Not sure what you mean. Champion Seals are not going away. They are a emblem style unique to the tournament, and won't be converted to any other currency.I wonder how they're planning on converting champion's marks for buying heirlooms.
I suspect that when it comes to WoW, number-balancing is not quick and easy. Plus, I think we can all agree that we prefer they'd not rush that part.Everything else is in number-balancing, which is quick and easy.
LOL. That is awesome!Oh. My. God. They rubbed it in our faces.
Well played, Blizzard. Well...played.rly:
You can still get JP by doing the normal Cataclysm daily, which can be done starting at 80. You can't farm JP until you reach heroics, but they didn't really want people farming them anyways when they should be enjoying the new content in the new quest zones, rather then running WOTLK dungeons over and over.Apparently, you stop getting JP at all from old content once you level out of it. So Wrath-content will stop giving you JP at 81, which seems a little harsh, since it sounds like they tweaked it so most people won't be capable of the new heroics at all until after they've hit 85 and geared up a bit.
You could, but you wouldn't get much out of it compared to leveling normally to 85 and starting the normal dungeons.but couldn't people just stop leveling and farm JP? (I have been out of it for a while so I don't remember what features does what) I thought you could "lock your level" and don't level up anymore.
Isn't that how it's always been? Fresh level caps usually can't run heroics unless they are geared up by running normal dungeons and getting quest blues. The only reason they can do it now is because everyone is over-geared for them and can pick up your slack.Apparently, you stop getting JP at all from old content once you level out of it. So Wrath-content will stop giving you JP at 81, which seems a little harsh, since it sounds like they tweaked it so most people won't be capable of the new heroics at all until after they've hit 85 and geared up a bit.
Isn't that how it's always been? Fresh level caps usually can't run heroics unless they are geared up by running normal dungeons and getting quest blues. The only reason they can do it now is because everyone is over-geared for them and can pick up your slack.[/QUOTE]Apparently, you stop getting JP at all from old content once you level out of it. So Wrath-content will stop giving you JP at 81, which seems a little harsh, since it sounds like they tweaked it so most people won't be capable of the new heroics at all until after they've hit 85 and geared up a bit.
So why stop getting it at 81, then? If it's purely meant as a consolation prize for people who don't buy the new content, why not disable it at 80 for the people who do?Maybe since they are implementing it before Cata comes out, they want players to feel like they are still getting something if they decide to keep running current content.
Not especially, but since we're in a thread talking about Cata anyway, it seemed topical enough to try to plumb the depths of the designers intentions in how they're wrangling player behavior.Does it really matter?
Because there are both BC and Wrath vendors that sell level-relevant equipment for JP there. Some people like to turn off experience gain at 60/70/80 and experience as much of the game for that level as possible. Earning points to spend on items at that level makes sense in order to allow people frozen at that level to experience the higher-end content. The consolidation of the emblems into points just gives people something to do with those leftover points once they decide to progress past the content.So why do it all, is the thing. If players are able to (very slowly) acquire JP at lower levels that can be put toward the use of purchasing higher levels of gear, why would you curtail that ability upon advancement only to open the floodgates later on?
If the concern is that players will farm old content for more JP, why not disallow the earning of JP for pre-Cata content entirely? If players choose to spend JP they earn now on Wrath gear, then it's not really going to give them much advantage in Cata, and since Cata content is scaled to give more JP anyways, what's the point of turning off their ability to dribble in JP from old content when you're already planning to allow it so players can find alternate methods of gearing up for the new content?
Because there are both BC and Wrath vendors that sell level-relevant equipment for JP there. Some people like to turn off experience gain at 60/70/80 and experience as much of the game for that level as possible. Earning points to spend on items at that level makes sense in order to allow people frozen at that level to experience the higher-end content. The consolidation of the emblems into points just gives people something to do with those leftover points once they decide to progress past the content.[/QUOTE]So why do it all, is the thing. If players are able to (very slowly) acquire JP at lower levels that can be put toward the use of purchasing higher levels of gear, why would you curtail that ability upon advancement only to open the floodgates later on?
If the concern is that players will farm old content for more JP, why not disallow the earning of JP for pre-Cata content entirely? If players choose to spend JP they earn now on Wrath gear, then it's not really going to give them much advantage in Cata, and since Cata content is scaled to give more JP anyways, what's the point of turning off their ability to dribble in JP from old content when you're already planning to allow it so players can find alternate methods of gearing up for the new content?
Because there are both BC and Wrath vendors that sell level-relevant equipment for JP there. Some people like to turn off experience gain at 60/70/80 and experience as much of the game for that level as possible. Earning points to spend on items at that level makes sense in order to allow people frozen at that level to experience the higher-end content. The consolidation of the emblems into points just gives people something to do with those leftover points once they decide to progress past the content.[/QUOTE]So why do it all, is the thing. If players are able to (very slowly) acquire JP at lower levels that can be put toward the use of purchasing higher levels of gear, why would you curtail that ability upon advancement only to open the floodgates later on?
