Why don't we talk about PVP anymore?

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Kitty Sinatra

A real bad hallowe'en story arc, certainly.

Anyway, I still read it. I really enjoyed it 10 years ago. I think it's stale, and has been for quite a while, but I keep hoping Kurtz finds his groove again.


I still check it every day. i think the main problem is he doesnt do anything with his characters. or he'll start a character driven plot and then suddenly..what the ok lolbat i see yeah um when are we getting back to the plot.. never? oh ok...

I really like the characters. I would like to see more of them in the comic that is about them.
I still read it, but more out of habit. The strip rarely makes me laugh, unlike PA. However, his art is really getting good and I enjoy that.
Yeah, if his comedic skills were advancing as fast as his art style has been PvP would be the best comic strip on the net. I dunno, it hasn't been funny much lately but I still shoot it a glance when I do a weekly comic roundup.
I read it semi-regularly, and I think he's not as funny as he used to be, but is still worth an occasional chuckle, and once in a while a good lol.

It takes 10 seconds to load the page that I spend reading other things, so I feel like I get my money's worth. :p

And I liked "Twitter's down!"


I still read it. For the life of me I can't say why. I sure don't get much enjoyment out of it.


Let's talk about it right now then.

What happened to the background in the bottom left of the first frame?


This is why we can't have nice things...

or PVP threads in this section of the forums.

---------- Post added at 05:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 AM ----------

As a side note, I didn't even read the thread, really.:paranoid:
You know what I really miss? The Tales by Tavernlight cameos. That comic took place in the Ultima Online universe (damn that's old) but it had some classic D&D elements that made it so enjoyable to read. In some ways it was like Order of the Stick.

Read the older comics and you can see teh Kurtz at the top of his game.


Staff member
As his art got better his storytelling got stale. But I know I couldn't keep it up for as many years as he has.

Philosopher B.

This thread reminds me of my youth. *Sniff* :(

Seriously, though, to be perfectly honest, I'm not suprised mentions of PVP have all but faded away 'round these parts. There were moments on Halfpixel when it only felt like the 'PVP forum' in a perfuntory manner.

I haven't read the comic as much lately, partly 'cause I've been falling behind on a lot of webcomics, and partly 'cause I got a little tired of it. When I went back to it recently it just looks really weird to me, as his art is somewhat contrasting. I mean, look at this strip:


Then look at this strip:


Not to mention the Lolbat's identitiy bugged me quite a bit, seeing as that was my favorite character. I dunno, I kind of liked the Lolbat concept when it was first conceived, but it turned out to be a pretty crappy one-note character whose mentions of invisible objects is just plain annoying.

Also, Jesus Christ. Look at this art:


That's fucking beautiful. He can draw like that, and that's what he spends his time writing? I mean, it's his time, I guess. :confused:

\"Dave\" said:
But I know I couldn't keep it up for as many years as he has.
... I want to make a joke here, but I also don't want to.
This thread reminds me of my youth. *Sniff* :(

Seriously, though, to be perfectly honest, I'm not suprised mentions of PVP have all but faded away 'round these parts. There were moments on Halfpixel when it only felt like the 'PVP forum' in a perfuntory manner.

I haven't read the comic as much lately, partly 'cause I've been falling behind on a lot of webcomics, and partly 'cause I got a little tired of it. When I went back to it recently it just looks really weird to me, as his art is somewhat contrasting. I mean, look at this strip:


Then look at this strip:


Not to mention the Lolbat's identitiy bugged me quite a bit, seeing as that was my favorite character. I dunno, I kind of liked the Lolbat concept when it was first conceived, but it turned out to be a pretty crappy one-note character whose mentions of invisible objects is just plain annoying.

Also, Jesus Christ. Look at this art:


That's fucking beautiful. He can draw like that, and that's what he spends his time writing? I mean, it's his time, I guess. :confused:
Have you not watched his live stream? He takes pictures off the net and traces them. He does that with everything but his characters. Even the shotgun in his zombie arc was pulled off google and traced. It's a smart idea as it saves him time but it explains the contrast in style where his characters look cartoony and other characters look real. And it's not like he's being sneaky about it. He lets you watch him draw in his live feeds and is open about it.


This thread reminds me of my youth. *Sniff* :(

Seriously, though, to be perfectly honest, I'm not suprised mentions of PVP have all but faded away 'round these parts. There were moments on Halfpixel when it only felt like the 'PVP forum' in a perfuntory manner.

