E-mails have not gone out yet, but it will be activated under your game list on Battle.net if you got in already. That is how I noticed it. If you didn't get in yet, they will be rolling out invites as they go, starting out based on account join date and annual pass sign-up date.Still waiting on my email....
Same here, 2004 and Annual pass during Blizzcon. Only thing is I've quit for 2-5 months at a time once or twice.E-mails have not gone out yet, but it will be activated under your game list on Battle.net if you got in already. That is how I noticed it. If you didn't get in yet, they will be rolling out invites as they go, starting out based on account join date and annual pass sign-up date.
That is the only reason I got in so quickly, nice perk of having been playing since 2004 and signing up for the pass once it came out.
Warriors are getting some fun stuff this expansion and some mechanic changes. I am loving the increased mobility and things like Mass Spell Reflect. Dragon Roar will also be great for those times in dungeons you might need a breather, plus they have more self-healing options like I Second Wind (passive health regeneration chance on hit) or Impending Victory (active attack that replaces victory rush and can be used outside of the kill window).Yay! Another tank class to make the Warrior useless!
I was, right now it's not extremely dramatic, but there are a lot of cutscenes still missing from the whole thing. Basically...Scythe, have you had a chance to play through the starting zone for the Pandarens, up to the point where you're forced to choose a faction, or has it been too buggy? The teasers surrounding having to make a choice like that sound really cool, I'd love to know if it actually feels like a dramatic choice or not.
I agree with warlocks, but I see rogues all over the place. They are definitely one of the more popular ones right now, probably due to the legendaries.There's a reason why some of the most "fun" classes are still the least played, aka Rogues/Warlocks.
Varian would be so much cooler if they just kept his personality at the end of the MoP Beta Pandaren Intro.I think the faction choice question is probably going to be harder for me to make as a player than they necessarily designed it to be. On the one hand, Garrosh is insane (as is pre-ordained by the fact that he's the end boss of this expac) and is leading the horde to ruin. On the other hand, I've never had all that much faith in Varian, ever since the breaking of the accords between Jaina and Thrall and the ensuing encroachment by the Alliance down by Ratchet; not to mention that little scene at the end of the follow-up to the Wrathgate when Thrall is attempting to help Sylvanas take Undercity back and Varian shows up to kill them for the apothecary's transgressions.
Still half constructed for now. Blizzard says they want to fix Stormwind and finish Orgrimmar, but they want to do it a bit later, likely going to happen in a patch. I have a feeling Orgrimmar will not be finished until 5.3 when Thrall takes over the Horde once again, because then they can finish it and change some of the aesthetic once again to better fit back a bit with the older styling that fit better for Thrall's Horde.Oh, here's a question for you Scythe, is Orgrimmar at least finished or is it still looking half constructed?
I will admit that rogues are a much harder class to play over, say, a mage. I still don't think that makes them bad though, it just makes them less casual friendly. Rogues may not be played in raids as much as mages, but I still say I see them a lot. BGs have many rogues, they are a popular PVP class.I have both, as well as the other dps classes and i have to admit that Rogue is probably my favorite class "toys" wise, it can't hold a candle to a equally skilled/geared Mage/Hunter (sadly also due to mechanics) on any fight other than Patchwork style. The biggest problem here was the homoginization of the classes. Each class was pretty equal on invites when they all had unique buffs to bring to the raids, now you'll bring the class that gives the same buff as all the rest but has higher dps.
For the record, I'm going to predict that eventually class choice will be irrellevant and every class will have a tree that fills in one of the BIG 3 roles. It seems to be the direction they've been taking for quite some time now.When I was writing my game I always asked myself, "Why would someone play this class?" I don't think Blizzard asks themselves that. There's no need for Warriors or Rogues in the game any more. Warriors were replaced by Paladins, DKs and now Warlocks who can tank just as well and have other abilities besides.
Rogues are just DPS, but they have to be fairly close. Most magic classes - and the DK again, go figure - can out-DPS the Rogue and have other abilities besides. Add in the fact that most Rogue abilities are best used when stealthy and you have a class that can't run in most instances because everyone wants to run through the thing so fast the Rogue hardly ever gets to do anything but run up and start hitting.
And since both of those are my favorite classes...
