Chazwozel said:
No the Humanoid classification is very relevant, since it's probably for this reason that Blizzard acted so quickly on the bug. They don't want humanoid creatures as 'pets'.
Tell that to my upcoming Wolvar Orphan pet. :tongue:
You're making waaaay too many assumptions on blizzards intentions. For all you know, they're going to completely revamp the Holiday.
Blizzard said long ago that Hallow's End was one of the most complete of the Holidays. They are going to edit the ones that need work, like Noblegarden and the upcoming Thanksgiving, but much like Midsummer and Winter's Veil, they have no intention of editing a holiday that already works well and have great rewards. I think this is just a case of me having much more knowledge of Blizzard due to my forum browsing outside of this, by the looks of it many others don't keep up with bluetrackers.
Yes, for all I know they will shut down the servers tomorrow, really, you are making more assumptions then I am. My arguement has evidence and precedent, yours is "they can change it!". It does not really work that way.
And this brings up the "who knows" you get from data mining. Wait it out, see whats announced. As i said, no point in saying right now "Look at the new races!" That is simply silly.
Fair enough.
You're still ignoring some of the points others bring up. Sure, in the past, the masks have always been of player races, but as pointed out, Blizzard ideals change. This can easily just be a way of allowing the players a taste of getting to play the Goblins & Worgen. Something they've wanted for some time.
Issue is, they could have done that without adding the new textures, they even have multiple Worgen models they could use already. Blizzard does not normally update models unless the model is already horrible (the original ogre) or they are putting them into the sphere of playable (the blood elves got a total revamp for BC). These show new, unique textures point either to the fact Blizzard is going to revamp the Worgen completely, a silly idea since they just added new models, or they are trying to add them to playable.
Let's look at a lore standpoint and go along with the idea that these are future player races. What then? How would it happen?
The same way Draenei happened, they make a bunch of stuff up.
Goblins control all the neutral towns. I'd assume that would stay the same because Blizzard doesn't ever change past content to keep up with current story lines.
Goblin's were neutral in WarCraft 2 also by the Lore, the group that joined the Horde was under the command of a single "Trade Prince", the rulers of Undermine. All of the Goblin towns are owned by the Steamweedle Cartel, which will remain neutral and that will never change. However, who is to say any of the dozens of other Trade Princes, like the one selling all those Zepplins to the Horde over the Alliance, does not decide to join with them again?
What would bring the Worgen into current events? Blood Elves & Draenei were brought in to fight the burning crusade. Would Gobbos & Worgen just be added in, or has there really been enough lore (theoretically more powerful then Arthas) that would give reason to add in a Worgen epic line?
If the rumored expansion is the South Seas, then Gilneas and Undermine can be tied into the upcoming event that will happen, the Cataclysm. Thus, they would be pulled into the events and thus join sides, much like how the BE and Draenei did.
Really, you guys can believe I am making to many assumptions, but I have precedent. Can I be wrong? Yes, and we will see at BlizzCon, I just thought some people would actually be interested in seeing the possible new races. I guess I was wrong.