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Why do teenagers...



defend Nirvana as if that band was the second coming of Christ, despite never being even a glimmer in their father's eye during the grunge era? Is it because their generation of music lacks creativity and is pretty much Lady Gaga and everything else being 'sampled' from past artists?

Is this how old people feel when I went raving about Hendrix and Zepplin when I was a kid? (I guess maybe not, since Hendrix and Zep are actually awesome).




Is this how old people feel when I went raving about Hendrix and Zepplin when I was a kid? (I guess maybe not, since Hendrix and Zep are actually awesome).
*puts on his best hippy van from Disney Cars voice* Respect the classics, man!




One of my students told me he hates Nirvana, because they killed off real rock bands like Motley Crue and Poison. He was serious.



One of my students told me he hates Nirvana, because they killed off real rock bands like Motley Crue and Poison. He was serious.

And correct!




I didn't think teenagers even knew who Nirvana was. Considering Kurt died over 15 years ago a 19 year old would have only been four at the time of his death. I know a lot of 30 year olds who think they were the second coming (and considering the musical landscape at the time they probably were).




Why are you listening to teenagers?



I like Poison >.>

and I hate Nirvana.




One of my students told me he hates Nirvana, because they killed off real rock bands like Motley Crue and Poison. He was serious.

And correct![/QUOTE]

I love Motley Crue as much as the next guy... but Poison? Ugh.

Anyway, I just thought that I would share how some teenagers do appreciate true classics and don't all worship Nirvana. Besides, it's a phase. Nirvana is the cool old band that you can obsess over while your friends listen to Top40 stuff. It's just a way for them to get a rise out of people and try to express themselves.




I think every generation does that with older music. They either feel disappointed in their generation's music or want to set themselves apart, so they look back to older stuff. Sometimes it's so they can find the "roots" of a genre that they love.

Also, there's good music out there today if people are willing to dig for it. We know what all the good stuff is from older generations because our parents and grandparents waded through the crap for us, just as it is now our duty to wade through the crap and secure good music that our children will one day claim to appreciate more than us.



I didn't think teenagers even knew who Nirvana was. Considering Kurt died over 15 years ago a 19 year old would have only been four at the time of his death. I know a lot of 30 year olds who think they were the second coming (and considering the musical landscape at the time they probably were).
The funny thing is that he is complaining about the youth today, while not actually knowing what the youth listens to. Although just because someone died 15 years ago doesn't mean their music stopped being big. I am only 23, and I know who they are and some of their music was fairly big through the rest of the 90's maybe early 00's





That's grandpa music.




Heh Nirvana's good, I GUESS. You know what's a good band? Nickelback



Rob King

Rob King

Okay, I don't love Nickelback or anything, but I don't understand why everyone rags on them. Can anyone explain briefly? I mean ... someone has to like them. They've had some pretty wide success.




Can anyone explain briefly?
1. Their entire song collection is essentially the same song with different lyrics.
2. They are douche bags.




I like Nirvana. I hated 80s metal. I still do. Nirvana broke the Beatles mold. Not that there's anything wrong with the Beatles and their derivatives.



I like Nickelbacks songs well the ones I have heard. I don't think they are great artists or a great band but I enjoy their music when I'm on the road.




Okay, I don't love Britney Spears or anything, but I don't understand why everyone rags on them. Can anyone explain briefly? I mean ... someone has to like them. They've had some pretty wide success.
A crude analogy, but I think it works okay



I'm a teenager, albeit not a minor in 2 months, and Nirvana is nice to listen to, although by no means my favorite.
I don't think I know anyone who is a Nirvana fanatic. I've seen a few shirts, but that's about it.
Lot of flannel though.




Okay, drunk me rant.

Fuck yes its like me talking about Zeppelin. Nirvana is a great band. However overrated you think it may be, it did things to the rock n' roll era. It's an important band, and people get up their ass about how the mainstream perceives Nirvana to really look into their other albums beyond their hit single "Smells Like Teens Spirit" to really see what they did.

Old fucks don't get it and the new fucks don't see it for what it was and not the over-corporate monster the rock of that time came to be. Led Zep got co-opted, too. But it doesn't make Led I any less fucking amazing. The same can be said for Bleach.

And if you're wondering, my list of most important rock bands go:

-Queens of the Stoneage

With many notable exceptions inbetween.




I'm with the Juicekey. I listen to Nirvana on a really regular basis. Freaking great stuff. In Utero and Bleach are just amazing albums.

Also: Juice, you left the Monkees off your list. WTH man?:angry:

Also Also: I'm never surprised by those who don't like Nirvana and I don't hold it against them. They aren't for everyone.