I know what you are trying to say, but technically every class already has a tree that fills one of the BIG 3 roles.For the record, I'm going to predict that eventually class choice will be irrellevant and every class will have a tree that fills in one of the BIG 3 roles. It seems to be the direction they've been taking for quite some time now.
Probably not a good idea to discuss this with me, I have in the past developed "viable" tanking specs for mages and rogues, plus healing specs for warlocks. If I could, I would remove the entire aspect of "pure" classes, because I hate the idea of the hybrid tax that right now afflicts a few of the hybrid classes. Anyone that thinks certain classes don't make sense for certain roles is just not being imaginative enough.Warlock tank? Really? I just don't understand why. The lack of tanks doesn't come from the lack of classes that can tank, but from people just not enjoying it. Its too damn easy to level to say you can only have one character. If they want to homogenize it that much, how will mages tank? Through their elemental? Or will they heal... maybe we need dk healers who pull life from the mob and transfer it to the party member. How about rogue tanks? Some classes just don't make sense for certain roles.
Viable in what way? Sure a smart enough lock or mage could tank if need be, but it was never ideal or enjoyable. I've tanked a few instances with my lock when horrible tanks showed up, but it was never fun. I rolled a dps character for a reason. The problem isn't pure classes, its the idea that every class should do everything. Why should every class do everything? I ask again because they have made leveling so easy. Why should we expect people to level one class and do everything?ScytheRexx said:Probably not a good idea to discuss this with me, I have in the past developed "viable" tanking specs for mages and rogues, plus healing specs for warlocks. If I could, I would remove the entire aspect of "pure" classes, because I hate the idea of the hybrid tax that right now afflicts a few of the hybrid classes. Anyone that thinks certain classes don't make sense for certain roles is just not being imaginative enough.
Warlock tanks may not make more tanks, or maybe it will. The reason people don't enjoy tanks is because it's a) a very stressful job if you are not good at it, or b) too mind numbing since you don't worry about using skills outside of spamming one or two for aggro. Both those issues are being addressed by making tank mitigation more reactive, meaning more skill usage to give yourself your mitigation and avoidance, but overall reducing dungeon difficulty for heroics, making tanking less stressful for newer tanks.
You are labeled. Most want to just sit back and blame things that go wrong on the tank and or healer.Shegokigo said:If wanting a dungeon to go smoothly, pull quickly but not stupidly, kill bosses in the right orders, not skip quests etc = Control Freak? Consider me labeled.
FYI, "rarity" in MMOs? I dunno about that, if anyone could be labeled as a Control Freak Tank would have been the tanks in Everquest.
They don't have to do "everything" but they should at the least fulfill two of the three roles required for play. While it is easy to level, you still have a lot of players that only stick to one character. I know a few, and one of them (at least he used to), a friend of mine that plays a undead mage, actually grew tired of the class simply because he felt like he had to do the same thing over and over and over, just always DPS.Viable in what way? Sure a smart enough lock or mage could tank if need be, but it was never ideal or enjoyable. I've tanked a few instances with my lock when horrible tanks showed up, but it was never fun. I rolled a dps character for a reason. The problem isn't pure classes, its the idea that every class should do everything. Why should every class do everything? I ask again because they have made leveling so easy. Why should we expect people to level one class and do everything?
I would give more credit to your argument if this was actually a problem, however, I don't see everyone playing paladin or druid at the expense of all other classes. Are they well represented? Yes, but so are priests, and they only fit two roles. Hell, looking at leveling data paladins were lower then Mage, Priest, Hunter, Shaman, and Warrior when it comes to representation leveling from 80-85.Exactly. Lets just play either a druid a paladin or a monk and you'll be good. :-/
Or just admit they can do too much and cut all classes back to 2 roles. Would it really be that bad? Druids healers and dps. Pallies tanks and dps. Monks dps an healers.Shegokigo said:As for being an awesome hybrid? Well I do play PLD for a reason.... however I disagree that we should do everything nearly as equally well as a "pure" class. Rogues/Hunters/Mages/Warlocks should have definitely decimated the hybrids in DPS and the hybrid classes should have definitely had a "tax" on them to help balance it out.