If the concern is that players will farm old content for more JP, why not disallow the earning of JP for pre-Cata content entirely? If players choose to spend JP they earn now on Wrath gear, then it's not really going to give them much advantage in Cata, and since Cata content is scaled to give more JP anyways, what's the point of turning off their ability to dribble in JP from old content when you're already planning to allow it so players can find alternate methods of gearing up for the new content?
Also, Hunters sell your ammo! It's going away when the patch hits and pretty much every usual pre-patch sign is upon us (12 hour maintenance and the end of arena season, among others).I'm almost positive that patch 4.0.1 is coming tomorrow, so if you still have emblems you want to use, use them tonight.
That is understandable, just if you feel like coming back, then do it, but if you feel your life is better not playing, then don't. If you worry about getting hooked to much, you can always have your husband/fiance set the parental controls. Yes, kind of silly, but it does help force a limit on you.It's been about 6 months now and I like how much longer my days are without it.
I have yet to try tanking a dungeon, but is it really that bad? I am rather surprised since with Sanctuary going towards defense cap I found mostly a boost in all my other avoidance stats.Blizzard can kiss my 80 Prot Pally's light-loving, lily-white ass. I miss being able to solo Vanilla/TBC content. I died in Ramps tonight, on trash. Time to take all of that caster heirloom gear and roll a mage.
Mages are downright crazy right now, arcane I hear is pulling out nearly double or even triple the DPS just spamming Arcane Blast. D: They will even out a bit more once the next patch hits and even more once people start leveling to 85, but it still is insane. I hear Balance Druids and Warlocks are also pretty nuts right now.I'm playing again, and my mage kicks so much ass.
I have yet to try tanking a dungeon, but is it really that bad? I am rather surprised since with Sanctuary going towards defense cap I found mostly a boost in all my other avoidance stats.[/QUOTE]Blizzard can kiss my 80 Prot Pally's light-loving, lily-white ass. I miss being able to solo Vanilla/TBC content. I died in Ramps tonight, on trash. Time to take all of that caster heirloom gear and roll a mage.
The only old world raids that are disappearing are ZG (now a questing zone) and AQ20 (being converted into a 10-man I hear), and with four those should be easy to handle even with just a healer and an offtank. Did you think all the 40-mans are leaving? Because they all are remaining in the game and even got dungeon maps.My biggest complaint is that, since our little "friends only guild" has only 4 members, it means there's no way in hell we're going to be able to finish off the old world raids before they disappear.
They're not actually changing AQ20, they're just treating it like a 10-man raid for guild achievement purposes (need 8 to complete).I can see how that would be frustrating, but we may just have to wait and see how things smooth out once we get some of our new skills and learn our new skill priorities. We are going through a big change. Like we lost Sacred Shield, but gained the ability for Word of Glory to shield us.
The only old world raids that are disappearing are ZG (now a questing zone) and AQ20 (being converted into a 10-man I hear), and with four those should be easy to handle even with just a healer and an offtank. Did you think all the 40-mans are leaving? Because they all are remaining in the game and even got dungeon maps.My biggest complaint is that, since our little "friends only guild" has only 4 members, it means there's no way in hell we're going to be able to finish off the old world raids before they disappear.
It doesn't look like it, yet. Probably not until the actual cataclysm release.Speaking of guild achievements... Has that been implemented at all yet? I know there is guild rep listed on the rep screen, but I wasn't sure if it's been fully implemented yet.
Not actually correct, Pio.They're not actually changing AQ20, they're just treating it like a 10-man raid for guild achievement purposes (need 8 to complete).
What you are thinking about is how all the old raids, for guild achievement purposes, require a total of 10 players. If you notice the list posted in the same thread, Blizzard does not even consider a 20man raid to exist anymore, only 10man, 25man, and 40man. So yes, it is changing, just not on a content level.
Not actually correct, Pio.They're not actually changing AQ20, they're just treating it like a 10-man raid for guild achievement purposes (need 8 to complete).
What you are thinking about is how all the old raids, for guild achievement purposes, require a total of 10 players. If you notice the list posted in the same thread, Blizzard does not even consider a 20man raid to exist anymore, only 10man, 25man, and 40man. So yes, it is changing, just not on a content level.[/QUOTE]
What that means is they didn't need to change the content or really alter the bosses for the most part, since changes to class mechanics will probably make us pretty powerful once we hit 60 and thus equal out to what used to be the power of 20man. However, it now can only be done with 10 people. If you try to enter with 11, it will not let the 11th person into the dungeon, which is the big change.I guess I just misread this: AQ20 tuning has not changed, it has just been reduced to a 10 player raid.