Yeek! Email at work.

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Staff member
Whoa. Very interesting.

[FONT=&quot]Please note the student listed above ( #########) has been expelled for safety reasons. Please see that he is cut off from all access, services, and contact. If he calls this institution, please refer him to Donna XXXXXXX. IF he is PHYSICALLY on campus, call 5000.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]If you know what this student looks like or know someone who does, please contact Mike XXXXX and provide the best description possible.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thank you for your immediate attention and response.[/FONT]
This also came with the following email:

[FONT=&quot]Team – [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Please take a moment to review the email below. A student has been expelled from the BU campus for safety reasons. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The student’s name and ID are listed below. As Dean XXXX identifies, if you know what this student looks like…or know someone who does…please contact Mike XXXXX to provide a description.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.[/FONT]
In other words, there's a dangerous guy running around who hates your organization. BUT WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE!!! :eek:


Staff member

Apparently he got caught cheating and started threatening people. Why he was not sent to the police is beyond me.

Wasabi Poptart

And my mind control brainwave deflector device :tinfoil3:

Oh, sorry. Late to the party. Doesn't this college have ids? I would think they'd have a picture taken that gets put on file.


Staff member

Boggles the mind, doesn't it? One of our directors has been trying to update our safety procedures. This might just help him get it done.

Boggles the mind, doesn't it? One of our directors has been trying to update our safety procedures. This might just help him get it done.
I'm in charge of this at our campus, and having a student photo on file is one of the basics. Even if it's just a single photo from the time they arrive (we do it every year, but still, a single photo is better than no visual representation).
Seems like an overreaction. But then, nowadays, threats are taken very seriously on campuses.
Speaking from a position of influence, we have no choice but to take every threat at least moderately seriously. If something happens and we don't warn people, then it's our fault. Best course of action usually is to inform people in a way that doesn't create a panic. Which, of course, is impossible.


Seems like an overreaction. But then, nowadays, threats are taken very seriously on campuses.
Depends on the severity of the threats and how badly the person in question was freaking out when he made 'em.


Problem is that (at least in my work) we have literally thousands of student at our community college. (one of nine campus) so if someone said they are going to "kill" "blowup" or "harm" anyone, we have to warn.

cause if we don't, we would be liable if the student DID follow on his/her threat.


Staff member
Worst part? As I was leaving I said something to the receptionist about it. Jokingly. Her response?

"What student?"

NOBODY TOLD HER!!! She's the first person everyone sees when they walk in!
Worst part? As I was leaving I said something to the receptionist about it. Jokingly. Her response?

"What student?"

NOBODY TOLD HER!!! She's the first person everyone sees when they walk in!
Well, did she not read her e-mail or did they not copy her on it. One is her fault, the other is not.
Ever since the Virginia Tech incident, my school has been a bit over-cautious about violence/trouble on campus. I guess it's better to be over-protective than laissez-faire.


Staff member
This guy is fucking nuts. I now know what he looks like and have his MySpace page. He's...deluded. As soon as I clean them up I'll be posting his entries for your enjoyment. Oh, and I think I'm going to scrub the name of my University from these posts so that this thread doesn't come up on any search engines...


Staff member
These are his posts in his MySpace blog. I'll put in the date and scrub out all identifiable stuff, but all spelling/grammatical errors are being left in.

November 9 said:
Just want to save a lot of people a headache if they are looking to go to school at XXXXXXX U.

They do have false advertizing about how low they are to attend classes, what they dont tell you is that each degree is about 25k but you still have another 15k before you actually get your bachelors degree because they have another 10 classes that have nothing to do with what you are studying.

This is the major problem that i had when taking classes there, I took computer networking classes, wanting to earn a degree in networking, but for the 8 classes that i had, I acutally never did anything in those classes that came close to working on computers, I did write 2 3 page papers a week and another answer question on the black board and then you had to reply to at least 2 post that really did not teach you anything other than people learned how to cut and paste information into the page.

When I brought this up to the adminiatration that I was not learning anything and was not happy, the teacher and her boss came back with lie that I cheated on writing my papers and failed me becuase they said that I plagerized them. Which I did not do, I wanted to see the dean about this issue and he was too busy to see me, but in an email he called me a cheater and a liar and that they were kicking me out of school and charging me the full 30k for all the classes, even though I was not going to get to take them

This was wring and pretty much defamation to my character, i took this to an attorney and I was told there was nothing that I can do, I was 1 person and they are a college, the jusge was going to take their words over mine. so I was screwed with nothing that i Can do about it, now i am in collections for the full 30k and I am screwed, so I am really considering moving to the street and living as a bum and pretty much saying screw it to everyone now.

I just wanted to post this to protect someone before they go to them or take their classes online, because you are going to be screwed and nothing that you can do about it, so whether you take my words to heart or not, i said my peace.
After this he's included 2 comments:

November 17 said:
Something new for those who has read this, Instead of talking to me, XXXXXX University just called the XXXXXXX police and tried to have me arrested for this blog, saying that I was defaming the colleges name. Go figure, they are nothing but a bunch of cowards and rip off artist and need to be shown for that.

