Your advisement if we discovered a less advanced Alien Culture?

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Staff member
... why do I feel like I am the only one who wants to obey the Prime Directive :(
possible because it only exists to be broken?

---------- Post added at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------

But he's right.
Yes, if we don't kill the gays they will kill us... there's no other alternative.

The argument is retarded unless we're talking about a race that somehow still has the power to destroy us even if we reduce their numbers to the minimum required for a viable gene pool or there's some sort of convoluted reason why one can't live if the other does, both of which are very unlikely situations.
This so much. I understand a need to fight and subjugation, but why would we need to genocide a species that is light-years away in cold space? Aren't we better than mere "survivors by violence" anyway?

And I was all for getting my bone on.
Oh, you know that there'll be plenty of alien sex in between the genocide...
Aliens/Human sex are unatural and against GOD WILL!


Yes, if we don't kill the gays they will kill us... there's no other alternative.
Apparently according to the plot, human race -> on its way to extinction if we don't get more unobtanium. So huh, sounds about right.

I like how you switched it to gays suddenly. Very red herring of you. 0/10.
Travel down to the surface and show off our technology, so they worship us as gods.

Have them build giant shrines and temples dedicated to us.

Then use the giant temples as breeding grounds for dangerous creatures we can hunt for sport.

Sell movie rights to Michael Bay.


Yes, if we don't kill the gays they will kill us... there's no other alternative.
Apparently according to the plot, human race -> on its way to extinction if we don't get more unobtanium. So huh, sounds about right.

I like how you switched it to gays suddenly. Very red herring of you. 0/10.
Waaait, so the gays aren't going to doom us to extinction by their continued existence?

Are you suggesting that Jack Chick is wrong, boyo?

Gill Kaiser

Yes, if we don't kill the gays they will kill us... there's no other alternative.
Apparently according to the plot, human race -> on its way to extinction if we don't get more unobtanium. So huh, sounds about right.

I like how you switched it to gays suddenly. Very red herring of you. 0/10.
You kind of started it by bringing up Orson Scott Card.

Anyway, there's been plenty of Prime Directive advocation here. Me and a few others were all for leaving them alone. I guess I wouldn't be adverse to some kind of 2001 Monolith breadcrumb trail arrangement, since it can't hurt them and its actuation precludes a certain level of social and technological advancement on their part.


Staff member
Yes, if we don't kill the gays they will kill us... there's no other alternative.
Apparently according to the plot, human race -> on its way to extinction if we don't get more unobtanium. So huh, sounds about right.

I like how you switched it to gays suddenly. Very red herring of you. 0/10.
You kind of started it by bringing up Orson Scott Card.


who is that? and what he has to do with it?
Yes, if we don't kill the gays they will kill us... there's no other alternative.
Apparently according to the plot, human race -> on its way to extinction if we don't get more unobtanium. So huh, sounds about right.

I like how you switched it to gays suddenly. Very red herring of you. 0/10.
You kind of started it by bringing up Orson Scott Card.


who is that? and what he has to do with it?[/QUOTE]

He's an anti-gay lobbyist/sci-fi writer.

I guess he believes that all gay people are the products of abuse and molestation and that gay marriage will be the destruction of society and he's part of the board of directors for the Nation Organization for Marriage ( He's a dick.
The fact that he is bigoted doesn't change the fact that he is one of the greatest sci-fi writers of the last century.

I agree with the quote about Ender. If it comes down to us or them, which is unlikely sure, but still I will choose us.


The fact that he is bigoted doesn't change the fact that he is one of the greatest sci-fi writers of the last century.

I agree with the quote about Ender. If it comes down to us or them, which is unlikely sure, but still I will choose us.
The corollary, of course, is that you have to do your damndest to ensure that there isn't a third option - and there usually is.


Staff member
The fact that he is bigoted doesn't change the fact that he is one of the greatest sci-fi writers of the last century.
Also being one of the greatest sci-fi writers, it doesn't change that he is a bigoted. Praise his writting skills if you must, it doesn't make him any less a bad person.

I agree with the quote about Ender. If it comes down to us or them, which is unlikely sure, but still I will choose us.
The corollary, of course, is that you have to do your damndest to ensure that there isn't a third option - and there usually is.[/QUOTE]

Back on topic? Yes, it is hard to believe that complete genocide would be the only option in any realistic cenario.