Also Also Also: I don't know any teenagers who listen to Nirvana. Everyone I know who listens to them is in their late 20's to late 30's. I know a lot of douchebags who listen to and I guess like Nickelback the worst band to walk the earth.




In 20 years when music is mostly a guy farting and remixing it several ways, people are going to listen to today's crap and call it the good ol' days before music sucked. Then 20 years after THAT the farting guy will be an under apprechiated pioneer and tastemaker.




Truely our generations Shakespeare




I gotta get me a frilly collar.


Philosopher B.

Is this how old people feel when I went raving about Hendrix and Zepplin when I was a kid? (I guess maybe not, since Hendrix and Zep are actually awesome).
Bill Hicks said:
No one beats Hendrix, man. Fuck Eddie Van Halen. Fuck Steve Vai. No ones beats fucking ... Hendrix was an alien, okay. The ship landed, they said 'Jimi, show 'em how it's done. We'll pick ya up in 27 years.' And you know what Jimi said? 'Alll right!' He plays his cock. Did y'all know that? They just strung his cock.




Truely our generations Shakespeare
If we use that phrase enough, we could be responsible for the next great web meme. Think of all the internet monies we could make!




Quick, cheesy1, go flood 4chan with it!




Shit, but that means I have to . . . you know . . . actually GO to 4chan! My dreams, smashed! :(




There's no time to think about your dreams when there's internet millions to be made!



I actually have two Nickelback cds on my mp3 player. I'd rate the content of those two from meh to good, nothing necessarily incredible. Of course those cd's happened before they hit the formula for the megabucks and commenced to producing the tired stuff that earned them the reputation they have today. The older tracks are much different, especially lyrically.

I try not to be one to throw around the "sell-out" label, but boy once they found what brought in the green, they went hard that way.

...and the majority of those 80s bands Nirvana "ousted" were just as terrible as Nickelback has ever hoped to be (looking at you, Poison.)




One of my students told me he hates Nirvana, because they killed off real rock bands like Motley Crue and Poison. He was serious.
You failed his ass, right?!




As long as they give respect to Johnny "The Man In Black" Cash, they can spew whatever nonsense they like.








One of my students told me he hates Nirvana, because they killed off real rock bands like Motley Crue and Poison. He was serious.
You failed his ass, right?![/QUOTE]

Well, yes actually. But that was for other genuinely academic reasons.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Nirvana is overrated. Lady GaGa rules. There are a lot of things you can say about Lady GaGa, but I don't think "uncreative" is one of them.




There are a lot of things you can say about Lady GaGa, but I don't think "uncreative" is one of them.
We're talking about music here dude...

One of my students told me he hates Nirvana, because they killed off real rock bands like Motley Crue and Poison. He was serious.
You failed his ass, right?![/QUOTE]

Well, yes actually. But that was for other genuinely academic reasons.[/QUOTE]

Oh really?! Based on his comment i assumed he was some sort of genius.



Frankie Williamson

I'm a big fan of grunge mostly since it was the first music I got into. I grew up during the heyday of grunge being that I spent a lot of my formative years living in Vancouver (spitting distance from Seattle) the influence was pretty strong.

I still love me my Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots and Temple of the Dog. They may not be the second coming, but I like em.




Frankly Nirvana is the only grunge band who's songs i like... and back in the 90's i hadn't even heard of the word grunge and only saw Nirvana on MTV a few times.




In the 90s I hated them, and still do now.



I'm a big fan of grunge mostly since it was the first music I got into. I grew up during the heyday of grunge being that I spent a lot of my formative years living in Vancouver (spitting distance from Seattle) the influence was pretty strong.

I still love me my Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots and Temple of the Dog. They may not be the second coming, but I like em.
Soundgarden and Alice in Chains are amazing. Much, much, much, much better than Nirvana ever was.




Funny, Boner, stupid outfits notwithstanding, I think Gaga's music is same-old same-old.




Nirvana and the Grunge scene hit when Rock-n-Roll was basically dead. All the decent rock bands of the 90's owe a debt to Nirvana's success. It is pretty much how rock is now, just waiting for the next big sound.




Two of the best MTV Unplugged airings were Nirvana and Pearl Jam. There's a reason that both bands are still getting so much radio play on the stations playing new music, and there's a reason that Pearl Jam is still playing and selling out shows now. They write good music that transcends the periods they played in.




I dunno about Alice in Chains, Chaz.

