Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

I hadn't gotten a new roommate in nearly two years because I thought I'd be graduated and out of College Station within a couple semesters. I didn't want to leave someone else saddled with the full lease. Now that I've graduated, I've stayed because there are no full-time faculty positions anymore and so I'm scraping by as a half-time adjunct. I really need someone to help split expenses so I posted an ad on Craigslist and A&M's roommate finder site.

It turns out that trying to find a roommate in a college town is surprisingly difficult once the semester starts. When I got my first roommate here many years ago, I advertised in August and had to fend off the inquiries with a stick. I'd already known my last roommate before he arrived in the US so that was a seamless transition. If this were, say, Houston or Austin, I'd find a new roommate inside a week because those are major cities. But Bryan and College Station are small towns so there aren't very many townies. The grad students are mostly settled in already. Students in the dorms get moved around internally. There ARE some off-campus students looking for a place but they're mostly 20-year-old girls who want to room with other 20-year-old girls instead of a male professor in his mid-30s.

Looks like it'll be another tough semester.
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Staff member
I hadn't gotten a new roommate in nearly two years because I thought I'd be graduated and out of College Station within a couple semesters. I didn't want to leave someone else saddled with the full lease. Now that I've graduated, I've stayed because there are no full-time faculty positions anymore and so I'm scraping by as a half-time adjunct. I really need someone to help split expenses so I posted an ad on Craigslist and A&M's roommate finder site.

It turns out that trying to find a roommate in a college town is surprisingly difficult once the semester starts. When I got my first roommate here many years ago, I advertised in August and had to fend off the inquiries with a stick. I'd already known my last roommate before he arrived in the US so that was a seamless transition. If this were, say, Houston or Austin, I'd find a new roommate inside a week because those are major cities. But Bryan and College Station are small towns so there aren't very many townies. The grad students are mostly settled in already. Students in the dorms get moved around internally. There ARE some off-campus students but they're mostly 20-year-old girls who want to room with other 20-year-old girls instead of a male professor in his mid-30s.

Looks like it'll be another tough semester.
Dude, I'd offer, but my goal for this year is to get out of this mausoleum of grief and find someplace new to live, myself, so any living arrangement could be subject to ending at any moment.

Also the place is as bad as it ever was, thanks to weeks of post-surgical recovery making even the most rudimentary housekeeping an overwhelming ordeal.
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I've got pneumonia. :(
Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better![DOUBLEPOST=1517339152,1517339057][/DOUBLEPOST]
Dude, I'd offer, but my goal for this year is to get out of this mausoleum of grief and find someplace new to live, myself, so any living arrangement could be subject to ending at any moment.

Also the place is as bad as it ever was, thanks to weeks of post-surgical recovery making even the most rudimentary housekeeping an overwhelming ordeal.
Maybe YOU could move in with HIM.
Firstiest of first world problems -

I bought a case of Dasani so I could have bottles of cold water in my new microfridge at work.

All of the bottles in this case have a manufacturer's defect, and they all lean 5 degrees to one side. They still stand up, but... they lean. It's irritating.
I would have already snuck into your office and
Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better![DOUBLEPOST=1517339152,1517339057][/DOUBLEPOST]

Maybe YOU could move in with HIM.
His place sounds terrifyingly close to lots of college students, and no one wants that. D:
I'm staying in the same apartment because it's perfectly located for my purposes. It's in Northgate and within walking distance of campus. There's also a shuttle stop a block away in case I feel too lazy to walk.

And yes, it's definitely surrounded by college students. But I'm just far enough away from O'Bannon's and the other bars that they don't keep me up with their caterwauling.


Staff member
I rode through CS last summer, and I hardly recognized the place. It has grown up so much since I left. It grew a lot while I was there, even. It went from horse fields at 6 and University to giant strip malls at 6 and University.


Staff member
I'm up between Blinn and the federal prison, and I can hardly wait to leave this place behind. In fact, I'm not even sure I want to take everything with me...

But with the other stuff I've got going on right now I've barely done more than look around on zillow and do some basic mortgage calculations.
My work machine apparently had a cryptocurrency miner surreptitiously installed on it.

Worst part is that IT suspects it might have come from my MUD client. Now, I'm 99.9% sure it wasn't from the MUD client because I've been using it for literally years and the miner only popped up recently. But IT's now banned me from mudding from work. :(

I know, I know, I'm meant to be working when I'm at work, but the MUD is one of my few outlets when clients or translators are really stressing me out.


Staff member
My work machine apparently had a cryptocurrency miner surreptitiously installed on it.

Worst part is that IT suspects it might have come from my MUD client. Now, I'm 99.9% sure it wasn't from the MUD client because I've been using it for literally years and the miner only popped up recently. But IT's now banned me from mudding from work. :(

I know, I know, I'm meant to be working when I'm at work, but the MUD is one of my few outlets when clients or translators are really stressing me out.
Teamviewer into your home machine and MUD from there.


Staff member
...or don't, considering the problems Teamviewer has had.

Nah, I looked into that very closely. Mostly did turn out to be user fault. Using the same passwords as other places and whatnot, and the claims of 2-factor authentication being bypassed were unsubstantiated. I've continued to use Teamviewer and have never even had a single problem, nor has anyone else I know who uses it.

Just... you know... use 2 factor authentication and a unique password.
Strictly speaking IT's banned all unauthorized software on our computers, and the MUD client got thrown into that category, so I doubt they'd be happy with me installing Teamviewer either.

