Because you have seven little germs factories running around your house. Or is it eight now?[DOUBLEPOST=1363018268][/DOUBLEPOST]I love you guys.WHY AM I STILL SICK.
Because you have seven little germs factories running around your house. Or is it eight now?[DOUBLEPOST=1363018268][/DOUBLEPOST]I love you guys.WHY AM I STILL SICK.
That's just pure evil.Thanks to a sick bastard over on tumblr, this song has been stuck in my head for the last two days.
So now, you all will suffer as I have suffered:
Tried the "help me remember this thing" thread, yet?I know some rusty violin riff and nothing else of some song. No lyrics, no name, no artist, nothing. I'll probably never find out what it is.
It will haunt me to the end of my days.
Google said:We launched Google Reader in 2005 in an effort to make it easy for people to discover and keep tabs on their favorite websites. While the product has a loyal following, over the years usage has declined. So, on July 1, 2013, we will retire Google Reader. Users and developers interested in RSS alternatives can export their data, including their subscriptions, with Google Takeout over the course of the next four months.
If any of it's grammar related and giving you grief, please feel free to hit me up. I own and just might possibly read grammar and writing books for fun. I'm a bit of a geek.English is HARD. My kid is coming to me with English sounds and spelling homework, and I'm finding out just how much I learned as a child that I take for granted now.
Aye, me too. I'm an English teacher to boot!If any of it's grammar related and giving you grief, please feel free to hit me up. I own and just might possibly read grammar and writing books for fun. I'm a bit of a geek.
Been there. Both wanting the 'retail therapy' and ego boost, and also getting down on myself for such a vapid whine.This is the dumbest, brattiest whine...
I know I'm not ugly. I think I look ok, but my clothes make me feel dumpy an unattractive. New clothes have not been in the budget lately, so I go on feeling dumpy and unattractive. My life is good. I have a job, a kind, supportive husband whose smile gets me through all the hard times, and a loving family. But this stupid "boo-hoo, I just want to feel pretty again" funk won't leave me alone. I know that all my problems won't end if I stumble upon an extra hundred bucks or so... But it would be nice. In a few months I'll be more flush... I can wait it out. Stupid stupid rant. Stupid.
I might have totally done this in NYC >.>Plus it's fun to carry lots of bags like you're in a montage... Bringing a friend so they can do the dressing room "nope...nope... Yep!" *thumbs up*
Clearly we need a montage. Post pictures of your outfits and we'll vote!Plus it's fun to carry lots of bags like you're in a montage... Bringing a friend so they can do the dressing room "nope...nope... Yep!" *thumbs up*
Clearly we need a montage. Post pictures of your outfits and we'll vote!
I visited some second hand stores recently, and I couldn't find anything that fit me quite right. That happens often; don't know if it's bad luck or that I'm an unusual fit. Maybe I'll try again soon, because I'm getting antsy.Please do! I shall live vicariously through your shopping! (I never go shop makes me sad...)
Also, just wanted to throw out, if you have the time to wander, thrift stores/Goodwill are great places to find fun, quirky and unique clothes for really cheap. You know, just in case you can't wait.