I haven't read the comic as much lately, partly 'cause I've been falling behind on a lot of webcomics, and partly 'cause I got a little tired of it. When I went back to it recently it just looks really weird to me, as his art is somewhat contrasting. I mean, look at this strip:


Then look at this strip:


Not to mention the Lolbat's identitiy bugged me quite a bit, seeing as that was my favorite character. I dunno, I kind of liked the Lolbat concept when it was first conceived, but it turned out to be a pretty crappy one-note character whose mentions of invisible objects is just plain annoying.

Also, Jesus Christ. Look at this art:


That's fucking beautiful. He can draw like that, and that's what he spends his time writing? I mean, it's his time, I guess. :confused:
Have you not watched his live stream? He takes pictures off the net and traces them. He does that with everything but his characters. Even the shotgun in his zombie arc was pulled off google and traced. It's a smart idea as it saves him time but it explains the contrast in style where his characters look cartoony and other characters look real. And it's not like he's being sneaky about it. He lets you watch him draw in his live feeds and is open about it.[/QUOTE]

Really? Fucking really? Wow. Artist my ass. "tastemaker" "pioneer" HA!
Because it just gets worse and worse?

"I steal pens from restaurants! lolz"

"Twitter's down! lolz"

"Let's destroy Butler's character by making him LOLBAT, because it makes SO MUCH FUCKING SENSE! lolz"

I can just hear him say "Fuck you guys, it's funny!" over and over.

It's not fucking funny.

Not to mention that whole tirade against newspapers, with him making a fool of himself in a public forum. Made me lose what little respect for his character I had left.


Staff member
Because it just gets worse and worse?

"I steal pens from restaurants! lolz"

"Twitter's down! lolz"

"Let's destroy Butler's character by making him LOLBAT, because it makes SO MUCH FUCKING SENSE! lolz"

I can just hear him say "Fuck you guys, it's funny!" over and over.

It's not fucking funny.

Not to mention that whole tirade against newspapers, with him making a fool of himself in a public forum. Made me lose what little respect for his character I had left.[/QUOTE]

He does go on about this crusade, I admit.


Because it just gets worse and worse?

\"I steal pens from restaurants! lolz\"

\"Twitter's down! lolz\"

\"Let's destroy Butler's character by making him LOLBAT, because it makes SO MUCH FUCKING SENSE! lolz\"

I can just hear him say \"Fuck you guys, it's funny!\" over and over.

It's not fucking funny.

Not to mention that whole tirade against newspapers, with him making a fool of himself in a public forum. Made me lose what little respect for his character I had left.[/QUOTE]

I never got that whole crusade. It's not like newspaper comics are going to go away just because newspaper sales are going down.


Here's the syndicated comics section of my local paper website. There are tons of them all over. They probably get 100x better traffic than individual webcomic sites since they're affiliated with major newspapers.
I never got that whole crusade.
It started after he got snubbed by a newspaper to pick up his comic. Before that, he was all gung-ho "Newspapers are awesome!".

After he was laughed out, he suddenly flipped on the subject and went on the "Crusade". He's a hurt child who's lashing out and doesn't know when he's beat.


I never got that whole crusade.
It started after he got snubbed by a newspaper to pick up his comic. Before that, he was all gung-ho "Newspapers are awesome!".

After he was laughed out, he suddenly flipped on the subject and went on the "Crusade". He's a hurt child who's lashing out and doesn't know when he's beat.[/QUOTE]

His comic is terrible for a newspaper syndicate. He writes in a niche market. The majority of newspaper readers are not going to get his internet humor. Look at Dilbert, that comic is a niche market on white collar cubicle jobs and it initially had a really rough time.

His interview with Triumph the Dog is hilarious and spot on. No one cares about Skull the troll.
Let's be honest, Halforums, we're avoiding the real question here.

Forget PVP. Why don't we talk about us anymore?


Guys! Stop!
He's a "pioneer in (his) field and a “tastemaker” with a large podium"! We have to give him all the respect in the world for his... what does he do with the bulk of his day again?


Guys! Stop!
He's a "pioneer in (his) field and a “tastemaker” with a large podium"! We have to give him all the respect in the world for his... what does he do with the bulk of his day again?
eat, play WoW, scour the internet for bad press and writing hate mail.

Goddamn it Kurtz is living my dream... except the morbidly obese whale part...
eat, play WoW, scour the internet for bad press and writing hate mail.

Goddamn it Kurtz is living my dream... except the morbidly obese whale part...
He's actually lost weight. The first time I saw him in person (Comic-Con 2004) he was enormous. I thought he was leaning against a beanbag chair before I realized he really WAS the beanbag. But the last time I saw in (Comic-Con 2007) he was looking okay.
Aren't you supposed to put pictures of people choking their chicken in the NSFW area? :)
I actually was about to draw him with a chicken on his hand, but thought about this euphemism and decided that drawing a duck instead would avoid this easy joke.

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