The problem is that by adding a tax you often tell the hybrids they shouldn't be DPS, which hybrids want to have as a valid role. Thankfully the tax is not heavy, it is still, and always will be, a hot topic of discussion until it is abolished, and the only way to abolish it will be to either remove hybrids or remove pures, and removing hybrids would require removing specs, while removing pures would require adding specs. One is much more viable.As for being an awesome hybrid? Well I do play PLD for a reason.... however I disagree that we should do everything nearly as equally well as a "pure" class. Rogues/Hunters/Mages/Warlocks should have definitely decimated the hybrids in DPS and the hybrid classes should have definitely had a "tax" on them to help balance it out.
Yes, it would be that bad. You have to understand that some people have been playing the various roles on druids and paladins for ages. You are basically going to have to remove one of them, pissing off the very large fanbase of that spec and role, just to carry out the action. It would be the first step on the eventual death of the game. The only reason you are likely fine with it is because you never played those classes, or in the end, played a spec that you don't think would be cut. Think of all the players here, not just what you want.Or just admit they can do too much and cut all classes back to 2 roles. Would it really be that bad? Druids healers and dps. Pallies tanks and dps. Monks dps an healers.
That's me a T as well. I only began tanking because I couldn't fucking stand other tanks.Why does Shego tank? Cause she can't stand the incompetancy of other tanks.
Leave my dungeon/raid experience in the hands of this current gen of WoW fuckwits? I think not.
I don't know about lately, as I'm like 3 major content patches out of date, but Paladins were never that good at DPS (in fact, the worst usually labelled them correctly). Hell, I remember when paladins were garbage for everything but healing (waaaaaaaaaaaaay back). I remember a guy who I used to guild with many moons ago who was always a retadin. One of the most skilled players ever. When he tanked, he was the best tank. When he healed, he was the best healer. When he was ret, he was middling at best behind the medicorely competent players. I know it wasn't skill. The guy was fucking amazingly good at everything. The only thing he lacked was common sense not to be ret.That's more a problem that hasn't been fixed with druids and paladins than anything else. No class should be able to do everything that well.
This is basically why I'm tanking in SWTOR.Why does Shego tank? Cause she can't stand the incompetancy of other tanks.
Leave my dungeon/raid experience in the hands of this current gen of WoW fuckwits? I think not.
Like I said, it is not heavy, so this is not a huge problem right now, but it does come up in discussion when you get to the world first crowd and raids, and often if they have the class to fulfill a certain buff, they "gravitate" towards pure dps over hybrid dps, which I don't personally think should be part of the consideration. DPS is DPS.Being 4th-5th on the meter while Pures have 1-3 isn't exactly a tax that would keep them from being that spec.
You are creating phantom problems. No one complains right now that Druid and Paladin can utilize all the different roles, they just wish a few of the others had more options. I have one of every class above 80, I have played all of them in various forms of heroics either in WOTLK or Cataclysm, and I am perfectly fine playing a warrior that can tank or dps, but can't heal, or a priest that can heal or dps, but can't tank.Adding roles that don't make sense is just going to kill the feel of classes, and cause confusion. A druid can melee dps, range dps, tank, and heal. How long before people start whining again that their class can't do all that? Should every class really be able to fill all those roles? It seems like multi classing would be a better solution. Let people level a character multiple times as different classes.
This is why when I drink I don't heal. If the tank runs in by himself and starts attacking, he wipes, I cast shadowmeld, wait for the mobs to reset, then resurrect the team. If the tank complains I tell him he has to wait for my mana, or he will have to find another healer, no skin off my back. Most of the time the DPS side with me, unless they are friends with the tank.Of course, the problem there is playing with any PUG that has no clue that healers actually need time and mana to keep them alive.
No, I don't think they would. Can I say that with 100% certainty? Nope, but it's what I feel based on how we are moving forward with MoP. The hybrid tax is already rumored to be on the decline just by the nature of "spec" changes being more focused, but even if the hybrid tax is removed due to more focus, that means we still have the problem of pures losing utility.I guess I don't see how this is going to fix anything. Even if you get all the classes at 2 viable roles, you're still going to have 2, and now 3 classes that can do more. You think people won't still demand a hybrid tax on that?
And I think you underestimate them. The community can be jackface retarded, but changes like opening roles are one of the few things I literally see the community lose their shit over in a good way. When druids and paladins were given the ability to be viable tanks, there was nothing but praise. People like getting new stuff, they only complain when they lose what they have. Taking away the talent system as we know it? BOO! Giving warlocks the ability to tank? YEAAAHHHH! They never asked for warlock tanks, but having them is exciting to players.I think you overestimate the community...
