Yeah, few time's has Poe's Law applied so much.
This is literally the first reply to this thread. My reply! And did anyone brofist me?! Nooooo. Hmph. I'm taking my ball and going home!I cannot possibly brofist this enough. It's just that there's so much of it that I can't help but think that even dedicated parody artists would have given up long ago, or really put their back into it and created far more alluring graphics, charts, and incendiary material.
It's hard to believe, but Occam's razor still suggests that she's for real crazy, and not just a very elaborate joke.
Take both of them, and don't let her near either.I'm taking my ball and going home!
Of all of the troll feeding that goes on around here, this is, by far, my favorite. Not only are we feeding a troll, we're feeding a troll who isn't even a forum member and has never posted here. It's like being internet gods.Well, she's apparently reading our thread - or someone else is keeping an eye on us and passing along information to her.
I'm glad my point by point list is helpful. It can be hard to follow her ideals and plan without reading all her posts, I think she needs someone to boil it all down into a nice FAQ for her. A project manager would be a boon.
I don't know that we're hung up on the castration day, so much as it's the most flambouyant part of her plan. Everything else is just business, but ICD is a celebration! We're throwing a party, and everyone is invited. All businesses are closed, girls and women are expected to come and observe, and the males get to be the focal point of all this female - sorry, femyle - attention for several hours of genital surgery!
It's exciting which is why we're discussing it. You might say it's key to the whole plan, and sadly isn't going to be around as an ongoing festival - at least not once 99% of the men are gone. Though I hope she keeps it as a festival anyway, every revolution needs its observances and festival to remind people what they moved away from.
I'll read a few other posts later and see if there's opportunity for festivals and celebrations that aren't being utilized.
Also, because I don't want to have to search for it later, here's her reply to my step-by-step post:
That'd be funny if I didn't know that invading Mexico would be almost literally like invading the US. You guys would FLIP YOUR SHIT if anyone even raised their hand at us. Let alone the "holy shit, they're attacking our neighbor, which is RIGHT NEXT TO US!" which would be enough tactically to ensure full US Defense mobilization, we're too intrinsically tied economically, socially and culturally. Many people don't really step back and really see that, but I've had drunken talks about it with mexicans and americans. Think about it. We're like siblings that can't really stand each other and keep talking trash about one another, but if push EVER came to shove, we'd react like actual family members.
I'd be WAY more worried about someone having the balls to invade the US, cause then that would mean they don't give a fuck and Mexico would be an inevitable casualty of the ensuing chaos.
I read the blog completely differently. My understanding, as limited as it is (I think I've read three of her posts...), is that the plan is thus:
Stage Two:
* 90% of male fetus's are aborted going forward.
* 10% males are chosen for the role of breeding. They must have symmetrical features (no really, it's in her manifesto) and be in good health
* 90% of males are immediately castrated and over time they are terminated as womyn take their roles in society
Stage Three:
* Develop technology that permits two femyles to birth a femyle baby ( two X chromosome parents can only have an X chromosome baby - but it doesn't and won't work anytime soon)
* Terminate all but 1% of remaining male population, which is kept around for breeding in case stage 2 has a problem
Stage Four:
* There is no stage four! In two easy steps, utopia is created and happily-ever-afterness is guaranteed!
They don't want to rule over males or enslave them, they simply want them to not exist, assuming that the docile females will have a perfect society since all the anger, war, and fighting in the world is due solely to male causes.
They believe that when women fight it is due to the presence of men - they are fighting for a man, for instance. Indirectly they may be fighting over an item, but the item is something that the author can link to males in some way. Without men, women would never fight and would revert to their "natural" state of peace and happiness.
Notice that she skips stage one, where they somehow have to obtain enough power over men, worldwide, to start their dictatorship.
