[MMO] WoW: Mists of Pandaria Beta

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I just don't see what else they can give. It will be less stressful just to go out and fight wild pets if they don't give something lucrative from fighting other players, and XP seems to be the only thing out of the system you gain in fights, unless they allow you to steal other peoples pets, which would be even worst.
Red and White baseball caps? Belts with red and white orbs on them? Perhaps you need a certain level to try and tackle a mysterious group of 4 elite trainers?


Staff member
I'm not a WoW player, but just throwing an idea out there. Reward wins with a special consumable that's equivalent to something that can be gotten another way. Call it a Rare Candy. Limit the number of Rare Candies that can be held at once, and don't make them tradeable or worth anything to sell. That will give an incentive to fight with your pets regularly, but only as much as you're actually consuming Rare Candy while playing the larger game.
Account-Wide Mounts have just been activated in a buggy form on the beta. Looks like some of those obscure mounts I have will finally get some usage again!

Though it is likely to change, right now class and craft mounts are not even restricted. Ever wanted to see your paladin riding a flaming demon horse? Better hurry and try it out now by getting a warlock on there!
Finally got my beta invite and have the client updated. Going to try out the starting Monk zones, then goof around a bit in the 85+ zones. Hoping Monk is as awesome as I've been expecting.
Sooo... I'm booting up WoW again. I've got a little time off of school, and having something mindless to do a few evenings a week would be great. I haven't played since WOTLK, so I want to start a new toon and run through all the new Cataclysm content; I doubt I'll get to the point of having the time to do any serious raiding or PVP, but are there any classes I should avoid playing right now because they downright suck? I was leaning toward being a hunter.
Sooo... I'm booting up WoW again. I've got a little time off of school, and having something mindless to do a few evenings a week would be great. I haven't played since WOTLK, so I want to start a new toon and run through all the new Cataclysm content; I doubt I'll get to the point of having the time to do any serious raiding or PVP, but are there any classes I should avoid playing right now because they downright suck? I was leaning toward being a hunter.
I had a lot of fun with Hunter in Cata, so no argument here. There's all kinds of awesome-looking beasts to tame now, plus it's one of the easiest classes to level (not that any are really difficult now). I wouldn't say any class really sucks, the only sticking point is DPS can take a lot longer to get a group in the random dungeon queue compared to a tank or healer. The Burning Crusade content feels really slow and sloppy compared to the rest of the leveling content, though, so be prepared for that.
I had a lot of fun with Hunter in Cata, so no argument here. There's all kinds of awesome-looking beasts to tame now, plus it's one of the easiest classes to level (not that any are really difficult now). I wouldn't say any class really sucks, the only sticking point is DPS can take a lot longer to get a group in the random dungeon queue compared to a tank or healer. The Burning Crusade content feels really slow and sloppy compared to the rest of the leveling content, though, so be prepared for that.
Outland sucks SOOO MUCH. I wish you could just skip past levels 60-70 and skip straight to northrend.

That said, I'll be unretiring again soon, and seeking to fill that new toon itch. Anyone have any awesome guilds they want to recommend before I just make yet another toon on moon guard?
The upside is the new Azeroth questing can get you to 59 or 60 depending on how many dungeons you get in along with it. I generally use Blasted Lands to finish off Azeroth, and end up level 60 by the time I head to BC. Once there I try to get all the dungeon quests asap and keep myself queued at all times, generally don't quest much until Nagrand as that's the easiest one to gather a shitload of quests and do them in one or two circuits of the zone. The second I ding 68 I move to Northrend, and things get a lot faster.
Nothing is faster leveling than Random Dungeon queing from 1-85.

Except Random Dungeon queing from 1-85 with heirlooms.

There's zero reason to deal with TBC if you don't like it.
Whenever I hit Outland I just run battlegrounds and dungeons until I hit 70. Rumors are that Outland will go through a revamp sometime though.
Is moving the BC quest givers into the dungeon an xpac thing, or have they done that already? I haven't leveled a character through BC in awhile. If the quest givers are in there then yeah, you don't even need to go to Outland anymore.
Is moving the BC quest givers into the dungeon an xpac thing, or have they done that already? I haven't leveled a character through BC in awhile. If the quest givers are in there then yeah, you don't even need to go to Outland anymore.
Yes they are all there, regardless of owning Cataclysm.
Oh, well in that case screw Outlands, you can get from 60-68 standing around in Stormwind queued for dungeons.
And you can do it in less than 1-2 days.

With heirlooms I was getting a level every dungeon to every other dungeon and the runs took no more than 20mins at a time.
The Pandaren dances have come out, and the tears coming from the haters are extra delicious.

They see me shuffling... they hating.
Was not expecting this. One step closer to just having a master community.

Cross-Realm Zones

The jist of it: Zones that have a low population will be able to dynamically pull in other players from other realms to fill it up seamlessly. This can also be used with RealID/Battletags, so you can group up with anyone regardless of server and quest around the world with them.
Not too shabby an idea, coming from someone who seems to consistently pick the most underpopulated realms in the game (not intentionally). However, I especially like this little tidbit:

Q. What about zones that are already overpopulated, like new race starting zones?

With this technology, we can also flag zones to allow for more than one copy of that zone per realm. Players on that realm will be split among those copies in order to alleviate problems due to overpopulation. Players won’t normally see or interact with those on a different instance of their zone, although joining a party will relocate all party members to a single instance of that zone.
Multiple instances of high-pop areas per realm is a very, very nice idea. Hopefully they can pull it off well, it'd be nice to avoid waiting in line to kill quest mobs.
It will be great for when MoP comes out, since that is often when each of the new zones is overflowing with people. Also be nice for major cities.
Loot will work like any other group looting situation, Auction Houses will rely on the player's home realm's auction house.
Not too shabby an idea, coming from someone who seems to consistently pick the most underpopulated realms in the game (not intentionally). However, I especially like this little tidbit:

Multiple instances of high-pop areas per realm is a very, very nice idea. Hopefully they can pull it off well, it'd be nice to avoid waiting in line to kill quest mobs.
Neat, SWTOR already does this, though I always thought it was a little too quick to split the population, as even big cities never seemed to have huge amounts of people in it.

I'm going to assume that populating zones from other realms will only allow realms of the same type. (RP, PVP, etc)
Neat, SWTOR already does this, though I always thought it was a little too quick to split the population, as even big cities never seemed to have huge amounts of people in it.

I'm going to assume that populating zones from other realms will only allow realms of the same type. (RP, PVP, etc)
Yep, unless you are grouping with RealID friends, in which case you will be in a zone that corresponds to the group leaders realm. (If you are on a PvE server, and your friend is on a PvP server, your friend as leader means you are in a PvP zone and vice versa.)
Can you imagine a global AH? Monopolizing goods would become nigh impossible. Something that fucking ruined my server's AH. One guy basically took over the whole thing.
Have I ever mentioned the time I made ~100k gold in a day?
Can you imagine a global AH? Monopolizing goods would become nigh impossible. Something that fucking ruined my server's AH. One guy basically took over the whole thing.
I agree, but we are still a bit off from something like that. This is just another step, so we will have to see where it goes for things like mailing, AH, etc...
I def. think I am going to need a Scroll of Rez once MoP is closer. Spending most of my time sewing right now though, so no time yet!
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