... why do I feel like I am the only one who wants to obey the Prime Directive :(
Because the Prime Directive is bollocks.

A policy of non-interference is, frankly, hubris in my never-humble opinion.
Yes, if we don't kill the gays they will kill us... there's no other alternative.
Apparently according to the plot, human race -> on its way to extinction if we don't get more unobtanium. So huh, sounds about right.
And we all know that them giving it to us willingly and genocide are the only options... if only they had taken the shiny beads... (the plot works as long as they just stick to taking the stuff by violence, with no planned extermination).

I like how you switched it to gays suddenly. Very red herring of you. 0/10.

Travel down to the surface and show off our technology, so they worship us as gods.

Have them build giant shrines and temples dedicated to us.

Then use the giant temples as breeding grounds for dangerous creatures we can hunt for sport.

Sell movie rights to Michael Bay.
Watch as he gets sued into oblivion by George Lucas.

Aliens/Human sex are unatural and against GOD WILL!
And i'm sure everyone will be condemning it while having their half-alien kids do house chores instead of working the fields/mines etc.


The fact that he is bigoted doesn't change the fact that he is one of the greatest sci-fi writers of the last century.
Even if he is a bigot (which I was previously unaware of), it does not mean he cannot be right. It just means that most of his views will be slanted.

Yes, if we don't kill the gays they will kill us... there's no other alternative.
Your statement, not mine. I am describing a scenario similar to Ender's Game, either we die off, or we eliminate them. Gays do not fall into that category, unless you happen to be one of those people who believe homosexuality is a transmittable disease that is going to 'destroy society as we know it'. I certainly don't believe so, so bringing up gays in this thread is completely unnecessary.

I apologize for bringing Avatar into this thread, when this is clearly supposed to encompass a larger spectrum of scenarios. My thoughts on a race that has no warlike intentions towards us, whose eminent destruction is not key to our survival (AKA not Ender's Game nor Avatar) is that we should mentor them in such a fashion that does not create an African scenario. We will become their teachers and their mentors, and in time, perhaps they can become our friends.
I dunno, I think the Eternal Doctrine method of species interaction is safest for us.
How many people on here do you think get that reference without looking it up? I'll admit, it's probably higher than the population at large, but still, even with your avatar, it's damned obscure!
Honestly, I'd like humanity to take the smart path and just tell em we are there and help then learn things that are on their level, respect their culture and only open up trade that is benificial to us and them both.

In all reality, I find it hard to believe humanity will ever unite under a single banner. So it'll probably end up a mining colony of one of Earths factions and will be fought over / be destroyed sooner or later.

I mean, just look at Africa and the insane amount of mistakes we've made there in the past and are still making to this day. There is no way humanity is up for a peaceful coexistance with a species that can't put up a serious fight.


We'll get in a war with them and as long as we don't kick each other's asses too much or do too many terrible things, eventually it'll cool down and we'll be like, "Fine. You guys can stay. Just don't like...mess too many things up ok?"

Think Mass Effect, the Human-Turian war.
Yes, if we don't kill the gays they will kill us... there's no other alternative.
Your statement, not mine. I am describing a scenario similar to Ender's Game, either we die off, or we eliminate them. Gays do not fall into that category, unless you happen to be one of those people who believe homosexuality is a transmittable disease that is going to 'destroy society as we know it'. I certainly don't believe so, so bringing up gays in this thread is completely unnecessary.
So my point only works if ether me or you is Orson Scott Card?! Oh yeah, i'm standing by it.


I'm terribly sorry that you agree with him, but I guess I can't change your opinion.
I dunno, I think the Eternal Doctrine method of species interaction is safest for us.
How many people on here do you think get that reference without looking it up? I'll admit, it's probably higher than the population at large, but still, even with your avatar, it's damned obscure![/QUOTE]

Yeah, I know, I figured, maybe Heaven will notice, no one else.

Gill Kaiser

I think the 2001 aliens had the right of it. Leaving stepping stones that can only be detected once a race has become sufficiently advanced is a great way of combining some aspects of the Prime Directive with some chance of making friends with another species.
I remember reading a synopsis somewhere about the race that seeded life on Earth coming back and telling us that they where disappointed in our ability to make war... then the whole world disarms etc.... and it turns out they where disappointed that our ability to make war wasn't greater.
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