Why don't we talk about PVP anymore?

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Seriously, what happened to the daily PVP threads? They were a regular feature on the Halfpixel board. Has everybody here stopped reading it? Do people still have a grudge against teh Kurtz?


Staff member
There are some still in the Media Madness section. But if I've understood correctly, some have stopped reading it. Can't blame 'em... the comic's gone pretty bland these days.


I would say I quit reading it when he nuked the forum, but truth is, I just used the bookmark to his comic to click on the forum button. Since around 06-07 or so the strip got well, boring for me. Just read last 6 months, nothing has changed.
PvP is what it is. It was funnier when he took it less seriously. He's made a career out of it and now it's no longer a hobby for him. It's art for him now. It's a business.
Ask George Lucas what happens when you try to fix something that isn't broken.

But Kurtz is dedicated to it and I give him that much. As long as it makes him happy, at least it's not making us question our childhood.
i stopped reading months ago. i think it is coincidental but it was just afer they nuked halfpixel from orbit


It's fucking lame. It's the Garfield/Charlie Brown of webcomics.

*note* I still read the newspaper funnies, and most of them are far better than PvP.


I still read PVP from time to time. More from habit then an actual expectancy of humor.

I think another aspect of why we don't discuss PVP here is because, this community really has nothing (or very little) to do with PVP (or any other webcomic) anymore. I think it was discussed on Halfpixel out of a sense of responsibility to the hosts of the (sub)forum.


Because it just gets worse and worse?

"I steal pens from restaurants! lolz"

"Twitter's down! lolz"

"Let's destroy Butler's character by making him LOLBAT, because it makes SO MUCH FUCKING SENSE! lolz"

I can just hear him say "Fuck you guys, it's funny!" over and over.

It's not fucking funny.
The pens joke was pretty lame, but I admit to laughing at "Twitters down" and "Butler is lolbat"

It is however, still kind of hit or miss for me. I admit I sometimes just read it to watch how its going to evolve. A habit I got into when I first started reading webcomics, does anyone else do this?
He burned us on thanksgiving. After that I pretty much lost all desire to read his strip. I also found myself less willing to dismiss/defend many of his actions. I just don't care anymore.

Jimmy Johns, for when you need a sub and only have 5 minutes between classes.


I lost the majority of interest in PvP when he nuked the forums. It wasn't necissarily that action alone, but then saying it was a mercy killing and basically telling us all to go fuck ourselves because we didn't talk about his precious comic enough (even though we always dedicated a new thread to every new comic). Hell, the majority of us, myself included, defended him when a troll would come on.

But then to just shut down the forums, tell us to go fuck ourselves and all that? We were, in essence, his most vocal fanbase, both positively and constructively. Why would I want to support someone that treats ANY of their fanbase like that?

That said, I did try to contact him with the idea of a LOLBat monthly comic, so I still respect him as far as being an artist/creator. Just not so much as a person.


Staff member
I had Jimmy John's once, and it was pretty meh, but from what I heard that was probably a rare mistake as Jimmy John's is actually supposed to be pretty good.
I had Jimmy John's once, and it was pretty meh, but from what I heard that was probably a rare mistake as Jimmy John's is actually supposed to be pretty good.
They are pretty tasty, but more importantly cheap and fast. Last spring I had a History class in the evenings that was ~3 hours long. The teacher would give a 10 minute break in the middle and it was enough time to walk to the Jimmy Johns get a #1 (ham) no tomatoes, LBI give them my $4.80 and walk back to class to consume my sandwich.
I still read it every day. It's like most web comics - once in a while it makes me smile, once in a great while it actually makes me laugh. For a fifteen second investment of my time, it's worth it. I feel the same way about CAD, Theater Hopper, XKCD...

Plus I liked the Starbucks and the Twitter's Down ones.
Almost never found the strip funny, only read it because making the forums my homepage directly gave me weird results on "newer posts", so I'd "glance over" the comic as I clicked the forum link. Can't really remember enjoying the strip much other than the "level up" version of Marcy who resembles my GF very closely.