Now, as far as bands that I think are better than Nirvana, though less impactful:

-Smashing Pumpkins

from the grunge era, anyway. Stone Temple Pilots, yo! They deserve mucho credit. But Nirvana broke open the face of that music scene, Cobain revitalized something important in the rock culture, and his death cemented their place as a permanent rock institution. While the other bands withered away (I hear the Pumpkins are look for a new guitarist and keyboardist these days for some 90's alt / 70's prog rock fusion!) Nirvana got cut short way before it could have done anything stupid.

I won't bring up the Foo Fighters because I know there's a lot of fans :)




Smashing Pumpkins suffered from alloursongssoundalikeitis.

Also, 90s/70s fusion has been awesomely rocked by Franz Ferdinand.




Could someone ask Chaz to post some songs from thos bands he find good?! The ones i listened too a few years back while getting into Nirvana beyond what i saw on MTV didn't impress me at all...


As i said, and i quote:

There are a lot of things you can say about Lady GaGa, but I don't think "uncreative" is one of them.
We're talking about music here dude...




Franz Ferdinand's self titled album is pretty amazing. Not as much of a fan of their sophomore outing, never even heard the third.

As far Pumpkins go, I think there's a definite difference between their early / middle / late era work. Gish sounds nothing like Melancholy which sounds nothing like Adore. However, a lot of their song stable does sound pretty similar in it their sprawling moodiness. So I like, half agree with you there.




Both Melancholy and Adore are absolutely awesome albums, though.

As for Nickelback, the Webshite used to have a page playing two of their songs at the same time, but it was taken down. Anyway, for almost all of their newer work, the songs are extremely similar. Same BPM, same amount of choruses, breaks at the same points, and so on and so on. They've become -extremely- formulaic.


Just Me

Just Me

The 90s never had much appeal to me, I'm still stuck in the 80s and 70s.
Gimme Queen, gimme Abba, gimme Sam Fox and A-ha, gimme Bowie, hell even gimme Klaus Nomi, but don't get anything from after 1988 near me without asking...

And this to Nickel***:

One of those bands to make me switch stations...




defend Nirvana as if that band was the second coming of Christ, despite never being even a glimmer in their father's eye during the grunge era? Is it because their generation of music lacks creativity and is pretty much Lady Gaga and everything else being 'sampled' from past artists?

Is this how old people feel when I went raving about Hendrix and Zepplin when I was a kid? (I guess maybe not, since Hendrix and Zep are actually awesome).
Teens always think they know everything there is to know about cool.

Last year, we had a halloween party, and Callistarya's kids invited a bunch of kids from school. We were talking about music, and I mentioned the fact that I liked metal. One of these little retards actually asked me "Are you just one of those old weird people that are trying to stay with the young scene? They didn't have heavy metal when you were a kid. All they had were popply ballad bands"
"You ever hear of Black Sabbath?" I ask.
"Yeah, they're awesome!" he gushes
"Yeah, they were formed the year before I was born, retard."

All his friends had a good laugh at his expense.




One of my students told me he hates Nirvana, because they killed off real rock bands like Motley Crue and Poison. He was serious.
You failed his ass, right?!
Well, yes actually. But that was for other genuinely academic reasons.[/QUOTE]

Oh really?! Based on his comment i assumed he was some sort of genius.[/QUOTE]

He never did his homework and bombed my tests. It's was a no-brainer for me, he wasn't even close to passing. I sometimes wodered why he showed up at all.

And he liked Poison. :Leyla:

I rest my case. :p




I dunno about Alice in Chains, Chaz.




"Man in the Box" is a good exception. So are some of their other hits. Overall though? Nah.



Frankie Williamson

"Man in the Box" is a good exception. So are some of their other hits. Overall though? Nah.


Skinny Santa

I was born the year after Bleach came out and I will always list Nirvana as one of my favorite bands, probably at least partially because my dad loved them and listen to them all the time when i was a kid. Plus Dave Grohl got his start there and I fucking love Dave Grohl.

I actually remember watching that unplugged performance live at my house as a kid.




"Man in the Box" is a good exception. So are some of their other hits. Overall though? Nah.

Yeah totally. AIC is probably tied with Soundgarden for my favorite 90's band. Nirvana comes after them. Then Pumpkins.




Alice In Chains is one of the four/five bands generally credited with pushing grunge to the forefront. The main focus being Nirvana, but otherwise Pearl Jam, Soundgarden (possibly to a lesser extent then the others) and STP played a big part in it. You couldn't turn on a rock station without hearing something from Core, Ten, Superunkown (granted this was more mid-90's), Dirt or Nevermind. Honestly I still think Ten is one of the better albums to come out of the 90's, song for song.

Sadly Pumpkins decided to ride the goth wave after Mellincollie and we all saw where THAT went. Funny thing is they didn't WANT to be called grunge. Can probably thank Bullet With Butterfly Wings for that.



