Wyrmrest Accord WoW Guild Sexy Fun Time.

For a bit I was thinking that having a requirement that high didn't make much sense, then I realized that they tuned the whole thing to be done without a tank or healer. Considering they can't tune it so low that high geared players destroy it with utter ease, they had to make a low end cap so that other groups were not going in and getting obliterated.
For a bit I was thinking that having a requirement that high didn't make much sense, then I realized that they tuned the whole thing to be done without a tank or healer. Considering they can't tune it so low that high geared players destroy it with utter ease, they had to make a low end cap so that other groups were not going in and getting obliterated.
And in the process completely left out a good chunk of the people who are coming back because they hated Cata. There is zero in game build up to this xpac, which just seems strange to me. Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come.
The excuse was that they wanted the team that normally makes these events instead continue working on MoP content.

They have a dedicated group pretty much handle events, like the holiday events and revamps, Darkmoon Faire, etc... They wanted to have a few events going into MoP, from new fishing events to a Pandaria based Beer Festival, and so the team was put to work focusing on that rather then a world event people would only see for two weeks.
Like you said, it's an excuse. You get one chance to make an impression. They aren't even trying with this xpac. They could always make MoP events later.
Like you said, it's an excuse. You get one chance to make an impression. They aren't even trying with this xpac. They could always make MoP events later.
"shrug" To be honest I find the expansion makes enough of an impression itself. I would love a world event but I am not really going to scream for one either, more so with how I spend more time right now just getting used to mechanic changes.
Simply going to have to disagree with you there Shakey I for one, even though I participated, found the pre-xpac events to be a nuisance and was glad they didn't do anything of that type this way around.

I'm very sure I'm not the only one.
I think the other pre-expac events were only a nuisance because that's how they made them. They don't have to be that way, and they didn't have to scrap them completely. Just seams lazy to me.
To be fair I do think they were lazy about it, they could have at least attempted to make the Theramore thing a little bit more then a Scenario Demo. I just don't think it needs to be up to the same level as the Scourge invasion or the cataclysm reclaim events.
I guess we'll see. It's not a huge deal. Just usually fun to take part in those things. If that's not a priority anymore, good to know.
I guess we'll see. It's not a huge deal. Just usually fun to take part in those things. If that's not a priority anymore, good to know.
We don't know if this is a one time deal to put more effort into MoP or a just the new way they do things. We won't know till the Burning Legion Redux expansion.
So it's either a rushed xpac or a change in how they handle them. Either way it sucks.

It really does seem like a good xpac, I'm not saying it won't be. They just kinda ruined what could have been a fun time with the pandaren.
Yeah, that was a blast! WTF was up with that rogue? So glad when he dropped out. With the exception of all y'all exploding with VanCleef, he's the only one who ever died, cause he was an idiot.[DOUBLEPOST=1347690187][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, now my set bonus gives me mana back with my riptide effect, which procs all the time... I already have crazy mana regen.

Oh, and Ravenpoe , you might want to try logging in, there was a recent update. Maybe it will fix your issues.
Fishing. First Aid, Mining, Cooking, Blacksmithing and Archaeology are 525 now. :p
Ah, I thougt you meant the guild.... wait, I thought that you couldn't get to 525 in archeology now untill MoP comes out... or did you hit max before the patch?
There's a post a few pages back that you can't get 525 since the update because nothing but MoP artifacts will increase your skill so that people couldn't stockpile current artifacts and race up to max archeology.
Blizzard changed their minds, so that the level 85 Fall of Theramore scenario opens now and goes up until the launch.
lol@the wait times, considering that roles don't matter, 14 minutes seems crazy. I wonder how many instances of this can actually be open at once.
Man, I was hoping for something battle of the Undercity-ish, but got a lot less. That was on horde side, maybe alliance will be better...
Pretty quick scenario on Alliance side. 5 parts to the scenario that took a total of about 20 minutes, maybe, and that's with just plowing right through everything without ever stopping.

I could see group makeup having a huge effect on the ease of scenarios like this.