I read the blog completely differently. My understanding, as limited as it is (I think I've read three of her posts...), is that the plan is thus:
Stage Two:
* 90% of male fetus's are aborted going forward.
* 10% males are chosen for the role of breeding. They
must have symmetrical features (no really, it's in her manifesto) and be in good health
* 90% of males are immediately castrated and over time they are terminated as womyn take their roles in society
Stage Three:
* Develop technology that permits two femyles to birth a femyle baby ( two X chromosome parents can only have an X chromosome baby - but
it doesn't and won't work anytime soon)
* Terminate all but 1% of remaining male population, which is kept around for breeding in case stage 2 has a problem
Stage Four:
* There is no stage four! In two easy steps, utopia is created and happily-ever-afterness is guaranteed!
They don't want to rule over males or enslave them, they simply want them to not exist, assuming that the docile females will have a perfect society since all the anger, war, and fighting in the world is due solely to male causes.
hey believe that when women fight it is due to the presence of men - they are fighting for a man, for instance. Indirectly they may be fighting over an item, but the item is something that the author can link to males in some way. Without men, women would never fight and would revert to their "natural" state of peace and happiness.
Notice that she skips stage one, where they somehow have to obtain enough power over men, worldwide, to start their dictatorship.