Would you go into space?

Would you go into earth's orbit to see our planet from space for a day if you could?

  • Hell yes whoooo

    Votes: 50 90.9%
  • Never

    Votes: 3 5.5%
  • I like to be contrary and not answer yes or no questions

    Votes: 2 3.6%

  • Total voters
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I must say that were I an eccentric billionaire, a good chuck of my money would go towards research into warp drive technology so I could go forth and boldly bang hot alien chicks that no man has banged before.

Either that or an Ironman-style robosuit. If I ever become a billionaire I'll update you guys on what kind of eccentric I become.

Kitty Sinatra

Well. I just saw a CSI: Miami episode about commercial space flights! How coincidental.
I actually applied for an astronaut position at NASA; never got the call back :( I figured I was a good candidate. I meet the requirements of having a bachelors degree and 3 years scientific experience (to them a PhD = 3 years experience), and I'm in relatively good shape and young. CURSE YOU NASA!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU AND YOUR FUCKING NAVY TEST PILOTS!!!!!!!!
If anything you are way too young. Most of the guys going up now are in their late 40's to mid 50's. That would mean that most of these guys are around 40 when they hire on.


I actually applied for an astronaut position at NASA; never got the call back :( I figured I was a good candidate. I meet the requirements of having a bachelors degree and 3 years scientific experience (to them a PhD = 3 years experience), and I'm in relatively good shape and young. CURSE YOU NASA!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU AND YOUR FUCKING NAVY TEST PILOTS!!!!!!!!
If anything you are way too young. Most of the guys going up now are in their late 40's to mid 50's. That would mean that most of these guys are around 40 when they hire on.[/QUOTE]

I would imagine a younger astronaut would be more desirable. Oh well. I still got my hopes up for the FBI special agent phase I exam in a couple weeks (if I was gung-ho on actually following through on that anyway).
Yes the Feds want you young, and want you out by time you are 50. I was sad when I hit the age that I could no longer apply to the FBI.

Joe Johnson

If it was science fantasy sort of space, then yes (nice comfy spaceship, artificial gravity, cool places to visit). If we're talking reality and right now, no way. I'd end up being sick the entire time, which would not be fun.


I am taking a bunch of college kids to NASA again in 2 months (part of NASA initiative to get new students into the program like scientist and such) We did get to see the training pool (one of the largest in the U.S.) it is pretty awesome. They say while training in the pool give you the feel the weightlessness, but in space there is no "pressure" like you have while you are 20-30 feet under water.

I would not pass this up if I am fit to go.

Philosopher B.

Space is the raddest. I would love to experience zero gravity. That shit looks like a trip.


Not only would I go into space, I'd do it naked and painted orange.
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