I don't agree with paladins and druids always being able to tank. Yes, they had a spec that said it was a tank, but the whole game back in vanilla and going into BC was balanced around the idea of making warriors the only "real" tank. You couldn't tank at all on paladins or druids outside of world group quests. That only started to change in BC, when they started the process to make them more viable, and even then it was never finished until WOTLK. I remember attempting often to tank on my own blood elf paladin after the process started, and no one wanted me because the viability was so low. The best I could get was the rare Normal dungeon runs, never a heroic.Paladins and druids could always tank, just not well. They didn't change the class to make it fit another role. I know you'll be able to find lore examples to fit any class combo you want, and I'm sure they'll make it up if there isn't. It just changes the feel of the game. I think that's why I lost interest in the game. There's not a whole lot of "Wow!" left in the game. The world doesn't feel big anymore, and the classes and factions don't really feel unique any more. It's like anything else. If you make it bland, obviously more people will like it. It loses what makes it great though.
I disagree. There is such a thing as "too far" but that, to me, would to to remove all variance entirely. If they made it so every race could be every class, and ever class could be every spec, that would be going over the line, but no one is asking for that. All the people that are crapping their pants in excitement over warlock tanking are not sitting there going "well why can't we heal too?", which seems to be what you think the next natural question is going to be on the process. It's not, not for us that play anyways.I'm not saying we should go back to the way it was in Vanilla, that just wasn't fun for many people. There is the danger of taking it too far though. That's what it feels like they're doing.
I can always send you a scroll if you feel like it, but I recommend at least waiting till MoP considering how you feel about the game right now. Cata was a bit of a failure to most players due to over-tuned difficult and a few shoddy systems that are being corrected, and while it's better then it was at the beginning, you would be coming into a game that sometime later this year is going to drastically change. Talents will be completely redesigned, end game mechanics expanded, class specs better condensed, leveling altered (no more trainers), etc.. Just hit me up though if you want to give it a go anyways, a free 80 can't hurt.Will it cause problems? Other than a temporary spike in horrible lock tanks, probably not. It's good that they're willing to trow out conventions and try new things. If I can get my lazy bum of a friend to send me a scroll I'll probably give it another try.
Did you get an invite? Realize, it's pretty buggy right now. Hope you not expecting a demo yet.This discussion makes me want to see if I can download the beta and jump back in.
No, not yet. Annual pass person here, I've just been too busy in recent months to hop on for more than leveling my alts idly while doing other things at home.Did you get an invite? Realize, it's pretty buggy right now. Hope you not expecting a demo yet.![]()
What, that it's buggy?Ah, that's a bummer.
I figured that after writing my bug post, which is why I added that little part at the end. I didn't want to delete all that junk I wrote.I was referring to the warlock tank thing.
Unlikely, regardless of build condition. When school comes back is a terrible time to release new games that require large investments of time. It's why most games are released either right before/during the holiday season (October-December) or in the run-up to summer (Feb-May).I am pretty sure with how complete it is already the expansion will likely release no later then this August, but don't hold me to that.
That's what I meant. The class was and is defined as being able to tank. They just didn't make it a viable option at the start. The current tanks feel like tanks. Warlock tanks just feel like such a stretch.Yes, they had a spec that said it was a tank, but the whole game back in vanilla and going into BC was balanced around the idea of making warriors the only "real" tank.
I'm sure they will eventually, but we'll see.All the people that are crapping their pants in excitement over warlock tanking are not sitting there going "well why can't we heal too?"
August is a bit of wishful thinking on my part, but I sure wouldn't mind hammering out a few stray bugs till October.October or November is a much more likely candidate.
Why though? Warlocks wear cloth, but one of their defining abilities we that allows them to tank is Demon Form, which turns them into a hulking demon ala Illidan.The current tanks feel like tanks. Warlock tanks just feel like such a stretch.