Worst part was when the IT guy came by my desk, my MUD character was deep in a vampire-infested catacombs, and I had to break the connection mid-fight. I want to log back in so I can store my equipment and stuff, but I can't. Can't even Telnet back into the MUD because this machine doesn't have Telnet.
Nah, I looked into that very closely. Mostly did turn out to be user fault.
True or not, if his IT department is suspicious of his MUD client, with TV's history, they're going to be REALLY suspicious of TV. And I don't think he wants that level of scrutiny.

Strictly speaking IT's banned all unauthorized software on our computers, and the MUD client got thrown into that category, so I doubt they'd be happy with me installing Teamviewer either.

Worst part was when the IT guy came by my desk, my MUD character was deep in a vampire-infested catacombs, and I had to break the connection mid-fight. I want to log back in so I can store my equipment and stuff, but I can't. Can't even Telnet back into the MUD because this machine doesn't have Telnet.
Teamviewer has a web based client, and there are web based telnet clients as well.

But you should probably just start mudding on your phone. It'll take some getting used to, but will probably be better in the long run.
I've had it. I've had enough.
My boss is literally lying to my own operators to turn them against me, to cause dissent and arguments.
I've asked for another meeting with the CEO, but it looks quite likely that it'll end in my either getting dismissed or quitting.
It's not at all useful or sensible to stay in such a hostile environment. It's taking its toll on my health, both physical and mental, and my girlfriend's stressed over it, and I'm just plain unhappy. No. Enough.
I've had it. I've had enough.
My boss is literally lying to my own operators to turn them against me, to cause dissent and arguments.
I've asked for another meeting with the CEO, but it looks quite likely that it'll end in my either getting dismissed or quitting.
It's not at all useful or sensible to stay in such a hostile environment. It's taking its toll on my health, both physical and mental, and my girlfriend's stressed over it, and I'm just plain unhappy. No. Enough.
If that's the case, would you consider skipping the hassle of the meeting with the CEO, and just handing in your notice now? Seems like the meeting would just be another source of aggravation if you've decided to leave already.
If that's the case, would you consider skipping the hassle of the meeting with the CEO, and just handing in your notice now? Seems like the meeting would just be another source of aggravation if you've decided to leave already.
Can't afford falling without unemployment. If they fire me I've got a few months of guaranteed income to look elsewhere. If I resign, I get maybe half of that a month.
Can't afford falling without unemployment. If they fire me I've got a few months of guaranteed income to look elsewhere. If I resign, I get maybe half of that a month.
Make sure they don't do anything that would disqualify you for benefits. They sound spiteful enough to do just that. If putting in your notice guarantees a little something, I'd be turning that letter in by the end of the day.
Make sure they don't do anything that would disqualify you for benefits. They sound spiteful enough to do just that. If putting in your notice guarantees a little something, I'd be turning that letter in by the end of the day.
I quit -> I get absolutely nothing until I can get approved because I need help for survival - then I get about €750/month
They fire me -> I get 80% of my wage for 6 months, after which it drops off to about 60% for another 18 months, and about the same minimum after that.
For starters I'd refuse to "fill in" more than a few times a year. If your operators can't come in, then they need to hire more operators, or suffer lack of staffing. If they fire you great. You have other things you need to be doing, you can't make it every weekend, and if no one else can come in then your boss might have to fill in instead.

Set your boundaries, and then stick to them.

"I'm sorry, I can't come in this weekend. We had a schedule, and it's fallen through due to this other person's personal schedule change. Perhaps you need to have a word with them, or start overscheduling and plan on having two people each weekend. All I know is that I can't make it. I wasn't scheduled, and I can't reschedule my personal life to deal with this change."

Then don't come in. They're going to have to learn that you won't cave every time they suffer a business consequence of their understaffing or underscheduling.

You can't hurt their opinion of you more, and given what you've told us - they aren't going to fire you. Ever.

So stand your ground, start your job search, let them fume and fuss, and disconnect emotionally from the job.

It's just a job.

Be professional and business-like in all your dealings - and particularly emotionally detached, don't give them that wedge to force you to do something you're not being paid to do.
Compile project --> changes don't show up during debugging.
Rebuild code interface --> still no change.
Restart IDE --> No change.
Reboot computer --> suddenly it's working correctly.

I've worked with a lot of flaky development environments before, but I have to admit Texas Instruments CCS is driving me batty.
Its just freaky because this is the SECOND time in as little as six months that an unnamed tresspasser has died on this track. And I can't find anything online about the previous death either.



My previous screaming bitch-boss was like that.

Our office was horribly understaffed and she would make ridiculous demands of me and tell me that I couldn't go home Friday until a certain project was done. I would work at the office until 11:00 or later every night that week and come in on the Monday morning to her accusing me of inflating my overtime report. No lady, it takes time for me to do my job, the job of the guy who retired last year and never got replaced by you and most of your job that it would seem that you're too stupid to do. Not to mention, when her staff had questions, they called me because she would scream at them to shut up and then berate them until they cried.

She lasted less than three months after I went on sick leave. I hadn't even made it on LTD yet before she was gone. She made an announcement on a Thursday and was shuffled out by Monday. No lunch, no email from senior management, no email for gift donations which all equals involuntary as far as I'm concerned. They can try to polish that turd all they like, but no one that senior goes like that by choice. I told my boss (the undimmed position I mentioned above) that it was bad news when the only other one of us that had ever worked with her went on stress leave the day after her arrival was announced- before she even started!!

So, is there any chance that you can go on medical leave of any sort for a while? You would more than quality for stress leave.

I'm posting this anonymously, but I'm sure that there is no real mystery here.
Wow, when I left my last job for a promotion I was given a party and a plaque. I was only there 8 years, my boss hated me, but the director loved me...

So I can't imagine how negative the relationship was for her to slip out in the dead of night.