They also hacked my myspace account and other accounts and tried to plant a virus in my computer, is this something a real college would do? no, they would take a moment to talk to that person, but choose not to talk to me and call me names and make threats, ok fine, here we go. I will post the link to a web site as soon as I get it up talking about all the lies XXXXXXXX U is telling prospective students.
November 17 said:
Another visit from the police, XXXXXXXX University is just now harassing me and nearly put my mom in the hospital this is just harassment from them.
The next are straight posts with no comments.

November 18 said:
Yesterday XXXXXXX U sent the police to my house not 1 time but 2 times and I am sxpecting the sherriff to show up today with a restraining order, because I am telling the truth about how they operate and they do not like the truth and want to shut me up, but the only way I am going to shut up now is they are going to have to kill me. This is not the only place that I am blogging now, I have 2 more sitest that are strictly for Omaha and nebraska people and they are going to the know that truth.

But after the 2 visits from local law inforcment I had to go to the emergency room last night with a mild heart attack and diarrhea and vomiting. I guess they are trying to kill me now and I am scared for my life. because I am going up against a corporation that lies and cheats and makes threats and I am only 1 person. Due to those visits they caused a lot of harm on my family members and my mother almost had to go tot he emergency room herself from the stress of these attacks that are coming from them

I know that they hacked my computer and my profile because this account was set up as private, but that is ok, because of this hack I have now opened this account up for all to read and to know the truth about how XXXXXXX U operates and treats people.

Please take this message seriously and know that they will do anything to shut people up and that is nothing short of murder, which is what I am expecting from them now.

Peace out.

Oh and if you are from XXXXXXX and you want to shut up, go ahead and just try and shut me up because you really have left is your threats and intimidation. I will not shut up and I will post my web sites link once i Have it up, with the real truth about XXXXXXX U and its education practices and lies that it tells students when they sign them up.
November 18 said:
Just got a phone call Threat

yes folks, just received a unlisted phone call on my cell phone telling me to back off or else, guess I got someone there worried about the truth. lol

I also just got a registered letter in the mail telling me that XXXXXXX is exspelling me because I am making threats and telling lies and being disrupted to their students. I am laughing really hard at that this because I am not disrupting anyone but hopefully just the students that were thinking of going to that school.

The last teacher made false accusations about me and said I was disrupted in classes, but there were no in classes and I was not disruptive in class. She accused me of plagerizing a paper, that I wrote and when I asked her to talk to me, she said she does not talk to cheaters and said I failed and all I did was post a comment on the board that stated that becareful when writing papers, because the teacher will not believe you if you turn a paper in and it comes back from turn it in as a plagerized paper. I sat there and wrote the paper and she refused to listen to me, I complained to her boss and she said so what, you cheated according to the website and I am not going to listen to you, you are a cheater. I tried the dean and he said the same thing as her and refused to see me, they kicked me out of class when I complained to the addmissions department and expelled me from school with no notification or anything. I was not allowed to argue my point, so fine, I do not want to attend a school that treats people that way. I contacted the Board of directors and they called me a liar and cheater and I think that is where the threatening phone call came form, but I cant say for sure, so I going to say fine, you want to scare me, go ahead and try.

This school has a serious problem and I just want to protect anyone considering taking online classes or just classes, you need to know the truth about them my sister took a few classes there as well and quit with the same problems that I had, false accusations and lack of learning in classes from teachers, and if they think that is disruptive, then I guess it is, but the truth is the truth and I will fight for my rights and the rights of everyone that is getting screwed by them.

Peace out

PS, just have to apologize about the spelling and stuff, I can write, but I have a time limit to get these things down or my internet explorer will time out, its strange how that works. lol
And the last one for now...

November 19 said:
Yep and intimitation attack on me last night

XXXXXXX University hacked my computer the other day and sent out a bunch of emails from my email account to their own employeees with vulgar language and threats, I found the hack and have seen fixed the problem, but the damage was done and I have no proof that they pulled this crap, but you have to believe me that I did not send any vulgar emails to anyone at XXXXXXX U. I did contact the Board of Directors and told them that I would use blogs and whatever means that I have to get the truth out and they called me disruptive. lol

Last night, I saw a black SUV parked around the block from my home and really paid it no attention, until about 9:45 when I took my dogs outside to let them do their business and this black suv with no license plates and tinted window pulled up the ally and rolled down the windows and two guys in black mask pulled 9mm with laser sites and aimed them at me and told me to stop blogging about XXXXXXX u or they would come back and kill my family. I guess I got someone on the Board of Directors worried about the real truth getting out there and they are now resorting to death threats. lol

I did not report this to the police or the phone call because what good would it do to call anyone, the police are in the pockets of the school and there is nothing I can do, I am not telling my parents about this either, because I do not want them anymore stressed out then they already are, but if XXXXXXX needs to go to this extreme, then they are getting scarred that my blogs are working, the funny thing is that no one was really reading the first blog, not as of yesterday I am up to 586 and have had 5 people already email me and say thank you for telling them the truth about the school and they will not be going there or allowing their children to go there.

Well, I will keep posting every day until they actually kill me and when I am not posting you will know the truth that I am dead,.

Peace out

Dude is totally paranoid cookoo-pants.


Staff member
I hope he gets the help before he snaps. But at least I know he won't be able to chase after anyone. He's kind of a tubby bastard.
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