I completely stopped reading when the forums left, because I no longer had to click the link on his front page anymore. I don't keep up with the story because I really didn't care. Also, I had placed a few orders from his store, to give him something "back" for hosting our forums, but funny enough, it was around the time of the nuke and since he was taking so long to get anything done with his shop, I easily cancelled them all.
I read it every day. Now granted I don't get a lol out of it but I do usually get a slight smile out of it. And really that's all I expect when I go in to read it. Do I admit that PVP used to be a lot better? YES! I freely admit that but is not going to stop me from going in and getting an occasional smile from it. I mean it only takes 1 minute if that to read it and than you can leave the site. It's not like you have to wait in line for 3 hours and than spend 2 hours reading it.
It's not like you have to wait in line for 3 hours and than spend 2 hours reading it.
What did that have to do with ANYTHING in this thread? :confused: What point were you exactly trying to make with that?[/QUOTE]

I was just trying to say it doesn't take long to read. But of course being tired and half asleep right now I am not making much sense apparently.


Staff member
Pretty much every PVP thread ends the same. I'm kind of glad we don't talk that much about it, because it seems to keep some people really bitter about what happened last year.
I liked the Count Chocula one, that made me laugh out loud. It does seem to be a hit or miss nowadays.
This discussion has been pretty civil, considering the past with Kurtz. Not bad at all. :)
But in the steak thread it looks like they've jumped out the frying pan, and into the fire.

Halforum; you are strange.


I liked the Count Chocula one, that made me laugh out loud. It does seem to be a hit or miss nowadays.
This discussion has been pretty civil, considering the past with Kurtz. Not bad at all. :)
But in the steak thread it looks like they've jumped out the frying pan, and into the fire.

Halforum; you are strange.
We take our steak fucking serious.

And honestly, it think most people just dont give a crap anymore. I dont hate the guy, but Im not going to bother checking the lame webcomic.


I still read it, more because the keystrokes of "pvponline"+CTRL+ENTER have been ingrained into my physical memory than out of actual desire to. It's just one of the motions that my fingers automatically go through when I'm bored and surfing the 'net. Not a conscious effort.

Like others said, it's hit-or-miss. I despise the lolbat/butler pairing, though. And I despise his explanation for it, too.

\"Teh Kurtz\" said:
Since LOLBAT has always been an aside to PvP canon, and Butler is a part of the continuity, I didn’t know what to do. Mixing them seemed like a bad idea. Especially considering how much some people DESPISE the LOLBAT. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. And the more I realized that it worked. Butler is his life IN continuity. LOLBAT is his escape out of it. The two don’t mix or interfere and it’s fun to all be in on the secret. And the reveal is so much fun.
That's... not how continuity works, Kurtz.
I had a thought about PVP the other day -- is it possible that it has become the webcomic equivalent of Garfield, the Wizard of Id, or Hagar the Horrible? Basically, it's a comic that can continue forever and be profitable, but it's never going to reach the same creative highs as it once did?

I vaguely remember an article that Kurtz posted about several years ago about Garfield. I *think* the main thesis was that Jim Davis made a conscious decision about scaling back on the omnipresence of Garfield and basically have something that was successful, but not too successful. That way, it would limit popular backlash and have long term sustainability. (Please correct me if I'm wrong on this.) This half-remembered article got me wondering if this had happened to PVP either by accident or design.


I had a thought about PVP the other day -- is it possible that it has become the webcomic equivalent of Garfield, the Wizard of Id, or Hagar the Horrible? Basically, it's a comic that can continue forever and be profitable, but it's never going to reach the same creative highs as it once did?

I vaguely remember an article that Kurtz posted about several years ago about Garfield. I *think* the main thesis was that Jim Davis made a conscious decision about scaling back on the omnipresence of Garfield and basically have something that was successful, but not too successful. That way, it would limit popular backlash and have long term sustainability. (Please correct me if I'm wrong on this.) This half-remembered article got me wondering if this had happened to PVP either by accident or design.
Its hard to intend to scale back something when you just dont do anything more then the bare minimum.
While I prefer old-school PVP I must admit there have been some funny ones lately. Teh Kurtz actually did a real Halloween story arc this year.
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