Why yes, on my way to the hospital to check on folks and then head home from work on Thursday afternoon (the end of my work week), I would love to miss a phone call from the hospital, another clergy in town, and yet another different retired clergy in town letting me know that the woman who was just moved to palliative care Wednesday night just died, and I just missed her and her family. By, like, 20 minutes. So when I get to the hospital, I find out from a nurse that I just missed her, and that they've been trying to reach me, but not too hard, because one of the nurses on the other ward (yes, there's only 2 wards) thought I was out of town this week (it's next week, thank god! she must have misheard when we were curling together last week or something).
So I look incompetent to the family, and colleagues. AND I wasn't there when I should have been. Which royally sucks.
Oh, and what's that? The daughter really doesn't want to talk, and the first visitation is Friday evening (my day off, and the evening when I had, uh... valentine's plans) so I have to go into the funeral home and meet the family then? And some other distant relative to do the service planning? And the service is Monday? After the AGM on Sunday that won't finish until 3pm? So I'll have even less time to work on the service? Great.
And oh yes, the middle-aged accidental death from the summer... they're hosting a memorial hockey tournament in his honour, and the opening ceremony is Saturday night? And since I did the service, and his parents are "mine," and I've gotten to know the widow and daughters, I really need to go and see how they're doing (knowing that the mother is doing poorly, since I do check on them all regularly and already know that). So I'll be working and counseling on that day off too? In a busy arena? Lovely.
All in all, it means that I have had no days off this week, and have worked a solid 12 hours today. Mostly spent doing some of the work that I dislike the most - I truly loathe writing funeral sermons.
And another person wants me to call their mother who lives 12 hours away, who I have never met, who just had surgery and found out their cancer is basically not treatable and "just say hi, because she (the mom) has always been a strong supporter (of the church)." I have a feeling that that call tomorrow morning before I deal with the orders of service/bulletins for the funeral will take the last shred of emotional energy I have left (if the [super-needy] daughter is any indication).
The JoCo Cruise next week cannot start soon enough! 7 more days!!