Yeek! Email at work.

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So... your school DIDN'T hack his email and myspace and plant viruses in his computer and send fake profane emails from him, and send gun-toting assassins to threaten his family?


Staff member
5 minutes ago he posted this:

So life suck and death would be the best thing in the world, why not end it all. that is what I should do today, life does not mean a thing with nothing to look
I forwarded this to our security and hope they take this seriously.


Staff member
New blog post.

Hi readers,

so D XXXXXXX the Vice President for Academic Affairs at XXXXXXX University sent me the following letter.

" XXXXXXX University personnel and members of the Board of Directors have found your communications to be harassing, disrupted, obscene, and threatening in Nature, therefor you are to cease all communications about XXXXXXX University"

laughing my but off after I got this letter, so lets recap for D and J the board of director, because I know they are reading this and they are not going to scare me anymore.

Tuesday, sent the police to my house twice in about an hours and 1/2 time span trying to stop me from posting, but I have the freedom of speech and will post until they apologize to me. Not to mention, my computer and email was hacked by XXXXXXX University and all the real communications that I really sent was deleted and stuff was put in its place, that was flase, I deleted all this crap and since have fixed the hacking issue.

Wednesday, got a phone call from an unlisted number telling me to back off or else, later that night a black SUV pulls up in the ally while I have my dogs out and point guns at me and tells me to back off or they will be back to kill my family and dogs. I can let you guess who sent them.

Had a very mild heatattack from the stress of the personal attacks and threats from XXXXXXX univesity, but I am doing much better now and not too worried about them, because if something happens to me, the police have a my post now and the people that I think were involved in the gun threats, but I am not pressing charges, because I am better than them, I have honor and pride and I do not need to resort to death threats, I have my words and the truth, whether you want to believe me or not that is your choice, but the truth is here and what do I really have to gain by lying? as for them, they have a lot too lose, if students do not sign up, they can lose 30k per student so they are more motivated to shut me up with death threats, than I am to make threats. They do not like the truth being told about them, so they are resorting all they can and will do.

Dear reader, if you want to leave me a comment and let me know what you think and if you would attend a school that lies to you and then resorts to these tactics to shut you up? I would ask that you show me respect though and do not leave stupid comments or make fun of me, if you have nothing nice to say, then keep it to yourself, but I know that they are reading these post now and I have over 650 readers yesterday and I am really interested in hearing peoples views.

Peace out.

---------- Post added at 11:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------

---------- Post added at 11:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 AM ----------

I figure if he really has gone to the news and gone public about this then his picture is now public domain and I can post it.


I hope he gets the help before he snaps. But at least I know he won't be able to chase after anyone. He's kind of a tubby bastard.

Why would a University charge you the full semester if they kick you out? They usually just match up the time you took and charge that.

Oh so many logic loopholes in those posts it's kinda sad.
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