I can partially agree to this.My issues were never with talents or game mechanics or end game content. It's the lack of immersion. I don't want to go back to Vanilla WoW. That's not what I'm getting at. What I miss is a huge world. Not one that you teleport around in, or fly at breakneck speed above everything. Was it a pain getting places? Yeah, but you felt like you were actually a part of something. It's one of the things I like about Eve. The universe is huge, and it takes forever to get across it. It's a pain in the ass, but you feel like you're a part of the universe.
Be aware that this system, for now, is only for LFR, which means normal raids (which is often the level used by guilds) won't have the system outside of Bonus Rolls.The absolute worst part of raiding was how loot rolls added a good 5-10 minutes of arguing to every encounter that people weren't geared out of unless your guild has a specific system that everyone agreed to (which usually only cut the arguing by about half).
Wait, really? Is it so guilds can still shard unwanted items?Be aware that this system, for now, is only for LFR, which means normal raids (which is often the level used by guilds) won't have the system outside of Bonus Rolls.
I think it's more that guilds can easily distribute among themselves, since guilds are often the same 10/25 people. Drama can happen but the guild can work itself out, since the one bringing the drama can be held accountable to the guild.Wait, really? Is it so guilds can still shard unwanted items?
Eve is obviously on the far end of the spectrum, but there is a middle ground they could work towards. My wish list would be.I can partially agree to this.
You see, I like immersion too, but I have limits. Immersion to me needs to be high enough that I get interested in the world (and I do, as anyone can see, I know more about the history of this little fantasy universe then most people probably know regular history), but low enough that is does not make my gameplay suffer for it. This is specifically why I can't stand EvE, because I feel it tries so hard to be a "living universe" that I get bored to tears actually playing it, there is not enough "game" there for me.
In the end, it's about balance, about being open to new gameplay and styles while attempting to keep the qualities that made the immersion so great. A good example of trying for more immersion but ultimately causing problems was the change to more linear questing, it makes each zone much more cohesive and tells a better story, but the lack of unique quest hubs made people burn out on those linear quests extremely fast, it was not balanced to those that want story and those that want speed.
If it makes you feel any better, MoP is not going to let us fly right out the gate like Cataclysm did. They realized allowing us to fly that quickly did mess with the scope of the zones. They felt "tiny" because we never had to slog through them on our ground mounts, which was another thing that just added to the problems of the expansion. On the flip side, there does come a point where you want to be able to get around quickly, and so we need to make sure flying mounts are still going to be around once we hit the cap and the scale of the world loses it's luster.
Seeing equipment is not that big of a problem, actually, you should have seen the shitstorm that happened when they removed tree form as a constant shapeshift. It got so bad they are adding it back in as a Glyph for MoP. Druids like their shapeshift forms, it's one of the reasons they picked the class. Warlocks I talk with are fine not seeing the gear in demon form, the only wish I see is they want a valid female version of the model for female characters.I still don't like the idea. I just don't buy into the idea of a warlock being a tank. It's just my opinion though. Putting them in demon form will also cause the same problems they're trying to fix with druids. You don't get to see your shiny new equipment. I did see boom chickens are going to get astral form now. If they can make a different form that can show equipment, it might work.
Not nearly as bad as those dragons that liked to fireball you off your mount in Blades Edge. Sure made attempting to do my Ogri'la/Skyguard dailies a lesson in frustration.Anyone remember Skettis?
- Force people to be at an instance entrance to queue for it. - No way, that was one of the most frustrating parts of WoW before that. I'm fine with no insta-warp, but queuing as a whole needed to be made less irritating. The endless "LFG H UK 80 Heals/DPS" shit had to stop.
- No flying in the capitals. God damn that's annoying. - Wait, why is this part annoying?
- Slow down flying, or make flying mobs that attack you more common. Or both. - I am not so down with slowing down flying, but flying mobs to make areas more dangerous is fine by me.
- More world bosses. - 100% agreed.
- Fewer portals. - Mixed on this one. On the one hand, it made travel much easier. On the other, it made the capital city problem even worse.
I know it won't change, and that's fine. I'm just looking and thinking of what made the world interesting. Walking through the huge doors in Blackrock Mountain or finding your way down into the Sunken Temple, it made you feel like you were going somewhere. It feels like dungeons are just there to grind loot as opposed to a part of the world now.The LFD and LFR tools have been majorly praised as one of the best things to happen to the game in years. You are not going to see people want to revert to the old methods of traveling to dungeons, and any that do are so rare it wouldn't be feasible to cater to them.