So what happens when lesbians fight?
can you post it for those of us who can't read twitter?[DOUBLEPOST=1358910980][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, because I don't want to have to search for it later, here's her reply to my step-by-step post:
passive aggressive? have you ever seen a womens rugby game. Downright viscious.I can see why we get hung up on ICD. I mean, the basic premise of the argument is that men are not in control of themselves and only women are. This is patently false and is based on several assumptions from a single strict world view. Do I agree that men have mucked things up? Oh hell yeah! Do I agree that male-dominated societies where the women are treated like dirt are barbaric? Oh yeah. Do I think there still needs to be great strides in our country for equalization of both pay and rights for women? Yup, but I further this to include homosexuals, transexuals and other "minorities" like African Americans and the Hispanic. But see, here's the thing - the ends don't justify the means.
Maybe she's right. Maybe a world dominated by women would be a veritable paradise. But I doubt it. Not sure how, but women would find a way to wag a war of passive aggression that is just as deadly. And no, I'm not falling back on the whole PMS thing. That's been overplayed and is just as dumb an argument as the whole "men can't control themselves" side. I'm falling back on the whole human nature thing. Without men, women would find themselves competing in the same arenas as the men are currently. Evolution suggests that they would begin to emulate the same actions and traits that made men so successful at it in the first place. So what began as an "altruistic semi-genocide", if there is such a thing, would end up doing absolutely nothing. Sure, it might take a while and she would obviously never see it, but it would happen.
What strikes me is the irony of the whole thing. She intends to do what she perceives men doing - and indeed taking it to the nth degree higher - and justifies it in exactly the same manner in which male-dominated societies justify the oppression of women. And she sees nothing wrong with this. It's this irony that makes the whole thing smell like Poe's Law.
You have not been selected to the breeding program. Please present your nuts for an emergency lopitoffame.I, for one, welcome our new femyle overladies.
I, for one, now have no intention of submitting to our new femyle overladies.You have not been selected to the breeding program. Please present your nuts for an emergency lopitoffame.
I believe the term Ovarylord can also be used.I, for one, welcome our new femyle overladies.
That's not necessarily true: one could argue that in the present situation of technological advance there is no real need for the agressiveness that male hormones create. The human race is already successful, they wouldn't need to emulate 'men's success'. And in any case, there is no single solution to a problem.[DOUBLEPOST=1358932116][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh god what am I doingEvolution suggests that they would begin to emulate the same actions and traits that made men so successful at it in the first place.
Oh, femitheist is definitely reading the thread and answering to specific posts on twitter! I'm going to bite and engage in conversation. If anyone wants me to stop, just tell me. Maybe I should take this directly to twitter?That's not necessarily true: one could argue that in the present situation of technological advance there is no real need for the agressiveness that male hormones create. The human race is already successful, they wouldn't need to emulate 'men's success'. And in any case, there is no single solution to a problem.[DOUBLEPOST=1358932116][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh god what am I doing
First of all, the very same argument (it's been said in this thread) can be used to argue that humanity should be wiped out, couldn't it? Anyway, I wasn't almost there in my previous post because it was something purely hypothetical. An academic discussion, if you will. To be convinced that the actual problem of humanity are male hormones I'd need to see the extraordinary evidence that supported such an extraordinary claim. After all, who's to say that the problem isn't more cultural than biological? How do you know that most of the agressiveness doesn't come from what you could call the values of patriarchal society? And even if it were a biological problem, human beings are known for overcoming nature through nurture, education, society. The most extreme position I can understand is talking about shifting the values of society to more 'feminine' ones (although I absolutely hate the wording). Yeah, I know that you must've been told that a thousand times. Write that FAQ or don't complainThat's the way Tegid @Halforums - You're almost there! (;
I could totally see myself being a gene spreader.
Stirring the pot! Wonder who this could be!I think someone has daddy issues....
Exactly! And if there were no daddies, then she would have had a much better life, right?I think someone has daddy issues....
Yes, we wouldn't want to offend the insane person you're trying to have civil discourse with. We all know how with logic and reason they will see the err of their idiotic assumptions and conclusions. Steiny, the only fun way to deal with a moron like this chick is to point and laugh. She's honestly no better than a member of the WBC or KKK. Would you give them your time and patience?Someone's trying too hard.
that's why you don't drink the water.Woah woah woah, no one shits on Mexico but us! It's on!
Much better than the Chaz you have to pay for.FREE CHAZ!
But what if he starts charging for DLC?Much better than the Chaz you have to pay for.