I neglected to do my bi-weekly weigh in this past week because things have been CRAZY at work. I've also not worked out in two weeks for the same reason. I'm pulling 11+ hour days at work. I've had to get a $50 cab ride home from work at 5:40am just so I'd have time to shower,change and get back to work for 9am.
But, I have my obligations, and weight updates is one of them, so my belated bi-weekly weigh in was performed today. Down another 1.4 lbs. That's 9.6 lbs since the start.
Given that I have hardly worked out over the past week, I probably have this past Friday's bout of food poisoning to thank for the 1.4 lbs.
Things at work should be finally easing up this week, and then I'm back at this hard. Still well on track to reach my goal. Two more months to lose just 10.4 lbs.