We will have to agree to disagree on this. I never found it all that fun, I don't play games to get frustrated with them, I play them to have fun.I loved Skettis and Ogri'la. Actually, BC was my favorite xpac world wise. It really wasn't that bad as long as you paid attention. Everybody hates a little extra danger, but it makes you pay attention. Otherwise you just fly around going from quest to quest half asleep. Sometimes a little frustration is good.
Oh boy...Eve is obviously on the far end of the spectrum, but there is a middle ground they could work towards. My wish list would be.
- Force people to be at an instance entrance to queue for it. It would get people out of the capitals and into the world. It could also make for some interesting pvp situations in pvp servers. Maybe once you're 5 or 10 levels above the instance you can queue from anywhere.
- No flying in the capitals. God damn that's annoying.
- Slow down flying, or make flying mobs that attack you more common. Or both.
- More world bosses. Maybe some that roam an entire area like the fel reavers. I nearly shit myself the first time one of those snuck up on me. I haven't played much in cata, did they add any of these?
- Fewer portals.
It's really not that bad.Talent system: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hard to really go over all of it, but I will give the basic rundown of the major changes.Yep, I impulsively bought an annual pass to get Diablo 3 and because I got the WoW itch back. What's new?
Lucky for Blizzard, Nintendo does not own the rights to cockfighting.Wow.....that's fucking shameless.
I wouldn't call it a ripoff unless Blizzard added the game systems without any consent from Nintendo. I have a feeling Blizzard likely already talked with Nintendo about it long before they even announce the expansion, like when they added Peacebloom vs Zombies with the full support of PopCap games. The rub is about making sure it's not "the whole game" and instead a mini-game, otherwise Blizzard and Nintendo would be competing.That's Zynga levels of blatant ripoff.
It couldn't be less of a rip off if they named it "Warkemon"I wouldn't call it a ripoff unless Blizzard added the game systems without any consent from Nintendo. I have a feeling Blizzard likely already talked with Nintendo about it long before they even announce the expansion, like when they added Peacebloom vs Zombies with the full support of PopCap games. The rub is about making sure it's not "the whole game" and instead a mini-game, otherwise Blizzard and Nintendo would be competing.
Really? Because it was pretty unique when it came out.To be even more fair, there's nothing particularly unique about Pokemon that hasn't been done a zillion times before either.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mail_Order_MonstersReally? Because it was pretty unique when it came out.
Except the whole, you know, you get xp if you win, nothing if you lose, have a bot set up to play against someone all night every night, sell lvl 99 pets and crash the economy. No biggie.From what I saw though it was not that much. Someone really out to abuse the system would be better off just making a farm bot.
I see what you mean now, you meant leveling pets and selling them. To be honest I think I missed where they said you can sell "pre-leveled" pets, as I swore you could buy unique pets or wild pets, but you would always have to level them yourself once you "learned" the pet, otherwise some of those achievements are going to be pretty easy for someone with enough gold. Can you point out where they mentioned the ability to buy pre-leveled ones?Except the whole, you know, you get xp if you win, nothing if you lose, have a bot set up to play against someone all night every night, sell lvl 99 pets and crash the economy. No biggie.
I had a lot of fun with Hunter in Cata, so no argument here. There's all kinds of awesome-looking beasts to tame now, plus it's one of the easiest classes to level (not that any are really difficult now). I wouldn't say any class really sucks, the only sticking point is DPS can take a lot longer to get a group in the random dungeon queue compared to a tank or healer. The Burning Crusade content feels really slow and sloppy compared to the rest of the leveling content, though, so be prepared for that.Sooo... I'm booting up WoW again. I've got a little time off of school, and having something mindless to do a few evenings a week would be great. I haven't played since WOTLK, so I want to start a new toon and run through all the new Cataclysm content; I doubt I'll get to the point of having the time to do any serious raiding or PVP, but are there any classes I should avoid playing right now because they downright suck? I was leaning toward being a hunter.
Outland sucks SOOO MUCH. I wish you could just skip past levels 60-70 and skip straight to northrend.I had a lot of fun with Hunter in Cata, so no argument here. There's all kinds of awesome-looking beasts to tame now, plus it's one of the easiest classes to level (not that any are really difficult now). I wouldn't say any class really sucks, the only sticking point is DPS can take a lot longer to get a group in the random dungeon queue compared to a tank or healer. The Burning Crusade content feels really slow and sloppy compared to the rest of the leveling content, though, so be prepared for that.
