believed in God, the afterlife, etc. It felt pretty damn hopeless. But I know I saw him there, and I believe there's something after this life. I know we'll meet again someday, and that's a tremendous comfort.
I'm trying to get back on track. I drew a panel for Supervillainous, started tweaking Geek Life scripts, and I'm going to start studying for that last teacher test so I can get an additional license. I'm just ready to get the hell out of 2014.
I worked the night of Christmas Eve - also my 30th birthday. I worked the night of Christmas Day. I worked New Year's Eve's night. I worked New Year's Day's night. All that so that I could be guaranteed free the 27th and 28th because of the Christmas party with my girlfriend's family the evening of the 27th.
Now, you take a guess - really, just take a guess - what day my work called me about a co-worker who felt sick and if I could just come in to replace him for the evening. Did you guess the 27th? Congratulations, open up shop as a psychic.
Yeah, I told them quite frankly to piss off. They weren't happy. Bunch of gits. There's 16 of us, and I've worked 6 out of the last 8 Christmasses and 7 out of the 8 last New Year's Eves.