Very curious how it's infecting people. Lucky for me I don't really browse the worst parts of the net without ten levels of protection.
I have the beta launcher and an authenticator. Someone tried to brute force me and locked me down tight.One advantage to having the beta launcher, I guess.
Yes. It basically gets the info and logs in real time. The downside of hacking with normal things like keyloggers is that the authenticator code will change before the information usually gets to someone that can use it to log in. Since the trojan beams this information in real time to some waiting bot, the bot can log in over you and start stripping the characters within seconds of you logging in that day, before the code has time to cycle.I read the article. Is it able to get through all types ofauthenticators?
This pretty much sums up why I quit playing.I just am not sure what to do. There are some goals I want to reach but they feel so far away I can't get the interest to start them.
It's just all the stars no longer align for me. Due to my son I have very little time to play, really the only time being after he goes to sleep and I spend time with my wife. That gives me 2, maybe 3 hours. If I log on and tank, I worry I will get people screaming at me and then just quit. If I log in for DPS, I spend an hour just in the queues, leaving me little time to get the place done. Add in RNG, and walking away for the night with nothing just saps all my willpower.I like tanking on my DK as well but the random people suck.
I can get @HCGLNS to healer queue you! That's always super fast.It's just all the stars no longer align for me. Due to my son I have very little time to play, really the only time being after he goes to sleep and I spend time with my wife. That gives me 2, maybe 3 hours. If I log on and tank, I worry I will get people screaming at me and then just quit. If I log in for DPS, I spend an hour just in the queues, leaving me little time to get the place done. Add in RNG, and walking away for the night with nothing just saps all my willpower.
The only thing I find myself doing now is logging on to level my monk, mostly because the lower level dungeons are so simple I can just relax and tank through them easily as Brewmaster.
Maybe I just miss some of the simplicity this game used to have.
This right here. I don't care about leveling as much, that's easy with dungeon spam. Professions are fucking horrible to level in the BC range, and generally a little slow in WOtLK range. BC especially thanks to nobody wanting to go back to the zones, leading to a general drought of materials on the AH if you don't farm them up yourself.With how garbage a lot of professions are to deal with in the TBC range I would almost consider doing it.
Why not both?Squidley is horde. If you want alliance let me know and I'll get you in to my guild, which is pretty big and active.
I do like alliance, hookabrothaup.