Yes they are all there, regardless of owning Cataclysm.Is moving the BC quest givers into the dungeon an xpac thing, or have they done that already? I haven't leveled a character through BC in awhile. If the quest givers are in there then yeah, you don't even need to go to Outland anymore.
And you can do it in less than 1-2 days.Oh, well in that case screw Outlands, you can get from 60-68 standing around in Stormwind queued for dungeons.
The female one is fucking terrible. It's as lazy as the original Tauren dance.
Ain't that the truth.The facial expressions on the male dance make me impatient for new character models.
Multiple instances of high-pop areas per realm is a very, very nice idea. Hopefully they can pull it off well, it'd be nice to avoid waiting in line to kill quest mobs.Q. What about zones that are already overpopulated, like new race starting zones?
With this technology, we can also flag zones to allow for more than one copy of that zone per realm. Players on that realm will be split among those copies in order to alleviate problems due to overpopulation. Players won’t normally see or interact with those on a different instance of their zone, although joining a party will relocate all party members to a single instance of that zone.
Can you imagine a global AH? Monopolizing goods would become nigh impossible. Something that fucking ruined my server's AH. One guy basically took over the whole thing.Also be nice for major cities.
Neat, SWTOR already does this, though I always thought it was a little too quick to split the population, as even big cities never seemed to have huge amounts of people in it.Not too shabby an idea, coming from someone who seems to consistently pick the most underpopulated realms in the game (not intentionally). However, I especially like this little tidbit:
Multiple instances of high-pop areas per realm is a very, very nice idea. Hopefully they can pull it off well, it'd be nice to avoid waiting in line to kill quest mobs.
Yep, unless you are grouping with RealID friends, in which case you will be in a zone that corresponds to the group leaders realm. (If you are on a PvE server, and your friend is on a PvP server, your friend as leader means you are in a PvP zone and vice versa.)Neat, SWTOR already does this, though I always thought it was a little too quick to split the population, as even big cities never seemed to have huge amounts of people in it.
I'm going to assume that populating zones from other realms will only allow realms of the same type. (RP, PVP, etc)
Have I ever mentioned the time I made ~100k gold in a day?Can you imagine a global AH? Monopolizing goods would become nigh impossible. Something that fucking ruined my server's AH. One guy basically took over the whole thing.
I agree, but we are still a bit off from something like that. This is just another step, so we will have to see where it goes for things like mailing, AH, etc...Can you imagine a global AH? Monopolizing goods would become nigh impossible. Something that fucking ruined my server's AH. One guy basically took over the whole thing.
I can send you one anytime, just ask.I def. think I am going to need a Scroll of Rez once MoP is closer. Spending most of my time sewing right now though, so no time yet!
I agree, but people are still going to be butt-hurt over it. It will all die-down after awhile though.Black Market is the best thing to happen to the WoW Economy in a long time. Let me tell you, it NEEDED it.
It is going to be a great way to bring back old items that they can't fit into newer content, examples being the Zulian Tiger, Amani Warbear, etc... that were all lost during the revamps.Also yeah, MMO-Champ seems to think it'll be rotating/random stuff up, or maybe even none of what they've seen on the beta so far (as in they're placeholders for the time being). Neat to see things like the original 40 Naxx armor sets on there, though.
With all the cross-realm stuff happening, let's hope we get a cross-realm AH. It would help level everything out I think, due to massive competition.I'd love to see the Zulian mounts show up again, I lost the raptor to someone back in Vanilla who quit a week later. Granted I've never been great at gathering gold, though. I can't stand dailies and my server's AH is totally borked thanks to the low population.
So much for fixing the economy..... then again, DQ farmers already were doing tons of them everyday on all their chars.Daily Quest Cap removal just became official. No more being limited to 25 Daily Quests. They said they have 100s of them in MoP and didn't want to make people feel limited to only doing a few.
Yes the point, to me, is moot, since most farmers will just do it on more then one character.So much for fixing the economy..... then again, DQ farmers already were doing tons of them everyday on all their chars.