This week (Nov 4-10) I am on a week of study leave - reading, writing stuff for fancy academic publications, taking a class, etc. But still available in case of emergency.
First day, - one of my homebound folks dies. She was in hospital the week before, but seemed to be stable. Nope!
Fine. I can deal with adding a funeral to this. I lose maybe 8-12 hours of cont ed time.
Oh was I wrong.
This family is a gong show. I love them dearly, and their mom was a really lovely person, but holy crap.
I've probably already spent 16+ hours on this service, and I still have to meet with the family (3 siblings, and possibly a niece) tomorrow; and the service itself (a 2-hour affair! At their insistence!! Plus the reception, plus the burial) is on Saturday afternoon.
I have never, ever, spent this much time on a funeral service. Not even the accidental and gory drowning death of a young father required this much hand-holding and detail changing.