Frankie Williamson

Ten was my first CD and probably one of the best I ever purchased. It was pretty much downhill from there.


Kitty Sinatra

No one's mentioned Soul Asylum yet? I don't think Halforums knows music. :p




Soul Asylum is a one hit wonder. you can't really compare it to Nirvana, Pearl Jam and the Smashing pumpkins !




Two hits. They had Frustrated, Inc., too.




Hey! I'm from Minnesota we KNOW Soul Asylum here. They are great but they had almost zero impact compared to any of the artists mentioned here. Still a really good band though.

Ten is probably, next to Weezers Blue Album one of the BEST first albums a band has ever put out. The kind that things don't get better after it they just get compared to it because it's such an amazing record.




Yeah, Ten is pretty slamming, alongside Blue Album. I don't think Soul Asylum even compares with any of the aforementioned bands.




All us cool kids listen to Sonic Youth.




All us cool kids listen to Sonic Youth.
I wondered when someone would bring them up. I loved Sonic Youth when I was a teenager. What a great band...




"...And Sonic Youth is in my cooler!"

Yeah they're pretty tight.




"...And Sonic Youth is in my cooler!"
I was gonna post that but thought no one would get it. Well played sir.




"...And Sonic Youth is in my cooler!"
I was gonna post that but thought no one would get it. Well played sir.[/QUOTE]

*finger snaps*

---------- Post added at 03:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:43 PM ----------

Also, as I finished posting in this thread Sonic Youth came up on shuffle!







I am actually glad that there are still kids out there that care enough about music to find bands that fit their tastes, and not just eat the pablum that radio is pumping out now.

When I taught school, out of the 130 or so kids I'd teach a semester only a few were listening to anything besides pop.

Or what happened to a friend of mine that counsels adjudicated youth... A kid came into his office, he was playing Led Zeppelin on the stereo. The kid asks what band that was, He replied, and the kid asked, "Are they new?"

The answer was, "Get out."




I will make it a point that in my classroom I will use good bands as extensively as I can to promote intertextual literacy but also to curb crap like "Bedrock"




A friend of mine was manager on a music store in town a couple of years ago, and he one day noticed one of the new guys putting Led Zeppelin albums on the "Z" section. He went up to him and said "Dude, what are you doing, those should go on the L", the guy replied "What? Why? You told us to put last names first, so it's on the "Z" for "Zepellin, Led"!".

Yeah, needless to say he didn't last long working there.




A friend of mine was manager on a music store in town a couple of years ago, and he one day noticed one of the new guys putting Led Zeppelin albums on the "Z" section. He went up to him and said "Dude, what are you doing, those should go on the L", the guy replied "What? Why? You told us to put last names first, so it's on the "Z" for "Zepellin, Led"!".

Yeah, needless to say he didn't last long working there.
Which Pink Floyd song was that about that very same thing?! "which one's Pink?"




A friend of mine was manager on a music store in town a couple of years ago, and he one day noticed one of the new guys putting Led Zeppelin albums on the "Z" section. He went up to him and said "Dude, what are you doing, those should go on the L", the guy replied "What? Why? You told us to put last names first, so it's on the "Z" for "Zepellin, Led"!".

Yeah, needless to say he didn't last long working there.
Shoot that man.




I am actually glad that there are still kids out there that care enough about music to find bands that fit their tastes, and not just eat the pablum that radio is pumping out now.

When I taught school, out of the 130 or so kids I'd teach a semester only a few were listening to anything besides pop.
This is one reason why I really like the Rock Bands and the Guitar Heroes. Yes, it makes kids think they really know how to play an instrument, but it lets them listen to music they normally wouldn't have given a chance. For this reason alone some of the classics are becoming just as popular as they used to be. Kids are starting to realize that it takes more than Autotune and uhn*tss beats to make a song.

---------- Post added at 01:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 PM ----------

A friend of mine was manager on a music store in town a couple of years ago, and he one day noticed one of the new guys putting Led Zeppelin albums on the \"Z\" section. He went up to him and said \"Dude, what are you doing, those should go on the L\", the guy replied \"What? Why? You told us to put last names first, so it's on the \"Z\" for \"Zepellin, Led\"!\".

Yeah, needless to say he didn't last long working there.
Which Pink Floyd song was that about that very same thing?! "which one's Pink?" [/QUOTE]

Have a Cigar. From the Wish You Were Here album.




I have it on the computer, 10x... i'm just awful at remembering names of songs when i haven't looked at them in a while (i mostly let winamp on shuffle in teh background).
