Is it not coming back till 2019? Fuck.Can't wait for 2019.
Littlefinger scene best of #2017 for me so far.
They aren't even filming before October man.Is it not coming back till 2019? Fuck.
I think the budget allowed for dragons or wolves. They made their decision.Do they even bother showing any of the wolves at this point?
I was actually criticising WotLK... i mean, sure, you don't want them rampaging out of control, but the LK was only created after WC2: BtDP, and the undead only became a powerful faction during WC3. So most people where still alive when there was no Scourge, so they could easily imagine a world without them.The show has already veered off from the books, so they can do whatever they want. Arthas Inc!
I looked up Ghost on the GoT wiki a couple of weeks ago because I had no clue what was supposed to have happened to him. I genuinely was half thinking they'd killed him off & I'd just forgotten about it. Turns out nope, Jon just dumped him at Winterfell & he's been hanging out there all season. Offscreen obviously.Do they even bother showing any of the wolves at this point?
What do you think fuels dragon fire?If we were able to harness the power of all those cock blocks we would have unlimited energy.![]()
She can probably do something about that.I think too many people saw Littlefinger die for her to impersonate him.
Probably not. But I wouldn't blame the show's reaching this point for that. Martin stopped caring long ago.I don't think the books will ever be finished now![]()
What took you so long?I don't think the books will ever be finished now![]()
Optimism is for suckers... when you're a pessimist, either you're right, or something good happens... it's win-win.My eternal optimism?
The forum software really, really hates it when your image exceeds 1000px in any case the forums auto-resized it.
Don't forget Jaime! In fact looking at that might just have given me a new mental image of what book!Cersei looks like.GoT characters and their genderswapped versions, as determined by FaceApp:
Original image here, in case the forums auto-resized it.
Jon, Viserys, Robb, and Jaqen H'ghar fill me with tingly feelings.